messages to diva35:
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from mrgrey :
At the moment, I am not too involved with the lifestyle. Actually, I'm not involved with anyone at the moment. I lost someone very dear to me this past year, and haven't quite gotten over it yet. I never said I needed a spanking. I probably do, but I have yet to find a Domme who could tame me. So I'll be the one administering discipline. It's been too long since my crop has seen action. I fear the neglect will damage its spirit if it continues.
from cdghost :
stumbled across your words and enjoyed them very much.. have a good one and two..the cdghost
from divaredneck :
I don't agree with all of it either, but it does make you think
from charminggirl :
You're welcome. I know where you are coming from. My Master has that same issue that conflicts him from time to time. He doesn't like to be called a sadist but he knows he is one. Like I said before he is on the lighter end but still he enjoys being a sadist just not having the lable because it is so negative. He thinks of it as someone into A LOT of physical pain and mental pain. I had to explain to him that he's my sadist and that I love him for it. :)
from charminggirl :
Hun, you are a sadist but there are many levels of sadist. You are just on the lighter end of it. Just like I'm my Master is on the lighter end of the scale. The word sadist seems so negative but really, it's not, we just tend to think of the worst. ;)
from velvetbrian :
as for the x-files names...what can i say? *grin* the characters fit too perfectly, they need to be used for stories such as that. :-)
from charminggirl :
Good for You! Keep trying to reach those goals of Yours. I admire Your inner strength.
from pageme :
Thanx for the note you left me. I totally did need to rest up my it's time to rest my mind. xXx
from charminggirl :
Thanks for the comment You left me about Piggy. Oh poor Piggy. The dreadful part is that i'll remember him that way. i know pets are so important. i can't stand it when people treat them like crap. poor little dears. thanks again for the comment.
from charminggirl :
Thanks for the comment You left me. i know, i can't stand men that are totally into arm candy girls. Perhaps it's because i envy the girls but deep down i loathe men that are so shallow like that. It's so true about staying away from men like that. ewww. they can just get their stink ass away from me. Sorry You had to read my little poor me moment. i just feel ugly right now. i know it's because i'm on the rag.
from charminggirl :
i just wanted to say that i agree with You about what You said about how a another sub "filling in" for another sub just doesn't work. E/everyone has their own personality and temperament and N/nobody can replace that. but of course i'm stating the obvious. btw, i just wanted to say i very much enjoy Your diary.
from wunofmany :
I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I have been reading your diary for awhile. Hope things look up for you over the next few weeks and it's nice to see you post a few jokes from time to time. =]
from cd-tiffany :
thank you for your lovely note, miss. Please feel free to stop by again. kisses - tiffany
from schiff :
Thanks for the welcome back, didn't really expect to get one!
from darkndeviant :
Hypnotism...brilliant idea! Will give it a go...thanks for the suggestion...:) I was interested to read that you had bought a book that told you how to braid a bullwhip. COuld you give me the name of it please? Thanks
from sarahterry :
youre' ab fab! KiSSeS
from notyetnamed :
i would really love reading a list of books that You enjoy, very nice idea. Love Your lay-out and always enjoy reading Your diary whenever i'm able to. :) Regards.
from mv-boytoy :
Hello Mistress... I'm new to your diaryring here, and I'd like to cordially invite you to peruse mine! Respectfully, mike
from myvaginaroks :
just wanted to say that..i like Your diary. also into BDSM, but have yet to join the community around here. no car. bleck.
from kb8 :
Thank you for your candor in filling out my survey. "No legacy is so rich as honesty." -William Shakespeare
from kb8 :
Hi-Will you take my survey?
from almostnormal :
Thank you for linking to astrology3d yesterday. I had a lot of fun on the site. Hope you're feeling better.
from almostnormal :
I hope your heart feels better soon, and that you are able to move on if that's what you have to do.
from littlebites :
hi there, I just wanted to let you know that in my favorites list I've changed the word fragile to sensitive. It more appropriatly describes what I was trying to get accross. I hope you approve.
from stripped-xxx :
Hey diva35 Im new to diaryland and im just looking for some cool people to chat with Stripped
from littlebites :
i just wanted to let you know that i love your diary. my favorite auther is Laurell K. Hamilton (though i haven't been able to pick up Narcisus in Chains yet), and i love that you use a picture by Louis Royo (my favorite artist) to show how you see yourself. Anyway, thank you for the opportunity to read about a Domme's perspective.
from greyapathy :
lovely read. i know what you mean. my mother doesn't even accept my religious beliefs. she thinkg it's "just a phase" and i'm mad at God. what people don't know makes a difference in what they think they do.
from angel4eva120 :
Are you into witchcraft and evil spirits and stuff? Are you gothic? I'm just curious. It just seemed like you had a dark side. God bless you.
from pnk-diamonds :
Just stumbled into your diary... It's a good read. I enjoyed my visit.
from kittykat25 :
hi diva, im taya im 15 and im from australia. r u in2 witchcraft? i havent had time 2 read all of ur diaries but i'll get around 2 it soon. im just cruzing round 'ere lookin 4 buds and i saw ur banner. ne way write back. buh bye
from mstwheelie :
Thank you for those kind words. The advantage of the internet is that people, in my view, are more open, honest and friendlier than would otherwise be the case in real life. I hope we do get a chance to chat at some stage.
from mstwheelie :
Hi, Your application to join bdsm-tops has been approved. Sorry for the delay. I had been in hospital for a while and then I recently lost a very close friend to a massive bleed in the brain, so it has taken time to get back on my feet again. Hope to talk at some time.

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