messages to darthonly:
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from asking2much :
you can email me at [email protected] if you want
from asking2much :
you can email me at [email protected] if you want
from asking2much :
I am really not trying to be an unforgiving ass, i just dont have a computer any more. They closed my email address down...but if you want to send me some snail mail you can unload it at 7614 Heritage dr apt 5 Lansing, Mi 48917 (guess what...i moved...)
from lilgirl-lost :
i just got your note in my diary and started reading over yours! youre entry about change is completely true... the person i am at this very instant is nothing like who i was five years ago, but i don't recall anything changing. it's so subtle, not at all obvious. for the better or worse, we're all changing. hopefully for the best. <3karla
from asking2much :
what can i say, i never update my piece of shit diary anymore. I feel like i dont even know you. What is the truth and what isnt?
from silent-heart :
by now you have probably gotten the email saying I denied your paymet. Its cause paypal changed their policy, and wanted to charge some exorbant fee on what I was getting from you, which would make no sense. So I denied your payment, and Im also going to take the donate button off this afternoon. If, after all this silliness, you still want to give away that nickle, I'll just give you an address. If not, I don't blame you, Im rather pissed off by the whole thing myself. but anyway, Thanks! Cause you are still high up in my book of cool people. ttys
from silent-heart :
Thank you thank you! I ended up having a blast! My boyfriend got me this thing I had been LUSTING after, a stained glass penguin lamp, and planned this massive surprise party for me. If I ever had doubts about him, they are so gone. :) we were going to drunkenly harass some college students, but we were too drunk to work up the energy to leave our chairs!
from hamartia88 :
Rememberance sometimes hurt's worse than the actual event. Its not enough for me to say I'm sorry that it happened, which I am, but I think its more that I acknowledge that it happened and feel something about it. I hope everything works out for your cousin.
from silent-heart :
Thankyou so much for your words. Fwordslut is probably right and I probably will be ok, but we'll seee. ^_^
from asking2much :
for all of the things that i could and couldnt say; i'll say this; i miss you too
from asking2much :
Hello Sir. How are you?
from silent-heart :
I just read your latest post. And all I can say sweetie is welcome to the club. There is always someone out there for you, and even though it hurts right now, it won't always be like that. There's this poem I had to analize for class, and an excerpt made me think of you, and your plight. "...Face it. Curiousity will not cause us to die - only lack of it will. Never to want to see the other side of the hill or that improbable country where living is an idyll ( although a probable hell) would kill us all. Only the curious have, if they live, a tale worth telling at all...And what cats have to tell on each return from hell is this: that dying is what the living do, and that dying is what the loving do, and that dead dogs are those who do ot know that dying is what, to live, each has to do." by alastair reid. But remeber, you don't have 9 lives such as a cat.
from nobdyspain :
Hey it's Jaci. Told you before at Ram's Horn that I'd give you this diary name. So... here it is. Yeah, I'm boring.
from silent-heart :
Thanks for the note. I appreciate that you find my diary in the category of least sucky. ^_^ Anyway, Just thought I'd tell you that your note was very welcome.
from asking2much :
Hey Shiloh ::Reaches through computer screen and wraps arms around him:: I love you kid, and want to see you happy. Smile. Call me if you need anything
from basophobic :
hey. it's katie (sara's friend). you probably don't remember me.. but im bored so i figured i'd say hi.

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