messages to cym:
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from manda-z :
Kim if your talking about me reading this diary yes I did, but I only found out about it after Jay from Future Shop told Patrick and he started reading it. The only reason I would read it was because I wanted to amke sure Patrick was doing okay, and I was worried about him. Patrick has been reading it since before you were even in the tech room, and so has Jay. I didn't realize there was a code to blogs so I'm sorry if I violated it. I have no malice against you and think you are a very cool person. I'm only explaining where I'm coming from. I'm sorry you felt you needed to delete all your entries and start a new blog. If you would have contacted me personally I would have respected the fact you didn't want me to read the blog anymore. Amanda
from completeliar :
you were born to create goodness as well as evil. you cannot deny your fate
from pornoviolent :
ambien + get free + half coke/half dr pepper + trouble at home + broken relationship = me, high, sort of high, sort a drunk, screaming YOU GOTTA MOVE OUTTA CALIFORNIAIAIAIIAAIIIAIAAA!!!!!! asrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh yeah yeah yeahgetmefar
from themarassa :
From BC?!?! Even better. I am from BC (South Okanagan) but got married and ended up in Louisiana. I'm always pleased to make the acquaintance of anyone who 1) speaks normally-noo doot aboot it, eh?-, and 2) knows what poutine is. Thanks for letting me add you.
from themarassa :
I just stumbled across you and liked you for oh so many reasons, not the least of which is that you appear to be Canadian (or a good facsimile of Canadianness). Mind if I add you?
from austinliz :
Come on! Encino Man! He was sooo cute! And his show on MTV, Totally Pauly! That was awesome! I defend my Pauly Shore experience, damnit!
from austinliz :
Thanks, yo :) I appreciate it!
from chalupagrrl :
I'm sorry to hear about this break-up. I agree it is a terrible feeling, but it will pass. It's the between now and then part that sucks, but I promise it will out work out in the long run. Plus, men.. hmpf! They are not understandable.. it's kind of a law or something. If you really wanted to be mean you could always try to charge him, his portion through the end of the lease or until a replacement is found. =) ~leeah~
from tessarex :
Hey, I'm really sorry about the shabby way that Cretes broke up with you. It doesn't make any sense other than that he's a coward. I'm sure that his 'coolness' over the phone is just a facade to make him sound like he's in control. Things will be hard, but as the weeks go on it'll be easier to deal. And bills will be lower with a person out of the house. Talk to ya later, Tess~*
from zerom3ph :
hey it's all about nightcrawler, so happy they managed to squeeze him in the movie.

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