messages to intheory27:
(click here to add new message):

from fourbysix :
I'm not sure if you use this anymore, Lani, but hello, I hope you've been well =)
from guildenstern :
Well, you say that, BUT! I have found that, on the basis of the rare occasions when I have endeavoured to keep an actual journal, thoughts transcribed in it may as well be lost forever, inaccessible as they become when cast adrift in a sea of what I will a year or two later recognise as unreadable self-indulgent mewling. It's like Dracula hiding his wallet behind a mirror.
from guildenstern :
Introspective rambling is always interesting, but I for one don't have enough of it to be able to squander it on a diary. Every single thought I ever have needs to be carefully hoarded as fodder for the great novel/essay collection/sonnet sequence I'm going to one day write. Like nuts! Yes. Nuts.
from guildenstern :
Do you have a destination in mind to decamp to? Diaryland is fine and all, but I haven't been writing anything which even remotely resembles a diary for years now.
from guildenstern :
On blowing out the 100 candles (to a light ripple of appreciative applause from gathered reporters), Clark attributed his extraordinary longevity to a lifetime of "not attracting the baleful, psychotic stares of manual workers with flippant, essentially ironical questions".
from guildenstern :
I forgot to ask him if he went into meter reading for the poetic excitement, or maybe he just stared at my switchbox with such a disproportionate level of unwaveringly eerie rapture for such a long time that I didn't say anything then or, indeed, ever again.
from guildenstern :
I thought about bursting in on him the next time he was checking someone's electricity and interrupting him with a reading of one of my poems, but I didn't think he'd get it.
from guildenstern :
All my friends ever say when I'm writing something is "Hey, what's the big idea..." and occasionally "Why, you..." Someone once knocked on my door, which I was very excited about, but they just wanted to read my electricity meter: a latter-day person from Porlock.
from guildenstern :
Well, naturally I'd like to see your writing when you've got to the stage where you're comfortable enough with it to be able to show it to people without submerging it beneath countless provisos about what you intend to do but haven't done yet. (See, I know what it's like.)
from guildenstern :
What kind of fiction do you actually write, anyway? I haven't seen any of it. (Unless your entire life to date has been an elaborate lie.)
from guildenstern :
I have actually started to come back to fiction too (reading, not writing) after long dalliances with non-fiction. Thus ends (for now) the interval during which I supposed real people to be as interesting as made-up ones.
from guildenstern :
I am very well, thank you! Rediscovering poetry -not my own, other people's- but hopefully my own eventually.
from guildenstern :
I do appreciate your kind comments, you know, there's not much in the way of peer review when you live in small-town Scotland. I trust all is well with you?
from guildenstern :
Just the thing I needed to hear, as I wasn't sure about it myself. Many thanks.
from danddteacher :
Happy 25th! I'm glad to hear it was a good one - my family forgot my 25th birthday. But it's all good - I've survived to 30! *L*
from rubenlane :
Thanks (belatedly) for stopping by my diary. I hope everything works out for you. I'm facing a similar dilemma right now while attempting to move to Chicago to further my theatre career. Good luck, don't ever give up.
from parsimony :
I wish I had something more encouraging to say other than to note that I feel your pain, having done a full seven months at two minimum wage jobs for up to fourteen hours a day. It was the most exhausting experience of my life; looking back on it, it's no wonder that I fought off a terrible cloud of depression. I had no time for simply enjoying life, and I have no earthly idea how people survive (let alone raise children on) this kind of lifestyle long-term. At the very least, I think that the experience will make it all the more sweeter once you finally achieve something even remotely close to your goals. That's what I'm hoping for, anyway.
from parsimony :
Thanks for the kind words. I have had such awful luck every time I go to a job interview and tell them that I have a degree in psychology; it's the complete opposite of everything I've ever been told about not needing a specific degree. I was hoping that working at Borders would be a helpful through way into a book-related career, and I'm willing to stick it out there for a while if that's the case. It's just that I hate feeling so unproductive. Regardless of whether or not I end up going to graduate school, I'm not going to be able to leave this area for a little while yet. My thinking was that if I could at least take some classes while I'm here, it would help me get some more experience/qualifications. I was initially under the impression that I could take English classes without the gen ed requirements, but they waited until the last possible moment to tell me otherwise. I'm stuck in a crappy place and I just can't seem to figure out how to get out of it. It just starts to get to you after a while, you know?<p>And I'm fine with giving people coffee and reminding them of my name. I do it for twenty hours a week as it is. :)
from guildenstern :
I expounded a theory to a friend recently that, so far as media goes, smart people are technically an oppressed minority, and that if DVD rental stores were as careful to avoid stocking movies about black or gay culture as they are to eschew anything that could conceivably be called 'art', it would be called discrimination. The only thing to be done is to bite the bullet, buy R&G, and inflict it upon everyone you ever meet. That way at least people don't look painfully confused when you respond to their questions with "Rhetoric! Love-one!"
from evolver :
Or maybe not... they'll be back-dated, and I seem to remember when I did that with my blog proper I didn't spam the hell out of you. Good deal. Thighs are up! :D
from evolver :
Hahaha, oh yes, the movie reviews are going to show up in your blog aggregator. Well, I was doing a test run last night and making sure I like all the formatting, so note well: a) real reviews for both those movies will feature delicious pictures of our hawt professor-types in Bourne and Finney's thighs in Two for the Road; b) reviews are coming from a movie message board with lots of in-jokes and references to other posters not likely to make sense till I edit them; c) when I get this all fixed up nice I'm going to move all my mini-reviews from the last four years to my blog to finally get them in one place, so your aggregator is going to be FULL. Apologies in advance. :)
from guildenstern :
Ha! The only reason I became a librarian was so that I could finally afford both dinner AND literature; or, at least, afford the former whilst bilking the country out of the latter. And in a perfect world everybody would have their OWN books, meaning I'd be at the bottom of the ocean along with the lawyers. So the current dystopia's just fine by me, thanks.
from guildenstern :
I'm afraid the circles I move in know more about cleansing plates than palates; and, from the current look of my kitchen sink, not so much even about that.
from guildenstern :
I just read Martin Amis use the same palate-cleansing-lemon-sorbet-literature metaphor in "The War Against Clich�". Is this a more common cultural meme than I realised? Am I moving in the wrong circles entirely?
from parsimony :
Sometimes it is beyond eerie how alike our minds work. I heard the same interview this afternoon and made a mental note to add Shoot The Widow to my reading list (once I finish The Corrections, of course, which I am currently plowing through for the first time in some sort of fateful twist), and I've always wished I had the time and resources to be a genuine biography junkie. I haven't jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon yet, simply because I've never been able to get into any kind of fantasy literature. I'm dragging my feet on that one for a little while longer. At any rate, I've always been attracted to the books that feel as if they could've been written about me, the ones whose narrators and characters seem to echo my thoughts, the ones that leave me emotionally drained and renewed in the same breath. It seems like such a clice, but whenever I read these kinds of books, regardless of their degree of "literature," I feel like I'm learning a little more about who I am.
from parsimony :
In all honesty, Borders is a fantastic place to work. It's only $7 an hour (but probably more up in your area), but the benefits are great. I'm part-time and I get health insurance, a 33% discount on books, and a retirement plan if I wanted it. The benefits are obviously stronger for full-time employees. I work mostly in the cafe since I don't have much retail experience, but I do get to work on the floor occasionally. As long as we're not busy, you walk around, making jokes in your headset and shelving books. When you are busy, it's usually just walking the customer to the appropriate shelf and recommending other titles to them, then ringing them up. The customers aren't bad; I've been there eight months now and haven't had any particularly scarring experiences. My managers are all incredible, and most of my coworkers are great. The only real downside is that it is part-time retail/food service work and it doesn't solve the whole "I'm broke" problem.
from parsimony :
Oh dear, I feel like I could have written this entry. How many times have I had the same type of conversation with my father, because I can't seem to explain that I would rather find a job that pays me no money to do something I absolutely love than to work at something I don't care about just because I can make a lot of money. I would much rather wait to find something that makes me genuinely happy than end up a cranky and miserable middle-aged man like him. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to be incredibly impatient getting there. Hang in there, sister, Boston's just around the corner!
from guildenstern :
Two things. 1) Unfashionable as it may be to say this, your mother is right: you are too hard on yourself. Virtually no-one knows what they want to do at 24, let alone be in a position to actually do it. Not much consolation, and nothing you didn't already know, but true nevertheless. 2) When you actually get to do what you want to do and be what you want to be it won't always feel different from right now: anything that's worth doing or being will have long, unglamorous stretches of hard work and self-doubt and depressing outcomes and icky compromises. And it's not necessarily easier to bear these things just because you're enduring them in a cause you care about: much of the time it's worse because you know exactly what's at stake and how much it matters to you and to everybody else. You have talent and sensibilities, and something will come along any moment which will turn everything on its head, be it a job or a person or a poem. You just have to stop beating yourself up about the fact that there's not much you can do to make these things happen any faster: all you can really do is be prepared for them when they do arrive!
from parsimony :
Would you mind sharing the password with me?
from nosuperman :
you've joined the world of a locked diary. It makes me quite sad, though I understand the purposes. P.S. Can I read?
from danddteacher :
When you're logged into D-land... the menu on the left... last option under "Other Stuff" is "lock or unlock your diary"... it'll walk you through... if you do lock, can I have the key?
from what-stars :
Thank you. Thank you very much.
from parsimony :
I love how quiet it gets when it snows. It's easily on my list of favorite things ever.
from sinnergi :
oh. my. word. one of my favorite things ever is how quiet the world gets when it snows. it's something that never ceases to amaze me when it happens...and i never knew if anyone else noticed!
from danddteacher :
I love the layout! And we're hear and listening when you have time and are ready to talk...
from memnoch-thed :
Awww - that layout! *sniffle* Where, oh where, did our new shoes, international experience, and savoir faire go? Where indeed
from memnoch-thed :
Awww - that layout! *sniffle* Where, oh where, did our new shoes, international experience, and savoir faire go? Where indeed
from undyingsong :
Not so much measurements of love, measurements of understanding. The key part of what you said is that they don't know what to get me. I'm not that hard to figure out. You did it having known me for about five minutes, but they can't do it with their 23 years. That is the depressing part. It doesn't matter that we are fundamentally different; what matters is that rather than recognizing and accepting that and accommodating, they impose their image of what they would like me to be-their image of masculinity, the Bible-thumpin, gun-totin, Wal-Mart shoppin good ole' boy with a hound dog named Bocephus by his side. And every time I go back, they push it a little bit harder.
from sinnergi :
amen. that's all i can say because i feel the exact. same. way. thanks for writing it all out so eloquently.
from guildenstern :
Nina Simone is a name which has been thrown in my face like a glass of wine before, but always at the same time as so many other things that I forgot all about it. I certainly do mean to look into it, but even if I DID like it, it would only confirm that there's something about the rest of jazz which eternally eludes me. Oh, grumble grumble.
from guildenstern :
It'll come back: Kafka and Larkin spent most of their lives writing about not being able to write anything. Of course, what that DOES imply is that having a boring job never helps. Experto crede!
from parsimony :
I know this is way past due, but I think that sounds like an incredible idea. If it ever fleshes out, you'll have to bring me along. :)
from sinnergi :
why thank you :) unfortunately, we had 'the talk' last weekend, a few days after i got back and it looks like there isn't a relationship in the typical sense in our future (ouch, it sucked). oh well, we've been friends for a long time and will continue to be, hopefully!
from on-a-string :
Very refreshing made me feel new.
from on-a-string :
I can't wait to read away:)
from parsimony :
COngratulations on the job! Where will you be working?
from danddteacher :
I'm so glad to hear you got a job! And it's just right for you! That's awesome!
from what-stars :
I am teaching and living at the Andrews School in Willoughby (
from what-stars :
I know this is going to seem really odd, but my friend was over and I was looking at your diary and then looked at Lauren's page and my friend, Forest, kinda instantly fell in love with Lauren, and I am not sure how to contact her and tell her that, but he told me to give her his myspace so she could look him up. Sorry about the insane run-on sentance. Anyway, it is If you guys are ever near my school we should have lunch, it would be fun to catch up. -Cheryl
from parsimony :
For what it's worth, I'd keep up with it.
from parsimony :
Oh, Lani. Believe me when I say I can empathize with what you're feeling. I wish that meant I knew what to say, but I'm afraid I don't. I hope things turn up for you soon. You deserve it.
from lightfallsup :
i'm glad you like them.
from parsimony :
I got tired of the old digs, and I just needed to try something new. It took me the better part of an afternoon to move it all over, but I don't think I had nearly as many entries as you do. :) Hope all is well!
from nosuperman :
don't give up hope. a job will come, even if you have to return to cashier hell in the meantime. just know that there are several people that will be there for you in the meantime. (PS. i now have a livejournal. nosuperman15 is my sn.)
from z0tl :
not sure if i remember correctly, but at one point i thought you were from hawaii. you should then know a thing or two about hanging loose. no worries (in theory or otherwise) at least until you're 27! there's plenty of time for depression and sylvia plathitudes later on. may you be blessed and never know more than a few days of that destroyer of the soul called depression.
from danddteacher :
We miss you!
from sinnergi :
um, sometimes i wonder if we're the same person...seriously!
from sinnergi :
from sinnergi :
thanks, m'dear. it's just such a hard process. i feel like it's been so long getting over this guy and the feelings just won't...stop. we are still friends, which complicates things. i'm just so tired, you know? i'm sure you know. your advice sounds like it comes from experiece. thanks for the note, it really helps!
from silent-stars :
Oh, I totally owned the guy. He even tried to stump me with Sports Night, but I had the answer and details before he even finished asking the question. The only question he really got right was that Lawrence O'Donnell played Jed's father in Two Cathedrals, and it took him so long to answer that I'm sure he made a visit to IMDB. There were a few sixth season questions that I didn't know, but the rules of the game limited it to Sorkin-era only, so he stumped me on the one question only. It was amazing.
from undyingsong :
Really, introverted was kind of the obvious choice, but I didn't know I was taking a test. Meh.
from undyingsong :
:) Enjoy the hours, kid. I hope the shinynew M.A. glistens more from the first four years than that last one, 30k notwithstanding.
from silent-stars :
It took me a little longer than I'd like to admit to get what you were saying. In all reality, I just thought that Peyton Cabot Harrison III just sounded like he should be Supreme Court Justice. :-) P.S. Thanks for the sock mail. That was truly random!
from undyingsong :
:) I miss inspired. Glad you found yours.
from z0tl :
if you invented yo, then who takes 2nd place with yo mama? also, if you're not 27 then what happens when you hit 27 in theory?
from silent-stars :
Thank you, hon. A Tale of Two Cities was brutal. I think I wrote my DHS paper on the symbolic use of wheels (or something like that) by searching for the word "wheel" on an online transcript and locating the references in my book. And I think I would have to go for Josh, too, because of his uncanny ability to balance the cute and akward with the cocky and strutting. George just has the cute and akward.
from undyingsong :
You're hired. We are building a new world. It doesn't pay well, but you can sleep at night.
from memnoch-thed :
Oh my darling poet, keep rocking on.
from gods :
from silent-stars :
I can't believe I'm asking this, but is that from Possession? I'm sure that Blackadder was in that novel, right?
from luckbalady :
Oh, lovely Lani, I step back into diaryland for a few brief moments and find you echoing my thoughts again. Crazy, yo. And here I am two years past that very same point, feeling the very same things yet again...Maybe romantics are just not cut out for the real world. Anyway, I'm feelin ya, it'll get better, at least for a little while ;)
from bobrules :
Sorry I forgot to mention you. Guess you do still read. I was going to say something marginally positive in response to your note, but I'm not in the mood right now, so I'll just say thanks.
from danddteacher :
I hate those weeks...
from danddteacher :
Awesome note! Your writing seems pretty interesting, too - I'll be glad to add you. Thanks!
from silent-stars :
Thank you. You made me feel so much better, honestly. I just find myself worrying over things that I have no business worrying over, and I wish I could make myself stop, you know? Either way, I genuinely appreciate the concern.
from silent-stars :
I know exactly what you mean. I've watched the last two seasons out of obligation and I no longer feel all panicky if I have to miss an episode. However, I couldn't miss sqealing over Josh and Donna's first kiss! I've been too devoted a follower for too long, y'know? Nor is there any way that I could miss Leo's funeral or Sam's homecoming. I'm really hoping that they send the show off right, and it's looking a little like they just might do so. P.S. Have you heard that Brad Whitford has been *confirmed* for Studio 60? I'm so ready for some fresh Sorkin TV!
from undyingsong :
That was.. wow. Truly a child of pain and desire in the best and worst ways, but perfectly lovely all the same.
from sinnergi :
light at the end of the tunnel? hope? there is. it's frustrating, oh how i know...but lately i have found myself focusing on the day to day, trying to achieve the long-term. sometimes it's so easy to look at the big picture that we forget that we have to go through absolute crap to get to the end. keep trudging!
from nosuperman :
everything will be better in March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. ::hugs::
from nosuperman :
if you need a hug, a hug is what you get, though obviously electronically. though, there is no sage advice for me to give, all i can say is that in time, things will get better (or at least seem less important).
from undyingsong :
Poor kid.. Hang in there, Lani. Fictionalized whatnots are always disappointing, but I'll bet the ride was fun while it lasted. A simple, eloquent refusal would have killed the dream too soon for inspiration.
from bobrules :
Don't feel stupid. We've all been there. Or at least I have on several occasions. You build it up in your head so much that when you finally reach the point of rejection, it's like losing an actual relationship, like a break up. It's become such a part of your life that seeing it go is like losing a friend.
from gods :
DRIVE! she said.
from sinnergi :
i just added ya :) i forgot to a while back when you left me a couple notes and i finally got around to it!
from silent-stars :
I feel awful for having not finished my applications sooner. The actual "fill in your name, etc." part was done two months ago; I've just procrastinated on the essays. I intended to finish them over Christmas break, but I didn't even touch them. I haven't missed the deadlines yet, though, so I suppose that's really all that's important.
from silent-stars :
The show wasn't the same without Sorkin, but I have a feeling that John Spencer's death may have been the final nail in the coffin. Leo was the anchor of that show in my mind. As much as I love Josh, he can't carry the show without Leo, Toby, Bartlet, etc. So I am very eagerly awaiting the premeire of Studio 7 :)
from silent-stars :
Did you hear that NBC has officially cancelled West Wing? I feel as though I should be sad, but it's really more of a relief.
from undyingsong :
I had to laugh when I read the entry of the 19th. Welcome back to the place I never left. Call him.. he'll think you're awesome. :)
from z0tl :
i think in theory you are 27, not 24. may i see some id please? rock on 2oo6 w/ coffeeshops, ezzays, starry eyed love, family & friend:z!
from z0tl :
well, i'll be dammed, lani! finally i came around to trying to figure out who the few i knew in this virtual dland have not turned their journals into dust since last i had energy to even post in my crappy collection of fukked up thoughts, let alone read anyone. good to see you're still alive and kickin' and always fool of life. hang loose! your:z
from silent-stars :
I'm afraid that not only did she pronounce it "Loni," but she mocked attempts to correct her. Either way, I'm glad I could brighten your day.
from nosuperman :
::hugs:: for now, and maybe for later as well. i miss the mass of shoes in the hallway!
from bobrules :
Nice REM reference. Feel better.
from bobrules :
And Beth really is a sweet girl, actually. I like her a lot. She's just a huge flirt and I'm not used to that. For some reason, when a girl is hanging all over me and calling me her boyfriend, I tend to get the impression that she might possibly like me. Crazy me.
from bobrules :
So you're cuter and have a better personality, huh? Doesn't someone have a high opinion of themselves. ;o)
from mirasoprano :
Lani, Lani...I wrote a 20-page genre study on an obscure Renaissance-era play, a 17-page joke on the Kristevian abject as it emerges in Malory's Morte, and more annotated bibliographies and inconsequential response papers than I care to recount. Remember when Eliot noted: "'Til human voices wake us and we drown"? I think the line should read: "'Til academic nothingness calls us to a drowning." It's a ridiculous world at times, it's a sustaining world at times, then it errs on the side of ridiculousness yet again. My ailing body is forcing me to flee this world, but trust that I would love to dwell within this ivory tower forever -- continually use words like "ontological" and "teleological" interchangeably, to ponder eternally the intricacies of the symbol in Romantic poetry, and perhaps even read up on those horses in French poetry that you spoke so fondly of. It would be lovely -- it would be a luxury -- to drown.
from nosuperman :
::hug:: i second the need for a mental health day.
from bobrules :
Isn't that a line from "Cumbersome?" 90's alt rock is the greatest.
from sinnergi :
it's so worth it, i swear. every single scary second.
from undyingsong :
Yeah... me too, on so many levels. "If only" doesn't begin to cover it tonight. Sleep well, Lani. Thank you for everything. You will be as wonderful at this as I know you are.
from undyingsong :
Poetic, yes, both for the reasons you described and also in that incredibly sorrowful play-until-the-ship-goes-under kind of way. You would absolutely love Nickel and Dimed.
from memnoch-thed :
Much love, Lani. Your silence is most disturbing. :o( You can always unsend something to me! I could be your surrogate, faux-straight, unsent letter receiver, only not! Doesn't that sound like fun?! :o) Muy love your way, darling. P.S. Tried to leave this in your Guestbook, but it wouldn't
from undyingsong :
This is social pressure? Thanks, kid. By the way, I picked a lousy day to quit... I just booked my flight. Dallas to Toledo, arrival at 1:13pm on 13 August. Your presence on AIM is sorely missed right now.
from undyingsong :
Oh, I have a patriotic streak, too (for this country, even), although it is generally hidden beneath my acerbic cynicism. I let it out on special occasions.
from undyingsong :
For no reason other than clarity, and to no end whatsoever, the lightbulb thing... for Lauren too. And Josh. And any number of people that I know in this state. Doing that sort of thing is just my way, it seems. I think I see how you took it, and that wasn't what I meant. Later, kid.
from nosuperman :
in so many ways i agree that there is a weird connection between us right now. i've seen it since DC...i don't know what it is but it is strange. i do hope that you don't have a cousin stealing things from old people and running the getaway car into a creekbed though. i don't think that there sould be more stupid people like that in the world. :-D
from nosuperman :
don't shy away from your desire to run to england and see hear the music that you love so much...i feel your pain in wanting to be somewhere you know and love, yet hate at the same time. my place is easier to seek though...
from undyingsong :
I won't send it, if it still means that much to you. That is fine. Beyond that, I can think of several more personal and private ways that you could have conveyed the rest of that message. If you want to make things bigger than they are, if you want to make it sound like I am obsessed or any number of other things on your site, that is fine. It is your site. Go for it. But the message you conveyed on my site in a note I can't delete was defamatory and, once more, thoroughly uncalled for. Still not saying fuck off, just asking you to please think about that next time you post a note.. that is, assuming there is a next time. Other than that, no; I will not edit what I write because you don't think I ought to feel some things. I really don't know why you asked; you wouldn't do it for me, either.
from undyingsong :
Yeah, BGSU. On a full tuition waiver and 9k a year stipend no less. They are even paying for health insurance and the parking permit. I'm Ohio-bound, kid.
from undyingsong :
Not living toward... just living. Lazy golden days are marked by milestones; your parades, your mourning and mine. Loathe your $6.25 so completely that you can look back with fulfillment. And please do remember to laugh, kid... I could use a bit of your brighter day's reflection.
from nosuperman :
lani, i just actually just read the note that you last left me. i'm glad that you added me. thank you for the kind words in your entry. i hope the gilmore enduced funk will end some time soon! see you soon!
from anothermatch :
I'm flattered that you want to read more! Well, have at it. -Elizabeth
from undyingsong :
I like the new template. And, yeah, I noticed.
from guildenstern :
You flatter me. Your entries have been quite excellent recently, and evoked my own memories of the last days of University life. Well, University first time around.
from fourbysix :
I thought you had typed '55" world,' so I spent one good minute puzzled as to why your world is only so many inches. I do believe you rocked your paper superbly. Kick ass, Lani. :)
from so-then-what :
thank you!! and now I have comments, yay! and i'm doing it blogger-style!
from nosuperman :
lani, i just wanted to thank you for all the support that you have given me...both through dland and aim/text messages! i miss you now and the house definetly won't be the same without you, lauren and josh next year. i'll miss the piles of shoes...and the fact that someone is messier than me in the house! much love always!~meghan
from so-then-what :
me again. maybe it was something wrong with my computer because your template looks good now.
from so-then-what :
I like the new template but how about a white font? maybe it won't look so good but the actual color is really hard to read. Just a thought.
from undyingsong :
Loving the new template. It was time... you seem to be moving beyond monochromes.
from guildenstern :
Not a bit of it. It was long overdue. It takes Diaryland's spontaneous, sabre-rattling bouts of outage to make me notice things like how antiquated my buddy list is, and how very thirsty I am.
from decemberguy :
Why thank you..much appreciated. I will check out your diary as well.
from undyingsong :
Congratulations! Send word of your upcoming arrival... Pittsburgh may need time to get ready for you. You know you are ready for this.
from so-then-what :
Thanks. Most of days I know we'll be ok. It's nice to know that someone else also thinks that way.
from mrflibble :
Thanks for the note! Great template...I'll have to read more. :)
from undyingsong :
Just have to say thank you for letting me experience Putnam St. at its best. A glorious night indeed.
from undyingsong :
Regarding entry Numero Uno: Here's to forever.
from bobrules :
It's really funny that you quoted that song. I hadn't listened to Fairweather Johnson is years and years and more years, but I ran across it when I was home for Thanksgiving and popped it into my cd player the other day. When I saw the line in your diary, I recognized it, but couldn't remember where it was from. I had to do a Yahoo! search immediately.
from bobrules :
Very well said and I agree completely.
from undyingsong :
And I apologize for the long note!
from undyingsong :
Lani, it is not like you to be disillusioned, but in this case I could not agree more. Maybe my everlasting love of TWW is just a manifestation of my delusion that our leaders should breathe life into us by their very words. I would have loved to back Kucinich; I could have endorsed Dean, but Kerry is just a joke, different from Bush in name only. It is a "lesser of two evils" thing, which I am, like you, against, but I am going to vote for Kerry anyway, if for no other reason than to send a message to the entrenched Republican base here in Texas. Bush is going to win my state no question, but I guess I am hoping that an unusually strong Democratic presence will demonstrate our displeasure with Bush. This election is a measure of the American people's feelings about Bush's policies. If he wins, we effectively say to the world that we are not only a party to these atrocities, but we agree with them; we want more of them. A stupid reason to endorse a candidate by comparison, I know, but I think that not voting or voting for someone with no chance of winning will only contribute to the possibility of America's further embarrassment in the eyes of the international community.
from bobrules :
You know what else is sad? When I read that, I thought of Jim Morrison first and it took me a minute to figure out who you really meant. I'm expecting someone to show up and take back my English degree any minute now.
from fourbysix :
Have you been out on that porch for too long now, Lani? Please come back for a minute or ten. =)
from xylem :
Lani is cool.
from so-then-what :
hej girl! how are you? and, more important, where are you? you went MIA suddenly, we miss you here. and just so you know: i haven't planned my vacations because i REALLY don't want to plan anything, for once in my life, i'll go with the flow and see what happens, wish me luck! and come back soon, ok? :)
from fourbysix :
I really love the colorful description of life that you wrote down prior to the day of your departure to London... In fact, I think I want to marry it and have lots of colorful babies. Be safe, Lani. =)
from invisibledon :
happy thursday
from xylem :
Sun! I can't believe it either! It's weird being damp through sweating rather than through being rained on.
from nosuperman :
thanks for the note lani. it is always good to hear from someone who has been absent from awhile. i hope england is treating you well.
from armadilloboy :
wow. Its always nice to get a note; but when I link back from that note and get lost reading have captivated me, and that is not easily done. hats off to you...and keep writing because i will keep reading.
from luckbalady :
Oh, man, if it weren't for the current time crunch sucking every spare second of my days, I would so be there with you. TWW is *the* greatest show I never get to watch :)
from pedablogue :
thank you for your kind note! It's nice to be read this early on in the project. Curiously, I was looking at possible designs for the site and thought very seriously about the tube template you've looks great :)
from invisibledon :
thanks for the info on the veg-jello, my daughter has recently decided to give up meat and a lot of other animal things in her diet and was dismayed to learn jello would have to go too but now I can be the coolest dad and get this for her... well if I can find it that is - thanks again
from invisibledon :
oh cool you did my iwasbored survey too, you're right it was a lyric in fact a better title would have been I was bored and had The Cure in the CD player but it wouldn't fit - "a package of strawberry vegetarian jello" - didn't know there was such at thing - where would someone find this product?
from invisibledon :
Thanks for doing my oddsandends survey - I really enjoyed your answers
from luckbalady :
You are just too sweet :) You know you don't have to compliment me everytime something halfway coherent comes out of my ramblings, but it is very much appreciated. I'm almost embarrassed by your solicitude (is that the word I'm looking for? something along those lines anyway). But a smile, a smile makes everything that much easier. Thanks for making me smile :)
from luckbalady :
Aww, I'm so sorry to hear about the scholarship, I'm sure you deserved it much more than anyone else. My boss keeps telling me these failures are "character building." As if I needed more character :)
from inkdragon :
Thanks for taking the time to complete my FYI survey. Have a great day!
from luckbalady :
Yay, you're back! I can't say I'm glad you're going through the same kind of thing, it's definitely not cool. But understanding helps. My day has to get better, and yours will too.
from so-then-what :
Good you're back. Sometime soon i will need some trip advice and apparently now you are an expert so i will take advantage of your knowledge. I hope you don't mind. I'll just get my mind together and write you soon,it's that ok?
from starbrite55 :
I loved "Interpreter" when I read it in school, and later also read "The Namesake" on my own. Lahiri is amazing, mainly because of her details, I think. She's really able to make things come alive -- you feel all of the gritty facts of real life in her writing. I don't think that I have other good ("real") authors on my list, because I do have a thing for good-bad books (not gonna lie to you about that...), but I'd love to chat with you about books, etc. at some point, so IM me: belle11511. :)
from luckbalady :
Much better, thanks. Sometimes the simplest answers are the most difficult to find...
from luckbalady :
Thank you so much!! That really means a lot coming from you; I truly think you are an excellent writer, if the opinions of a so rarely eloquent person as myself matter :)
from evolver :
So interesting - I guess it goes in waves - sometimes I find I write much better online, others, on paper. I suppose I'll just do what seems best at the moment.
from so-then-what :
hey you! i think i'll just stop writing my diary because you are saying what i am thinking (and is getting really weird and kind of ridiculous) yey me! i wrote "ridiculous" right at the first try ok, so just remember you are not alone in this crazy (and away from home) times (and at least you are taking pictures, i'm not and i think i will take pictures of random builings and tell everyone that's all i saw, who will know the truth?
from keryanna :
I've taken the Psych GRE and the General GRE - both without the benefit of one of those fancy smanshy prep courses ... and I did just fine. They're not nearly as bad as everyone makes them out to be. And, as for applying to grad schools, been there and done that too. Although tedious and exhausting at times - it's completely manageable with maybe brief periods of perceived insanity. Don't worry, I've been in the trenches and fought the grad school battle, you'll do fine.
from parlance :
Everytime I see the blur-effect-hover-code I think of vomit. Mind you, this time the links are Red -- and seeing as Red is my favourite colour, I hardly mind this at all =)
from evolver :
Oh my, Lani... your entry is so TRUE.
from luckbalady :
Thanks so much! It is quite exciting, though I can't help feeling slightly fraudish and confused why *I* would be chosen by these amazing companies. Eh, I might get over it by the time I retire :)
from wingsofblood :
yeah, the gaithers aren'that bad. Studying in Britian? That must be really amazing. What are you studying? You also have a talent for writting. I just got this diary a few days ago so Im still trying to figure it out.Im mostly wandering around looking at others.Hey, you get to be surrounded by British accents.....nice.
from timpression :
I wouldn't read too terrible much into that. I tried to fit characters to personalities, but many of them are inexact-javabill (Ahab) is in many ways captain of our crew and delightfully mad, but not malicious. Golightly for you...because of girl seemingly transported in place and attitude, but the same at the core. besides, you do go lightly. longest note record approaching. g'day.
from gods :
platinum dobloon for you, for you know not how to say your own name karektly!
from timpression :
re: 102 facts. I knew there was a reason I was interested in your stranger's life. you're comfortably between quirks I always claim as mine and facets of people I love. Pity you exist only as Persona Internetia for me. Peace on yas. -tf
from coffeesnob :
you can find me at it was a privacy issue, but you're not the person I'm hiding from. ha)
from luckbalady :
Love love LOVE the new layout! All the best to you. Have a wonderful time across the big pond :)
from mirasoprano :
Lani, thank you for your note. I wish I could tell you that some of the fear and trepidation about graduate school begins to abate once the acceptances come in, but sadly, it does not. The OSU department head emailed me again today and asked which twentieth-century literature specialists I would like to chat with when I come to visit in two weeks. After reading through the credentials of these brilliant people and after glimpsing the course offerings and the rigorous nature of the exams I would be taking, I had to suppress the urge to vomit. Sadly, my efforts were futile, and my fears, academic nightmares, and Ritz cracker breakfast ended up in a trash can on the second floor of Andrews. I am so very afraid and I would give anything to sit down with you and Josh to discuss my academic future. For now, I will be content to listen to the multifarious opinions of the English Department, who neither understand nor assuage my fears.
from fourbysix :
Okay, um, please don't kill me for this. But, I have to know-- how do you pronounce 'Lani'? Lawney, La-ni, or, um, Lenny? :)
from afuzzyscarf :
Hey...I found your diary through Lauren''s excellent reading, and I was very excited to see you were in Nott'm! Are you at Univ. of Nott'm, or Nott'm Trent? I spent six months working/living there last year. It was great. Honestly, go to City Centre sometime, check out The Broadway (incredible vegetarian AND vegan food, along with beer, juice, everything else, plus a cool independent theatre), and the Lace Market shops are really cool. For CDs, you MUST check out Disc Go Round and FOPP. And sorry if you've done this already, but I'm just very excited to share Nott'm goodness with someone else! Anyway, I hope that things get better for you...and don't walk through St. Ann's at night!
from xylem :
Awww...hate to tell you this, but the greyness is pretty usual. There might be a summer for a few weeks, but apart from that, it is generally pretty dull. I think the best way to enjoy the next few months is to completely forget that you have a home anywhere else, and then you can have fun where you are without thinking "I wish I was home" or such things. I really hope you pull through though, it's really sad to see you not enjoying stuff after waiting for it for so long. *hug* good luck.
from fourbysix :
I'm glad to hear that it is going better for you. Do enjoy, and take care of yourself =)
from fourbysix :
Hey, Lani. =) So you're in Nottingham now, huh? Must be tough.. I hope that everything will go smoothly for ya over there. Don't stop writing, now. =)
from indigo-love :
enjoy studying abroad. it will all fall into place -- really. i did it twice (in college and in high school), and it ALL worked out for me. in fact, i met some of my closest friends when i studied abroad in high school (that was back in 1995!).
from bixshortie :
Nottingham! You really are not that far away from me! If you see any signs to Birmingham, that's where I am (ish)! Welcome to England. Hope you get chance to read this soon - one thing you *have* to do whilst in England is find a decent chip shop and get battered cod and chips. Do it. And enjoy. Hearts x
from evolver :
I am writing this from what is quite possibly the earliest version of Netscape ever released. So old that I couldn't even sign your guestbook, it couldn't handle the form. Anyway, I just wanted to say that your note, I'm not kidding, almost freaking made me cry. Thank you so much for understanding. I'm sure anyone else must think I'm crazy, or else in the middle of some deep depression, and I'm so not, and I think you so exactly get it. I can't tell you what that means to me. :) I'm not even sure how to express my everlasting gratitude, but I suspect you get that too. :) Anyway, you are always, eternally wonderful. I probably won't get a chance to talk to you before Sunday because I probably won't brave Win 95 again, but I'll see you around 2, as far as I know we're still on for spending the night? so I'll bring that kind of stuff, and I'll bring Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, because I think it's high time I rack up monster late fees at another video rental place. See you then!
from mirasoprano :
Lani, it will be impossible to be an English major at MC without you, but you have "passed through the university [or MC] with radiant eyes" and you deserve some place, some thing that moves beyond Ohio. So, I will begrudgingly accept your departure, but per always, I will remain in Rockland.
from chrome-sky :
Hi! Yeah, OLP's been one of my favorites since I was introduced to them my sophomore year in HS, but thats only about 4 years, heh. Ahh well, have a good break, and semester in England!
from evolver :
Okay, actually. Here is the answer you seek:
from keryanna :
You remind me alot of myself in college. I don't know if that is a good thing. But, hey, I thought I'd share.
from luckbalady :
Thanks for adding me. 'preciate it :)
from evolver :
I'd say read the guestbook first, but whatever works for ya. This officially makes me an uber-dork and a half, but read this -- particularly the second paragraph. OMG, ROTFLMAO! You know.
from luckbalady :
Happy to oblige. Beauty seems to pour from your mind. I love your sense of continual wonderment at the world.
from paperfriend :
oh yeah. thank you. marrietta. is that a nice place? i went to the school website and it seemed like a nice place. do you like it there? the school and the city. are you from there?
from childeharold :
thanks for the note. i like childe harold a lot. i think i'll go read it again.
from throwingjuly :
thank you...i haven't had a chance to read much of your diary, but what has been read, i like as well.
from mi-contra-fa :
o-o-oooh. Pretty. And your kid sounds a little bit like mine...
from xylem :
New layout = pretty.
from evolver :
Lani!!! You deleted the sex-is-gross ring?? Come on! We may be more comfortable with the idea of sex, we may even have grown desirous of it, but Lani, Lani, sex will ALWAYS be gross! haha... you know it.
from mirasoprano :
Lani, if I had a soul, your "Banging on the Catatonic Piano" entry would have made me weep. But, as it was, the literary being in me was reeling; stunning, stunning entry, my dear. We have both seen the best mind of our generation destroyed by madness, right? But, I am with you in Rockland, where we are great writers on the same dreadful typewriter. Thanks so much for your words.
from fourbysix :
Check. (= Lani, Lani, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? I don't know why I just typed that. Hm. I hope all has been going swell for you (=
from fourohseven :
Now you see the real evil in this world: bigoted people who are so insecure about themselves that they have turned to exploiting the weaknesses of the masses in order to give themselves a false sense of right. Don't worry about it - your compassion shows your strength. In the revolution against the ignorant, stupid and revolting, you and your friends are the shining banner of all that is right. Fight for those who don't know right from wrong; in the long run, all who hear you shall learn and be the better for having heard your words.
from proudnerd :
I was so touched by your entry today. It is good and admirable that you are so strongly affected by that kind of thing, because I have to admit, most of us aren't. Maybe I've had too much of this crap in my real life - how I envy those who haven't, for whom it's just an abstract evil! - to care very much now as long as they leave me alone. Your sensitivity and humanity were quite refreshing. Never fear - Goodness, Truth, and Beauty overcome all.
from mi-contra-fa :
Thanks for your note, and for the thought-provoking words. I thought your entry today was, actually, very eloquent. (It's not a failing to be that affected by bigotry - it's got to be good if there's equal passion on both sides, otherwise they'll always have the chance to sway crowds with pure emotional blackmail...)
from xylem :
The people who hate everything are usually the people who don't have anything, I tend to find. So perhaps the silly old cow should just be pitied... :)
from lealia :
Oh thank you. :)
from fourbysix :
Maybe you're right, Lani. Maybe you're right. So hey, what is it in your eyes that is so alive? (=
from fourbysix :
That must be nice. I'm glad your life is going beautifully (=
from fourbysix :
Hey, Lani, take care and have fun (= Make it a little bit more than sporadic, will ya? (=
from squishyvan :
Thank you so much for your kind note! It always makes me so happy when people understand and respond. Thanks. :D
from penguinwhore :
Hey, I noticed we were both in the exploding dog ring. Im a big fan of sams drawing, and have been sad that hes not drawing so much anymore, so I came up with my own site. You may enjoy it -clare
from xylem :
Awww - you know what I always say about mails, don't worry about when you reply. As long as you do. :) I'm flattered that you've remembered really, everyone else seems to forget at the moment.
from timpression :
shee...semi-neo-hippie-sorta-punks. sounds like all my friends. and me. Yes, the 7 days a week, foolishly low pay McJobs are the pits, but mine is rather fun at the same time.
from perferated :
Thanks for the pick-me-up, Lani. Nothing like a few sane words to calm down a girl who is clearly flying off the handle. You've made my day - thanks :)
from sadgreeneye :
Hey Lani! Thanks for the note. The praise is greatly appreciated. I read a bit of your diary and enjoyed it. Well, I'll probably be flying over you in Ohio on Thursday on my way home to Minnesota; I'll wave. Have a good day! --Joshua
from timpression :
oooh. you have a very pretty diary.
from squishyvan :
thank you so much for adding me to your favorite entries! I love your layout. :)
from xylem :
Oooh, cute photos...*asks nicely*
from f0cus :
Ok, we've both made retarded mistakes now. I didn't even notice the lyrics that were on the picture.
from f0cus :
hey, Royal's a pretty hard word to spell. :-) Anyways, great taste in movies, thumbs up all around. And I love your little fishbowl. Reminds me of the song "Wish you were here." Then again, I try to relate most things to Pink Floyd.
from fourbysix :
Ah, the little fishies are back in their gigantic bowl, I see. (= Just don't stop writing now!
from dadeeli :
Hi, just thought I'd drop in and check out your journal. I also wanted to know why I wasn't/or have not yet been approved for your English Majors diaryring? Just curious...
from z0tl :
lani, i so failed (thus far) in my role as amuse to you. i apologi:z but i'm sure if you read my lengthy crappy delusional entries, maybe you can fish something out, hopefully not a marlin, leave those alone ;) unless you're strong enuff, then reel those in by all mean:z
from eustilly :
thanks! it's a pleasure to be cool. ;)
from z0tl :
the other day i had a theory as of why i might have 72 fans and your theory had 27, but now it escapes my focus. so much for the proliferous muse you've chosen :)
from pastagirl :
You're very welcome :)
from chadmuska :
thanks for joining my stars ring! i like your fish icon.
from z0tl :
a bit late, but i will be your muse if nobody amused you already :z
from angelichate :
Lol wow that was fast. You're very welcome by the way. :D
from angelichate :
Thankyou for your lovely welcome to the ring, I really like your diary, it struck a spark in me. You write beautifully. I'm sure I will be back to see what you've written next.
from z0tl :
in practice, i never get bored, in theory, they say i eventuall should. hmmm.. you know the story of the electron cloud? it's got all the answers until we observe it and then only one to conform to our simple question: where are you? what's the theory on that?
from z0tl :
in practice, which comes first, the answer or the question?
from z0tl :
but how have you stumbled upon the continoom, may we ask, for in theory, we do not exist :z
from wsoulilith :
Thank you for your warm note and admission to the ring. It's nice to know that someone other than myself took the time to read it. *grin* It will be updated soon with my latest exploits as soon as privacy allows.
from bitsofmylife :
hey thanks for admitting me to the ring; i'm updating it right now on my rings page. by the way, i like your diary. i rarely like other people's writing but yours definitely floated my boat. good luck with any upcoming finals.
from monkiebob :
procrastination is an art form. It's all about distinguishing when to party from when to work.
from monkiebob :
yeah, I'm also one of those lazy-ass slacker types. sleep is for the dead when a paper's due.
from open-book :
as far as crocodiles and alligators go, i'm almost positive you are making that up. but that's ok because i'm excruciatingly bored. peace out, homegirl. love ya :)
from cynicist :
And countless thank you's for leaving me a note. Wow. I never get notes :) This is such a good place to idly pass the time away...Have fun! :)
from patadrina :
You're Welcome.
from skyefire :
thanks for you message in my guestbook, I've written up the whole poem it came from in the entry 'never there'.
from minstrelite :
thanx for stopping by my diary - i'm glad you like it...i just glanced at yours, and i believe i like it as well! keep writing...
from writer4eva :
Just out of curiosity on the "englishmajor" diaryring...what about future English majors?
from proudnerd :
How could I not? I love your diary! Cheers.
from ozymandius :
no, your AIM screen name makes you the coolest person ever
from dirtyasian2 :
thank you for writing in my notes section. i think what you say is must be such a wonderful person. i on the other hand...lead a...weird un-interesting life.
from sjomedia :
Hope you get to Providence some day- it's a weird, interesting little place. (Love the banner and diary layout, that's what brought me here).
from xylem :
"...the adrenaline rush you felt after dancing almost completely unabashedly for the first time in your life." - that is *so* true, I know that one well.
from tifftavious :
Hey Lani! No problem. : ) Oh, by the way, i like the lyrics you have on your template...rock on little fishies. : )
from blakbuety :
i was just going through someone elses notes and say your name and i had a totall freak out... my name is the exact same as yours... Lani... wow thats a little wierd, ive never seen anyone else with the same name as me that spells it the same as well... dundundun!(evil musik) *looks around all scared-like*
from xylem :
You're not a loser, you're actually the coolest person ever. So shush.
from crion :
thanks for the compliment, and sorry it took so long for me to get back to you--school's been kicking me as hard as it's been able to.
from marieh :
welcome to the sxe ring and thanks for joining!
from memnoch-thed :
Tanfastic layout Lani! I absolutely love it, and anyone who says that Pink Floyd doesn't rock their personal duck should be beaten with a loaded shovel! I need to redesign my layout too...OH! DO me a fantastic favor, Lani! I don't know when or if Lauren checks email, so if you could remind her to bring her designing software back to school with her, I would love you forever!!! Next time you speak with her, just drop that message off. Thanx so much, my lovely silver soup tureen! Cheerio until Sunday!! I'll be there bright and early. Much Love Bram
from iona :
Interesting layout. Interesting stuff too. Best on all your adventures.
from ontheoutside :
hey don't worry about being a little long on the ring thing, it's fine, i completely understand. thanks, and have a good new year!
from mwman :
Let me in, I`m an English Major!!!
from xylem :
:o You called my diary 'beauty in a text-box'! That is the sweetest thing anyone's ever said about anything connected to me. Thankyou! *is enormously flattered* I owe you even more lollies now.
from gluemyposter :
Lani!!!! you are the first to recieve a message from gluemyposter. you should feel special, though, probably for other reasons than this. oh well. thanks for your help, you rock my world. love ya!
from xylem :
Hey :) Your very sweet notes deserve lollipops. Which flavour would you like?
from heartylaugh :
thanks for the invite; lovely to be back amongst my own kind, even on the net
from liquidhuman :
Thanks for adding me to the ring. My existence has been validated :) JUDE THE OBSCURE ROOOLZ!!!
from xylem :
You are not boring - in fact the diary is rather cool. So shhh.
from wonderwall :
i read jude the obscure this summer and it totally messed with my head. universality in literature and art boggles my mind. your banner rocked my world.
from pjsbabe :
Hey, thanks for welcoming me into the diaryring! LOL, your profile could be mine...from the 20-year-old idealistic realist to the Kevin Smith movies. In a weird sort of way, I'm madly in love with the Jasons... :) Anyway, glad to join!
from desertwitch :
Yay! Thank you for adding me to the English Majors ring!
from fcprincesse :
Thanks for the message. Glad to be in the diaryring!
from open-book :
hey homegirl, i can justify writing you a note 'cause you just left the room. ;) i don't feel obligated, it's interesting to read the words now that i know who wrote them! crazy stuff. i can't believe i never knew! lol... love ya :)
from mandypandy83 :
You've been nominated!
from evergleam83 :
No problem, I really enjoy reading your diary!
from raven72d :
Happy birthday, girl!
from raven72d :
Now I do think the Yeti are in Tokyo, pretending to be Roppongi breakdancers. I'll have to travel with guard corgis if I visit Tokyo...
from raven72d :
I worry that as soon as Daylight Savings Time ends, the Yeti will come down from the mountains to get me.
from raven72d :
I do love the idea of building a satellite receiver from old patio furniture... It's acharming kind of image...
from raven72d :
A really fun and clever diary!
from sandrina :
just wanted to say thanks for the encouragement.
from evergleam83 :
I found your diary rather randomly actually. I think I clicked on open-book's banner, and was surfing through her site and profile and such, and then came across yours. It seems we have a bit in common, so I just wanted to leave a little note and say hello. :))
from f1grrl :
Hi! Thanks for letting me in to the English major diary ring. Good luck with school!
from sporkqueen :
I've got the Mariners comic book, my Edgar pennant, an AL West Champions t-shirt, the ability to yell at Kazu in his native tongue, and now a cool diary-ring to cheer The Boys on with. You rock! ;c)
from open-book :
a blanket invite to lauren's long-overdue new diary :)
from clauren :
Thanks so much for leaving me a note...It really made my day. Yes your survey was great as well as your diary.....I put it on my favs. As far as your favs. I saw someone we have in common. Addict2ski. Matt is one of my friends and I agree with you wholeheart that he is that way all the time and Matt is sweet.
from dfirefly :
Just wanted to thank you for leaving me a note. It's nice to be thanked for taking a survey (twice, even!). It was very polite of you. Farewell.
from third-wheel :
thanks for the note, and i'm excited about that there's an english major diary ring! :) the only problem is that it doesn't show up in my diary because it's white...can i make the background darker around the code so people can see it? (i am an loser and am not with the whole html stuff).
from xxxemogirlxx :
chica you are in no way pathetic..i love your diary and i am always reading it its one of my faves...i know exactly how youfeel about summer and im here for you..peace out/much love
from moshmonkey :
hey. will add the code as soon as i FIGURE OUT HOW!!!! lol. i'm so lost. everytime i add it it looks fucked up. lol. anyway.. bye
from autumnal :
i found you through the banner and i stayed because of the Detachable Penis quote. I will return because of the 'english kid, bookish' comments. Fabulous. And what a layout.
from chicabotica :
lani, don't worry about the ticket. if you can't find someone to go, i'll pay for it, or at least split the difference with you. anyway hope all is well, love ya! :)
from mariposon :
Not to belittle your ponderings (quite valid insecurities that I try not to ponder too much myself), but I feel a need to point out that you don't know my taste in the -"opposite"- sex (hmm..if we liberally allow sex to include gender, would that be referring to lesbians?) ::grin:: I hope that minimum wage is treating you well. :-)
from heidiann :
We all need a place to go "grrr." And thank you for adding me to your favorites! You made me feel all special! =) xox Heidi
from parables :
Hi there. Thanks for adding me to your buddy list. I get well excited whenever that happens. :D You have a cool diary. I love allthat Exploding Dog stuff. You're tres funny, too. :)
from fellbehind :
yeah...grr, baby, grr.
from heidiann :
Hi fellow bibliomaniac, welcome to the ring! I just read a few of your entries...can't wait to come back when I have more time, I dig your writing. And, personally, I think the three lessons you learned after the Erin-mall fiasco should be adhered to firmly. =)
from mariposon :
You know, Lani, you've more than one friend you could commission. ::cries silently in the corner...:: ;-)
from sporkqueen :
Wow, I feel special that somebody's added me to a favorites list!!! :c) I've only read a few entries thus far (I'm at home for the week and learning to appreciate my T1 at school), but I can't wait to dig through your older stuff... Thanks a bunch!
from wyvern :
Yo, Lani, don't stress over Ashley's retaliation. She tends to react pretty negatively to criticism of any kind, it's not just you. It's just Ashley's way of dealing. I've seen too many mean diary-induced arguments between Debi & Deja, no one ever feels better after them...
from sandrina :
Hey Lani, I liked your entry. You aren't the only one who feels that way about the patriotism. My little off-campus group thinks it's pretty dumb of us to be celebrating bombing people who can't fight back. I'd love to talk with you about it sometime, it's nice to know other people are thinking as well.
from fake-plastic :
lani, where you're at right now with jimmy reminds me a little of what i've been through with this ben kid. it's hard after sharing so much of yourself with another person to ever stop caring, or even properly move on.. but sometimes no matter how much you love someone, there comes a point where it's clear that you've just become two completely different people, with, often, two completely different maturity levels :) there's probably always going to be a part of us that loves these people, and wonders about them, but we know in our hearts that it's not meant to be. i don't know if that helps any, but i just wanted to say, i sort of know how you feel. love ya! ~lauren

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