intheory27 @ diaryland

Lani, 25, Boston-bound, degrees in English, would-be critic, Times New Roman adversary, booksnob.

[Now unlocked. Play nice.]

My favorite diaries:

evolver profile - diary
comments: you have to live for yourself. you have to love fully and without obligation. you have to love what you do. try to remember.
memnoch-thed profile - diary
comments: Let the clouds tickle your heart and falling leaves tickle your face. A breeze is blowing from the north into my dreams.
trendymatt profile - diary
comments: Things don't look so bleak when there's less clouding your vision.
fellbehind profile - diary
comments: Where my favorite songs weren�t about broken dreams, broken promises, and broken hearts.
crayon profile - diary
comments: especially you in the red.
charmcity profile - diary
comments: I realize this and suddenly know that I'm happy. I'm not pretending anymore.
guildenstern profile - diary
comments: Sometimes, just to imagine that things are actually as they are is an almighty flight of fancy. Be grateful.
fourbysix profile - diary
comments: It's also like watching a part of yourself that has been buried somewhere deep inside, for maybe forever, come out for just a little glimpse through someone you care a lot for.
perferated profile - diary
comments: My shower-head still drips constantly and I still get heartsick occassionally, but all in all things are looking up.
anothermatch profile - diary
comments: For my own sake. As I remember starting anew.
mousepoet profile - diary
comments: i looked at the darkening, purpling sky i swore i saw Venus and Jupiter and Mars most of all leaning in to say i got next.
mi-contra-fa profile - diary
comments: Centuries of claiming down the stars and the moon on behalf of people who don't want the burden of carrying them.
throwingjuly profile - diary
comments: a moment, one moment that rises up to overwhelm your rationality and words, then rushes down into your stomach, clinging with the tenacity of an invader claiming a throne not rightfully won.
luckbalady profile - diary
comments: The sodium-infused flush of streetlights, houses, and emergency vehicles light up the sky tonight.
timpression profile - diary
comments: The poets hold the ritual of blank pages / long-dry ink pools in the margins / and drips back into the wells
unimark profile - diary
comments: thinking about how i blended into concrete in my hooded sweatshirt ... where does art come from?
so-then-what profile - diary
comments: Because no one ever wins the pain olympics. Ever.
nosuperman profile - diary
comments: untill then, i can be a dork and live in my girly moment of the day and be excited about the sugar and fish swimming in my stomach.
parsimony profile - diary
comments: Nothing says MC like lunch over West Wing on Bravo and random Diaryland entries. :-)
sinnergi profile - diary
comments: These are the conditions that come along with taking risks, though�and sometimes you just have to take a chance.
lightfallsup profile - diary
comments: i'm mostly only a series of things thought about and experienced. i am the gibberish of these stories.

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last updated: 2007-12-11 16:29:26
this user's total entries: 855
user since: 2002-01-20

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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