Ms. M's Magical Mystery Tour

I like the funny! Funny is good. If you were looking for intellectual reasonings to life - man, have you ever come to the wrong place!

My favorite diaries:

alwaysange profile - diary
cuppajoe profile - diary
discothekid profile - diary
entrapta profile - diary
expatrica profile - diary
fadein profile - diary
fairyfish profile - diary
genghis-jon profile - diary
kitchenlogic profile - diary
kungfukitten profile - diary
ladeeleroy profile - diary
lemonsparkle profile - diary
marn profile - diary
realjesus profile - diary
sa-land profile - diary
savecraig profile - diary
testify profile - diary
twelvebeer profile - diary
wicked-sezzy profile - diary

My favorite music:

Our Lady Peace
Sum 41
The Cranberries

My favorite movies:

bridget jones diary
comments: Actually, all of Kevin Smiths' movies.
High Fidelity
The Wedding Singer

My favorite authors:

C. D. Payne
Dennis LeHane
Jeffery Deaver
Marian Keyes
Stephen King

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last updated: 2005-06-20 12:15:45
this user's total entries: 698
user since: 2001-05-01

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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