messages to cynicist:
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from woahtotally :
i miss you
from woahtotally :
*waves* I hope you're ok grrl. You should eat. I don't know what's going on with you but i had this horridly bizarre dream that you lost both your legs through meningitis when they had to be amputated. And we went to see RockyHorror at a theatre with a strange seating layout and we were meant to be in seats 71 and 72 but you wanted to sit near joni and chris and co but i was somewhat lawabiding and couldn't be doing with all the stressful people who's seats you'd stolen yabbering on so i went and accidentally destroyed part of the set (it was a wig that looked like a chair) and then got invited to go sit with a load of blue-and-purple haired lesbian old ladies who pushed over a load of doll-like-little-grrls so i could sit down with them. And then there was something about popcorn and Ikea and christmas shopping. I'm still a bit freaked out by it all. But you having stumps and prosthetic legs was the strangest. We were in a zoo and you were wheeling around in a mini-circular-baby-walker-wheelchair (?!) and then you magically attached your legs that you kept stored in a large backpack. They could fold somehow... Hmm... Anyway. The dream seemed ominous. Watch out for your limbs baby! PennyLane x
from woahtotally :
oh hello you! how freaky!
from woahtotally :
Please don't start smoking cigarettes baby...
from selfattack :
I'm not saying I know how you feel. But I've been close to the way you've described lately, and for quite a while now. The thing, I think is to try and be curious about things, without letting anything matter too much. If nothing is too important, then you lose that sense of futility, because you're not trying to get anywhere, but in fact you don't need to. {I think I probably haven't helped much...}
from woahtotally :
Baby? Are you alright? You sound majorly fed up. I wish i could be there to take care of you or maybe just so we could go out and do stuff. All i've done is talked about me me me AGAIN recently. I'm so selfish. I didn't even see what happened to you... Please just ring me if you want to talk. I hate the fact you're so far away where i can't do a thing to make you feel better. Take care grrl. I love you!
from woahtotally :
ARGH! I was in the process of writing an email to you! I just read ur diary and hoped you were still online. Why oh why dont you have MSN!! It's stunting our communication!! E-mail me to my uni address. We can *whispers* talk...
from waterwisdom :
erm, hello, i just thought i'd tell you that i've been reading your diary, so many of the things you say make sense...i love your style of writing, too, and you listen to good music. just thought i'd say hello. --abby
from woahtotally :
You went to Rick's house...? I feel like i'm floating. I was so incredibly out of it last night. I have so much to tell you grrl...
from woahtotally :
The Manics might be playing T in the Park. Can we go anyway? Lets just get tickets and not care who's on. It's gonna be ace anyway... And bring journo-boy, and whoever else. And i think some uni people are coming too. And when are you coming down to stay grrl!!
from woahtotally :
Hey baby. I locked my diary because long-hair-ryan was reading it and he was creeping me out. I don't want him to know what i've been doing and what i'm thinking! I don't even know how he got the address. So anyway. Username - rockstar Password - pennylane
from woahtotally :
Methinks you have been neglecting your diary. And even though we're both home from university - i still feel out of touch with you. Tell me what you've been up to grrl!?
from woahtotally :
Baby!! No!! Down with non-pretentious pub-rock music journo critque! Do you know how much you sound like my ex-boy? Pleeeease develop/steal a credible amusing 'boy looked at johnny' style or something! I so have to send you some of chris's articles cos they're almost bloody indentical! I love you ... but you can write better!! Ooh i sound horrid. Don't hate me. I'm just passionate and stressed...
from woahtotally :
*sniff sniff* you never even mentioned me... don't forget me please?
from woahtotally :
You smoked weed...? Tut tut! Don't do drugs...! Not without me anyway grrl! And also - I really really miss you! Get your arse back in the country soon. And i don't care if you're having a great time! *me me me*
from intheory27 :
Countless thank you's for taking the time to complete my survey. :)
from woahtotally :
Hey Nat. Hope you are alright. I kinda miss you! See you um...tomorrow. Love you loads. *mwah*
from woahtotally :
*hugs* Are you alright? You or something. I need you too. I dont know what I'll do without you...*stay beautiful*
from woahtotally :
Love the whisk poem. I forgot about that...(and sorry Dave, but you were sooo my best friend first...:p)....and I feel totally immature and stuff....but I dunno...oh BLAH!!
from woahtotally :
Aarrrgh Aarrrgh! No! The rabbit teeth picture!! How come none of those pictures make me look nice?! U look really pretty in the one from the murder mystery night. Everyone else looks freaky! DK looks plain scary in his monk costume with half his head hidden! Seeing them made me laugh though. Im sat in IT just laughing at the screen...stopping...then remembering and laughing again. Cool anyway. Thanks...*exits*
from woahtotally :
Maybe we *are* soul mates baby...? I doubt anyone else thinks most of the stuff we do...And keep it up with the lyrics. Only throw stuff away if you're really unhappy with it. Keep stuff for me to write music to!! We need to be a Nicky/Richey partnership. And I dont mind who I And our diaries always like say basically the same stuff, in a different way. It made me laugh...Um...well...*stay beautiful* (i sooo nicked that)
from woahtotally :
Actually...i just took the letters off and it doesn't look too bad. It's kinda a grey white effect for the 'White Trash' bit...and the E sorta dissappeared...but it looks quite cool actually...sorta tie-dyed. Anyway...u can be the judge...! Luv *semi-pissed-off-me*
from woahtotally :
TOPSHOP T-SHIRTS ARE A LOAD OF CRAP!! I'm really sorry nat...but your t-shirt got kinda messed up. Blame bloody Topshop! The t-shirts are faaar to all the paint kinda soaked through and the letters don't look like the letters. I am sooo pissed off! I'm really sorry. I'm sure we could do something about stencil letters over the top in another colour or tippex it or bleach it! Argh!! So i dont think it will be ready for tomorrow. I'm so mad at myself, and Topshop...!!! Black and white obviously don't work when spray painting...on freaking TOPSHOP shoddy clothing!!! *don't hate me please...*
from cynicist :
Hey i know this is actually *you* but it's not...its *me*...Ha ha! Anyway...hope you like your new template things...and your title thingy too...if u wanna change i'll show u how...anyway. See you around...*mwah*
from woahtotally :
Nat? I guess u didnt change your password then. Cos i just tried and it didnt work. But if u change it and email me, then i'll do ur template and stuff for you..*exits*
from woahtotally :
OH MY GOD!!! The T-shirts are AMAZING!!! really really really impressive...i am just...really amazed and...yeah! Wow. Wait 'till u see them! *calm calm calm* WE'RE A MESS OF EYELINER AND SPRAY PAINT...!!!
from woahtotally :
Thanks Nat...*blushes* Oooh and i just had my first driving lesson...and i got to drive!! And i kinda almost nearly hit a car...ha ha! Cya soon...(and america sounds fun, and i'll tell u about templates tomorrow) *exits*
from woahtotally :
*mwah* at Nat. Hey! I read your diary too! And second Hey, I was your best friend 1st!!! And now i suddenly feel really childish...:S But your mine! I want to keep you... *blushed, looks embarrassed and exits*
from notquiteoct :
hey i read it.
from cynicist :
This is a test to see if my notes page is working, which it probably will, but im trying anyway...adios!

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