Inside Walrus

It's dark in here. Hello? Is there a light switch anywhere? And what's this warm gusshy thing? awww gross dude.

My favorite diaries:

joymonkey profile - diary
comments: this is really just an edited spiffylogic for those of you who aren't cool enough for the real thing. you diet spiffylogics if you will.
mal6pink profile - diary
comments: The biggest moron with the biggest heart. Mal's a cute kookie chick who loves to play around and have a good laugh. She's also the only other person on earth who will talk about boobies with me.
cutejosie6 profile - diary
comments: First member other than myself to join the boobies ring. She's cute, she's lovable, she's 48% biotch but you'd never know.
spiffylogic profile - diary
comments: hey babe. how you doing out dere in da west eh?
incubusrocks profile - diary
comments: and thank you for making me a favorite
darkinside profile - diary
comments: damn girl you certaintly have some diaryring action going on
you profile - diary
comments: yes now you can be a member of the wally walrus walruskitears. just be my friend. you boobie.

My favorite music:

comments: Probably my favorite band because of they're soul soothing tunes.
Blues Traveler
comments: The most talented band i've ever heard hands down. If you haven't listened to just even the entire Four cd you are missing out my friend.
Pearl Jam
comments: Just good music. They rock.
comments: might i say these boys kick ass? no? i will anyway you blue footed boobie.
comments: origionally third but i can't believe i forgot to put nirvana topside. what the hells wrong with me if kurt was still alive he would have shot me instead.

My favorite movies:

comments: Coming at you from all directions the best british movie of modern day.
Monty Python
comments: How can we forget these guys? We can't, they are in our blood and are always there to be rediculous.
comments: A great movie based mostly on truth, however it does have alot of theory in it as well.
comments: A masterful historical movie and Mel Gibson's greatest role ever.
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
comments: now i'm no fan of anime but my friend of five years trys to educate me he's no geek he just enjoys it. if not #1 on my list of animated movies it's at least pushing the jungle book pretty hard to be under robin hood THE 2 disney classics

My favorite authors:

John Steinbeck
comments: Of Mice and Men has probably the best meaning behind any book i've read.
comments: Although his Devine Comedy is a beast it's very good but i must admit i haven't even finished it myself.

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last updated: 2005-10-31 22:33:35
this user's total entries: 162
user since: 2002-02-16

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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