messages to dharmabumgrl:
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from iamen :
hi there miss, i hope you are well. kerouac once said thatthe world is beautiful through the correct eye filters...
from diarytag :
tagged by lip! Happy Birthday!! What is your fondest birthday memory? Please respond by July 9th.
from lostboynada :
Did you get to see THE FIRE THEFT when they came to the city? They are so good it hurts. What by the way is the first SUNNY DAY song you list. I am a huge fan as well but don't know that song...
from lostboynada :
hey, just read your stuff. Very cool! I was a little hesitant to let you know 'cause we are in the same city and stuff. But I added you to my favorurite entries and thought you should know... Also, if you have not heard of Julie Doiron I would suggest you go out and buy "Will you still love me in December" It's the cheapest and one of her best. "Try to smile as they devour our youth"
from ludicn :
But those will be with you for years and YEARS to come, so they're well worth it! At least you didn't buy some shoddy pieces of crap that are going to fall apart next week, right!? It's all about the quality, girl! Sounds completely justified to me! ;)
from ludicn :
Man, it appears that Dianabee is also going through something along the same lines. What is this!? We're all dealing with this "been here before but doing it all over again" situation. Too bad you gals live so far away or we could get together for a distraction session of some sort. Well, you guys have the bitchix party (I'm so jealous!). Perhaps someday when flights are cheap and I have a few extra bucks I might be able to visit again. And yeah - I was bummed when I found out that heckafresh lived up there too! For some reason I thought he lived back east somewhere and didn't find out that he was in that area until after our trip!
from iamen :
me too! the voting thing. i got to use a touch screen. it was wild...
from kittyslave :
I was just laughing my ass off because I was reading some of your old entries and I see you're a cancer. I'm a cancer too. It all makes sense now...
from hardluck :
Trust me, the issue of, uhmm, hair removal around those sensitive type areas is much worse when you happen to be male. i would love to fina better solution than shaving, and no way in hell am i going anywhere near there with hot wax, and...that's prolly way too much info. Best of luck to you, you find anything virtually painless that's a better solution please let me know...
from larisastylee :
your very state is about to aquire what i treasure most, the wonderful alex steed. i hope he proves to be as truly great for all of ya'll as he's been here for me in maine. take care- larisa
from iamen :
armageddon, or apocalypse
from hardluck :
i typically (and sadly enough) invariably find bloody fingerprints on my clothing, possessions and such after mild benders from time to time...Maybe cats have the tendency to cut loose once in awhile as well when the masters aren't paying close attention?...
from favoritesong :
thanks for adding ME to your favorites!
from jackpage :
I'd be stoked, honored and proud to tout one of your templates. Go ahead; Hype my light.
from cheeky-paul :
dharma bums gave me the craziest wierdo ideas. therefore i quite dig your name.
from iamen :
aol IM? be on at noon. i'm thingui... till then
from pink-sparkle :
hey...yes i totally can relate to having people pronounce my name wrong. Ive think ive heard over 20 different "versions" of people TRYING to say my name. Its quite amusing, but gets annoying trying to correct everyone:) I mean how hard is it to say "tawn-ya"! hehe..oh well! At least i know im not the ONLY one with that problem:) Thanks to our parents for giving us this name:) But honestly, i do like it:) *tawns*
from iamen :
every valley finds a foothill, an incline next, and a mountain of strength and solidarity in the end. keep eyes to the horizon. i'm thinking of traveling the 28th(friday) of june to the city with my friend, for a "beat" weekend. let's party!
from iamen :
right on!
from iamen :
continue the flow! material for reading aloud, with sweet angelic voice, alone but supported in a cozy cafe, soft brick walls backgrounding... you. read aloud. i would listen... and be glad to.
from iamen :
thank you so much! it was incredible! check your gb for the extended version of this correspondence.
from iamen :
disengaged? i know the feeling, and that's what i come up with. this pertaining to your not being truthful to yourself. iamen by the way, sorry for the roma clef.
from goodfeeling :
thanks for adding me to your favorites....i'm flattered, to say the least. and truthfully, i like your diary as well. therefore, i want to return the favor. rock on!
from zazie :
hi sweetie - i'm happy to be a part of the diaryland goiles. thanks a bunch!
from girlgenie :
i read on the road again last week and i took a picture of myself kissing that book. its really one of my best friends. <3
from kittykat202 :
Cottage Cheese O.O!!!!!
from jonasty :'re so great! thanks for adding me to your faves! *warm fuzzies!* anyhoo, i really love your little mooning tinkerbell on your page! soooo cute! :) ps. i was really horrified to hear about your childhood experiences, my best friend went through the same thing and i know it's really hard, to say the least. so i just wanted to let you know that there are people out here thinking about you! with lots of love love love! byeeeeee!
from jonasty :
hey, i found you on the DAVE ring and just wanted to let you know that YOU ROCK OUT!! :) keep writin, keep smilin!

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