messages to dvlshkitten:
(click here to add new message):

from katress :
Someday, when you're will happen. And trust me (I was married once) when IT happens, you're going to wonder how you could have ever thought that what you had was love before. :) Happy Tuesday Guestbook Signing day. xoxo
from candoor :
Merry happy New Year and hopes for your best year yet :)
from jenniam :
thanks for stopping by. I am confused by this entry...were you in Afghanistan??
from f-i-n :
from orgami :
perchance upon your pop up back in the day when space was king star wars and all princesses and blasters mutants and all just leaving now but a note I say
from rotted :
hey... you're on myspace? me too! give me your profile and i'll give you mine! :D
from homeboy5 :
i took that personality disorder quiz, and they told me i was 67% borderline personality disorder and 33% antisocial, fwiw
from oceans-depth :
Personally I think mermaids rule, You have a nice diary. warm blessings xoxo Deja
from bloodandgold :
I like your layout! Mermaids rock! Anywho, keep up the great work!
from usmcsis :
woohoo! thanks for the cheap pop. glad you liked my entry. :)
from mysdevious :
Just wanted to stop by and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY...Enjoy your day and know A would want you to do the same even if he was there.
from lovely-freak :
i'm doing that tattoo thing too. i sent my consent form in a long time ago and haven't heard from her so i e-mailed her a week or so ago and she said that she got my stuff and that she just has to get to it in the pile. i'm interested to see what word i'm getting... a friend of mine got the word "dead"....
from shawntasy :
are you of african descent?
from sarahsundae :
thanks for checking out my other site and leaving a message in the guestbook.
from misspinkkate :
Come take the new survey just for "Queer Eye" fans, fab5fans, created by me!
from lovely-freak :
don't let him read it. it is too soon. hell... i don't let my husband read it and we've been together for 5 years. i open up certain entries and let him read them when i want him to know something i can't articulate... he's never been allowed to read it. that's just my opinion but i don't think you should let him read it... at least, not just yet.
from p-brain :
Welcome to the ineedahug ring.
from lovely-freak :
thank you. i sent that to rj. he totally agrees with you. i'm trying really hard to figure my life out but it's so difficult! i appreciate any insight and your comments are always and forever welcome! so thank you again.
from lovely-freak :
you are not alone... just so you know. hugs to you today and have a great weekend! thanks for caring about me too! :D
from lovely-freak :
who is the real you?
from adiscoverer :
hey there! thanks for joining the jason mraz ring!
from cockrelish :
Just because the girl is friends with Bot... A friend of Sensei's she is not... Sensei will always be glad you spoke... Even if friendships ended up broke... I don't know where I fit into this stew... But keep in mind, I still adore you... sensei
from sampsman :
I happened upon your diary when looking for people who listed the same fav movie as me. It's nice to know you dig Henry Miller Too. We park our cars in the same garage

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