messages to danie777:
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from anorexic90 :
i enjoy reading V.C andrews books to.
from pitdog :
hi ya am katie how old r u and wots your name from katie
from iwillsurvive :
Hi, I noticed you listed me on your favs list. Firstly, Thanks for that! Secondly, I'm trying to rally the Diaryland Community to raise $10,000 for the victims of the Tsunami. Please visit my diary for all the details. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
from fuckyoutooo :
"I hate that book...It's so dumb and boring. I feel like there is some point to it..." Your words are blasphemy. God forbid you are given a gift that's meant to be enlightening. Thoreau is amazing, so it saddens me to know that your manager wasted "Walden" on someone who at the age of 25, is unable to comprehend plain english. Thoreau, was not a complex man; rather, he believed in simplicity. With that said, the text is very straight forward; it's not rocket science. So make sure to tell your date tonight about your "profound" thoughts on "Walden"; I'm sure he'll be impressed.
from emiline220 :
heh. Guest thanks for reading isn't the whole password. I should have put a period. The password is just "guest".
from emiline220 :
Username: emiline220 Password: guest Thanks for reading!
from cdghost :
stumbled across your words and enjoyed reading them very much..
from danie777 :

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