messages to eb0nie:
(click here to add new message):

from my--life :
any chance i can get a pswd?
from try-me24 :
i thought i was bugging when i got locked out! eb may i have access por favor? lol
from tender16 :
ummmm....when are you going to be back open to the public?
from tender16 :
ummmm....when are you going to be back open to the public?
from teachin-usa :
hey! whats the word- the password- please let me in!!! susan at thanks babyface.
from fiyerstarter :
i am using one of your layouts...need to update my stuff! great layouts btw! :)
from hottieof06 :
hey i just added u to my listed. It's been a while since I've been on here and I'm just lookin for some new reads. Gimme ur email address if u want a pword!
from dreamafloat :
Hey love your diary! And I think the same thing about the 3 months. One you get past that things are a little easier. Too bad I never get that far.
from ladysotru :
sure just give me your email and ill send it to ya!
from ladysotru :
i meant last entry i just read* lol
from ladysotru :
oh my i have to say this last entry i just wrote is absolutely off the chain! and you found out where the bitch works!? Love it!
from carinolaffz :
i think its in the food they be eatin lol
from carinolaffz :
ohhhh i love your HAIR girl! lookin like a diva! =)
from carinolaffz :
ROFLMAOOO @ "she looks like a saggy brest horse with a bobble head" LMAOOO
from carinolaffz :
LOL o wow..she`s a character but keep an eye out on homegirl
from carinolaffz :
DAAAAAAAAAAAAMNNN!!!! that chicken looks GOOD! i needa start on my salad regemen but dammit its sooo freakin HARD! keep up the good work ma =)
from try-me24 :
Hey ebz i dont remember if you are on nuvaring or not but i do remeber u talking about it but anyway just in case you are they have a digital reminder and its free so i ordered one and i'm putting the link up for the girls i know who use it /patientSupport/nuvaTime/orderNuvatime /index.asp?ComponentID=122359&SourcePageID=74644#2
from carinolaffz :
girl ur makeup is flawless!!!! btw, did u see the reunion of flava of love? LMAOOOO that shit was funny! pumkin is scared 2 fight new york and that girl look like she was seriously gonna kill her ass...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! wtf is up with cherry bein a bitch 2 my homegirl goldie? i loooooooooooove goldie!!
from try-me24 :
happy birthday E to tha BZ 25 isnt it a lovely number?? :)
from carinolaffz :
from carinolaffz :
HELL YEA! i would`ve too...that nigga look like a black preyin manthis LMAOOOOO!!! Hoopz way 2 pretty for that man, YUCK!
from carinolaffz :
omgosh Ebz i WANT ALL 3 of those cute lil doggies!!!! i LOVE animals espeically dogs...this is wayyy off topic but girl im so HAPPY that Hoopz won Flava of Love...New York was just plain....iono the right word 2 describe her lol
from my--life :
This is Candy [unapreciated]. Nine times out of ten you have no clue who I am [LOL], but I just wanted to drop by and let you know my new name so you can chage it on your buddylist.
from honestlyou :
You review is finished.
from fiyerstarter :
hey girl...I just added you as a friend on myspace...I'm nevah on there! and yeah you right...I do spend 99% of my work day BSing on myspace! lol
from carinolaffz :
lol i saw that espoide about her on oprah too...LMAOOO but by the looks of those pix, it looks like shes enjoyin it...what i couldnt get ova was the fact that that couple gave their son a strippa for his 16th birthday....16 BIRTHDAY???? WTF!
from carinolaffz :
lol i loove watchin flavor of love! i like everyone xcept for fuckin hottie...that bitch is UGLY and i cant stand her voice, my god! i like hoopz..she`s very pretty and new york is ight, she just seems very fake to me...YOOOOOOOOOOOOO red oyster is a lil snitch!
from carinolaffz :
LMFAOOOO!!! ooo that shit was funny as hell
from teachin-usa :
oh yeah- your hair looks real nice.
from teachin-usa :
hey ebz. Thanx I changed my screen settings and now I can see your page just fine- except now everything is so small- yeah- you young so your eyes are all right- but I have to look real close! Lol. No,that's okay. I like the new screen setting- everything looks nice and neat this way. Even if it's making me blind. I'm excited about your apt-just be patient- and don't go nuts on the furniture- really- you don't want to spend all that at once. You're gonna bring your air mattress aren't you? You can put it behind your sofa! Love your diary. Hope everything works the way you want it to.
from carinolaffz :
*hair lmfao wow i cant type
from carinolaffz :
awwwww i love your her!
from carinolaffz :
busta look MAAAAAAAAAAAAD good without all that shit in his hair!
from carinolaffz :
from carinolaffz :
hoooooooooooly shit! did u get one of those brazillian waxes? ( or wuteva they fuck they called ) girl and i thought gettin my eyebrows waxed was painful
from carinolaffz :
awww man! =( i would love to go but im on the broke side *sniffs*, if u do go i hope u have fun ebz and bring a sista back a sovenir(sp??) ;] lol
from tender16 :
thanks. i use to have a rainbow brite too.:)
from signomifly :
GOOD LUCK EBI-ZZZZ!!!! I know you are gonna rock your job interview at Wells Fargo! :) Yay!
from signomifly :
sorry - my blog is back open okay. sorry :(
from try-me24 :
ebonie ya links page is dead smack in the middle of your entry making it hard for me to read lol but i do read i just gotta copy it onto something else
from try-me24 :
ebonie i be roflmao at the similarities we share same blogs too huh?did u see the post secret today with the teacher who left the kid back so she could flirt with the father !!!! *dead* and i adore holiday N
from signomifly :
you are always in the 'in' crowd deary! some'one's not been very nice to Sig and is runnin around tellin my dude shit that i say in my diary. so as soon as i find out who that trick ass bitch is, i'll gladly open my diary back up....sorry hun.
from nadivah-rox :
Awwwww it's ok boobie you can call me anytime!!
from analyzers :
You've been analyzed
from annanotbob :
Yeah, that's me, I've been reading you and wanting to write to you too but not knowing what to say, cept I think you're a great writer - your voice sings off the screen, makes me want to come and punch that no-good bloody uncle - let the girl get some sleep for god's sake. Come and say hi sometime xx
from try-me24 :
everyone says that now u see why im a part time professional phone boner i figured y not get paid 4 it lol
from try-me24 :
lol i know after i did it i was lik no i did not just put dland on hold lol you knw my ass ghetto as hell
from carinolaffz :
omgggg i loooooooooove sherbert!! Yummm!!
from try-me24 :
smart move returning the book to save money cause i also am in hard times i got to barnes and noble at 9 am and get as many books as i can hold then read all damn day hers was read last weekend i am oh so lad i didnt pay for something that if u listen to wendy williams in nyc you woulda heard anyway
from annanotbob :
Hello, just found you via teachin-usa and love your diary, which I've added, hope you don't mind. Have to find out if all that with your (beautiful) sister is for real. All the best, Anna
from carinolaffz :
hey mama!!! damn i didn`t know that u added me lol my bad...but anyways, i locked my diary so please send me a note with ur email addy on it and i`ll give u my username/pword asap! thanx =]
from vintagedeath :
hey thanks for the add i'm from san jose my dad likes japan though
from xxskyxx :
Hiya iv been readin ur diary for a while...u talented girl.....anyway....i went on hols wiv my bf n when i got bak ur diary was password protected.....can i have the p-word please. Thanks xxxx Sky xxxxxxx
from bronzbeauty :
i know im late like shit but can i get the hookup with the password/ [email protected]
from vodka-n-milk :
hey hey hey. I need a p-word, por favor.
from try-me24 :
okay i've been trying to get in and it never occured to me to look at ya profile so drom me the pass please [email protected]
from lifestruggle :
hook me up with the password, I need something to read to get through my work day. Oh and i dont know you in real life. [email protected]. thanks
from complexlust :
heyyyyy locked(?!) pass please? email:[email protected]
from unapreciated :
from unapreciated :
Hey, just wanted to know could I get a user/pswd? If not that's cool too. My email is [email protected] Thinkies!!
from unapreciated :
Merry Christmas!!
from ladymarm0lad :
Hi Can I just say - when I first joined the site I picked a diary out at random to read - and ot turned out to be yours. I was gald too, coz its funny, honest n ur really down-to earth GO GIRL
from bronzbeauty :
whas really good? i see u added me asa buddy, friend, whateva you call that shit {i didnt know too many ppl outside my buddylist actually read my diary}. anyways, how come you neva send me any notes? :( imma keep in touch wit u cuz your diary is on the real tip. i love bullshit. thanx for the complements....
from try-me24 :
hey gurl this is soror keepemcummin you know me a fellow apf lol well anyway uhh eatin aint cheatin lol and thats all i have 2 say about that
from micas0sexi :
I'm mad you added me as one of your favorite diaries and said "I don't know what to say"...kinda fucked should know what to say... you know what to say about strangers
from complexlust :
your on some exclusive shit with your palmolive bubbles of cum......aww man, that sounds so wrong...
from complexlust :
waddup, i saw that u linked me so ima read, one question......Alpha Phi Fuckem Sorority(?) lol
from try-me24 :
girl if you a whore id hate 2 know what i am or have u not been reading lol
from ludovic :
hey... hope the move went okay... and nothing fell outta the truck ludo
from stykz :
yea, i had a tag board once upon a time, and nobody tagged. plus, it's just easier for me to use my notes, so that's one more thing i don't have to add onto my diary. i really don't have room to add anything anyway. but yea, most of my friends have diaries.. it's cool, although sometimes i wish i didn't know what they were saying about me. but it's okay.
from ludovic :
thanks for doing no 2 eb0nie. You're the best -cheers ludo
from tanprincess :
hey no prob! i added you to mine too. look forward to reading! hope i dont bore you too much w/ my diary...its not the most exciting one!! haha.
from ludovic :
hey thanks for doing my survey... you're too kind -ludo
from iluveminem02 :
You seem send me a note
from eb0nie :

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