Permanent Reminders of Temporary Feelings

Nothing more than the oft-jumbled thoughts of a 20something guy wandering through the RealWorld

My favorite diaries:

bethb profile - diary
comments: Beth is my own little slice of indie-rockin' heaven. DC would be devoid of value if not for her.
mocksie profile - diary
comments: Mocksie started as a must-read and is now, truly, a friend. I love her. You will too.
perceptions profile - diary
comments: Everyone's fave. Used to be mine too. Has said some questionable 9/11 things which I don't react too well to. Still - fairly interesting.
artsykelly profile - diary
comments: Started reading b/c she was "another Marylander" but have since been captivated by her unique personality. One of my must-reads.
clcassius profile - diary
comments: Let's talk about Carrie: Smart, witty, cute, and captivating. I guess opposites attract.
unclebob profile - diary
comments: I'm a Corporal in his Army. Or so I claim.
francine profile - diary
comments: The face behind 'Quoted'. One of those people who just feel like a friend. She's a great read. She'd just appreciate it if you didn't stalk her.
ursamajor profile - diary
comments: I hate mustard. But she loves me anyway. All hail the Very Determined Princess.
ms-m profile - diary
comments: Smart, Sassy, and (I'll wager) Sexy as well. Ohhhhh, Canada!
mostly-sunny profile - diary
comments: She gives money away. As part of her job. Why haven't I seen any of it yet? Also, she riles. That's right; *riles*.
jackthefish profile - diary
comments: Nothing but smiles. Lots o' fun. A fan of Hawaiian print. What's not to like?
halee profile - diary
comments: Just go read. I wish I was this funny.
pischina profile - diary
comments: My west-coast reality check. Read. Laugh. Cry. Learn. Smile.
pearljamie profile - diary
comments: Afraid of moths. But, honestly, who can hold that against her. A joy to read.
sundry profile - diary
comments: much ado about everything. Indeed it is.
grlenamored profile - diary
comments: The thunda' from down unda'. Quite possibly putting well over 90% of the 'hot' in Hotlanta.
polishstreak profile - diary
comments: Hodges' Harbrace Hanbook can bite her ass. But you can't. Seriously.
tooskysky profile - diary
comments: Wonderful. Completely absolves England of the sin that is Marmite

My favorite music:

Jimmy Buffett
comments: "and if it doesn't work out there'll never be any doubt that the pleasure was worth all the pain."
comments: (the old stuff) "Good Morning Mr. Tyler. Going...down?"
Billy Joel
comments: Dad's influence. "'s either sadness or euphoria."
comments: Dad's influence again. "Don't your feet get cold in the wintertime? The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine. Its hard to tell the nighttime from the day."
Everything else Eclectic
comments: From Ska to Punk to Motown to Metal to Classical to Country to Gangsta - I can sing my head off in any genre

My favorite movies:

Top Gun
comments: My Original Fav Movie. I saw it waaayyy back in '86 in the theaters. Mom made me leave when the sex scene came on. I wanted to be a pilot. I've seen it 68 times.
The Princess Bride
comments: "No more rhymes now; I mean it!" "Does anybody want a peanut?"
White Christmas
comments: shut UP! The scene at the end when the General's troops are all back together and salutes him still brings tears to my eyes. This was my Grandfather's favorite movie.
comments: "I told you. It's *my* island."
Legends of the Fall

My favorite authors:

James Lileks
comments: Satire and Clarity straight out of the upper midwest. Go to and discover the Institute. Now.
Bill Bryson
comments: 'A Walk in the Woods' makes me want to hike the Appalachian Trail. This book is funny and touching and amazing.
Sarah Bunting
comments: MBTV, now TWoP, and the quintessential Damn Hell Ass King. Go check out
James Morrow
comments: Corpus Dei. God is Dead. Or is (s)he? Or does it matter?
Stephen Ambrose
comments: Sure, he may just be a plagiarist. The books are still good. He can copy like nobody's business.

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last updated: 2003-09-29 16:06:14
this user's total entries: 491
user since: 2000-12-13

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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