messages to eatthesun:
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from dragonfufu :
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................your wierd
from crazycricket :
you should know better.
from bebopkid :
Whatever you want to do, but we'll have to make sure it is a day when everyone can go that wants to...
from bebopkid :
If you are talking about that Howl's Moving Castle(something like that) it starts in all theaters June 17, I'll go with you, I really want to see it!
from bebopkid :
Those papers are so cool! They are hilarious!
from crazycricket :
what was urs? i accidentally deleted it.
from crazycricket :
fabio4pres that's it. i'm always on. oh yes...i'm always on.
from froggygirl88 :
yes i love your templet!
from froggygirl88 :
BOO!i know who you are but do you know me is the question!
from apollox :
that is a great quote on the thingy even if you hate me.
from fairyfantasy :
lol jackkie you silly kid!!!! thanks for the doll! lol! woah! some really scary guy just walked by my window...maybe he is reading the thingy on the side of my house... I hope to see you on monday but maybe not. I'm kinda sicky. bye jackie!!
from love-the-era :
When are u online I want to chat with u but your never 0n ~Sammi
from jenab8807 :
what can i say, i keep it real
from jenab8807 :
amen to your entry from yesterday (2/9)!
from chellebell06 :
hows your molecule project going? i havent built mine yet because im not sure if i did it right. does it have to be built by tomorrow even though we didnt have school friday?
from apollox :
i had nto been here in quite some time but i just realized your 12 29 entry and when that was and the fact that its thursday and it amde me cry.
from dax2276 :
hola! i think your "previous" link is not working. had fun reading your stuff though. just had to go back to the "old" pages everytime. cheers!
from kissmybrass6 :
whoa, you too? I saw Goody Pearson with the Devil
from bebopkid :
from crazycricket :
hey jackie.
from bebopkid :
Ahhhhh!!!!! I LOVE that kitty!! yay!
from kissmybrass6 :
hey jackie what is UP, yo? Somehow, before I went onto this page I knew this was you... crazy, huh? Cya later, and don't forget the manga lol Bri
from eatthesun :
im leaving a note on my own thing.
from bandfreak06 :
boo! Hey Jackie! STRAY CATS RULE!!!!!
from bexx :
yeah...when I get drunk I go online and get board, I was surfing through the rings, and found your diary. You like good music! Have you checked out Le Tigre's latest? I haven't gotten it yet. Any good. I've heard a few songs on college radio.- Bexx
from bexx :
from bebopkid :
Hi, I have had those lemon altoids before and I do LOVE them! They are very yummy., I can't think of anything to say right now, so c ya later!
from htims-immas :
yo loser he he j/k well I just wanted to tell you that we got a 1 superior. yeah see you tomarrow
from dragonfufu : guess is jackie because she is messed up as i am just doesn't like to show it...heh heh HIYA WHOEVER YOU ARE....and you did find one o my diaries now can you find my other i keep my poems in??
from fairyfantasy :
how about u just tell me who u r. im not in the mood for stupid games.
from fairyfantasy :
let me guess....jackie? lol!
from bebopkid :
HIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, we never get to talk anymore. I do stall on my homework a lot and I hate lit so much. So I guess I'll talk to you later dude. c ya!
from kissmybrass6 :
hey who are you? I'm bri. lol wow. Ok. Yeah. I used to be on tigger41706, but I got a new diary last night. Yep. So I'll talk to you later, whoever you are...

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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