messages to daliwalrus:
(click here to add new message):

from carriesatc :
Haha! Oh yeah! I remember adding your ring! Lol! Me and my friends think the word "boobies" is really funny...we're so immature, lol! Ah well. See ya around!
from cutejosie6 :
Oh! Dali Dali Dali.. sometimes your name is Dali, other times its Walrus, on really good days its Daliwalrus. GO dali its your birthday, we gonna party like its yo birthday.. something something.. tra la! Dali rocks my balls! well if i had balls youd be rocking them!
from wingnutt23 :
de(i)vine comedy?....... paradise regain'd
from incubusrocks :
hey, i am locking my diary. IM me or email me and ill give you a name and password.
from chubbychic :
Walrus, you're hilarious!!! Thank you so much for the compliments you left about my site in that email and guestbook entry. I'm sorry its taken so long to get back with you. At any rate, your site is awesome. I especially like the woman of the week feature. You're hilarious! I'm adding you to my favorites :)
from shithot :
Hahahahaha! Holy shit that last entry was funny. I totally agree on the overalls, tweetybird, spencers thing. Hahahahaha!
from meowpony :
you never told me you had a brother, it was a total surprise. it made me go 'wow'.
from joymonkey :
hey Walrus long time no speak love ya
from blacksoul69 :
Right on about Nirvana. By the way, is the first part of your name supposed to be dali as in the artist? cool if it is.
from miniwalrus :
E-mail me! I need to talk to you about my account (collage).
from miniwalrus :
from ledbeatle :
Love da name...I picture something kind of drippy huge & stinking of sealife... I reckon Kurdt'd understand about the Bach thing tho, he seemed pretty openminded (no pun intended...) Dante's vision of hell is so trippy, yeh! I mean, all those something you could order from Taco Bell. BTW, are you in Athens? I just moved to Athens.
from miniwalrus :
Hey Walrus you haven't updated your woman of the week for sometime what's going on? Oh and Ferris was wrong you're the walrus!
from miniwalrus :
Damn! Two in a row about me (I'll slip you the 20 later)!
from miniwalrus :
Hey Walrus! I got it up finally, check it out and help!
from darkinside :
The film was brilliant but it missed out the part when lennie see's the rabbit that talks to him.did u play a part in the play or did u just help backstage ?
from darkinside :
ilove the book of mice and men.lenny is the best character,and has the biggest heart.the story has great meanings of dreams and how lenny never gave up hope.he was simple minded but he never gave up hope.did u eva watch the film?

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