messages to elberry:
(click here to add new message):

from elberry :
I hope this site is still being looked after.
from elberrytoo :
Testing to see if this program is still working. I cannot change my email and want to make sure someone is still looking after this website.
from x-centricity :
I'm quiet too, but I surround my self with rowdy people. I tend to be the sober one 60% of the time but the only one who knows it is me. *wink*
from x-centricity :
Happy Birthday to your daughter!
from x-centricity :
I really enjoy reading your posts. You have a beautiful soul.
from arial-black :
Thank you for you kind note, love. I'm glad you enjoyed it. (:
from meffinmisfit :
I stumbled on your diary and I must say that I am speechless because I find myself relating to if not all, so many of yours words. I myself am on my own personal discovery of inner wealth. Cheers to that! xo
from cdghost :
stumbled across your words and enjoyed reading them very much
from ediblmercury :
Youre welcome :)
from ediblmercury :
Random hello. Your an interesting read :) ok buhbye
from elberry :
<img src="" border="0" alt=""><br>You have the
from lousrose :
tell me about it. i haven't cut in a week and it feels like writer's block!
from lousrose :
i'm doing alright. had a period where I was cutting a lot for a few weeks, but things seem to be levelling out again. have I told you how much I like your layout? i've never seen one like that before on dland. hope you continue to do well :)
from lousrose :
just stopping by to say hi again, hope you're doing okay *hugs*
from lousrose :
your diary is so beautiful.
from devallyk :
Why, thank you very much. I'm flattered.
from nocalgal :
thank you for your kind remarks re: my site ... gee, as i peruse your diaryland entries (most delightful & insightful, at that) - you seem ever so familiar to me ... if comfortable for you to do so, please e-mail me: [email protected] - so that we might 'compare notes' ...
from ergoatlas :
lovely diary. keep believing.
from dancingsatyr :
It seems to be a trend here... but thanks for dropping by on my diary... which I suppose has become more of a continuing proto-novel or something. Anyhow, I hope you come back and visit. I`ll be around!!
from spidersoma :
thanks for leaving me a note. i am addicted to your diary now. i really enjoy reading your faith-based musings as well as your poetic words ... it really is all kind of ... intoxicating. i will add you to my favorites.
from tommy71301 :
Hi elberry...... Thanks for dropping by my site.....always nice to hear from folks....come by more often....and I will visit you too!!! Tommy
from thesanepoet :
Just popped by, thankyou for the great note, life is hard, but that just means you have to be harder and refuse to let it win... TheSanePoet
from elspeth-lily :
*sigh* my boyfriend and I are taking a week long break. he says it's just a week long... I don't know why I'm telling you... I don't even know you... ~Elspeth Lily~
from elspeth-lily :
Thank you so much. At the moment I have the flu and am feeling very yucky, but that made my day. love and such -elspeth-
from elberry :
I dedicated my last entry to you.
from elspeth-lily :
oh, how lovely to have grandchildren! I can't wait until I have children and grandchildren, even during the not so great moments it's a gift *smiles* ok, so about me, I'm 16, I've been with the same guy for a little under a year and a half, he's my bestfriend in the world, and we plan on getting married when we're older *and either out of college or our senior year* I'm a sophomore, and I'm trying to graduate early *junior year* I want to be a writer, but lately I can't get anything to sound how I feel. and um.. I'm not sure what else to say... tell me more about yourself, also *smiles* xoxo -elspeth-
from elspeth-lily :
oh wow. you seem really cool. how old is your daughter? keep writing, you write beautifully :) love and such -elspeth-
from elspeth-lily :
thanks for the note... i *really* like your poetry, it's... great *smiles* i was wondering how you came across my diary... anyway, yeah, thanks again -elspeth-

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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