messages to elisabeta75:
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from astralounge :
I'm here! I read!
from astralounge :
I will *NOT* be having children. NO, NO, NO.
from astralounge :
Oh, come on. You haven't put straws in your nose? I have a hard time believing that.
from astralounge :
I meant to write earlier and say I'm sorry about the job situation. Damn. :(
from astralounge :
Heh. :) Here's another funny entry about McDonalds.
from astralounge :
I can't believe you did that whole survey! Ha. I forgot how long it was. I actually took the questions from about three surveys and combined them. :)
from astralounge :
Haha. Thanks! What entries did you see that were so funny? :)
from astralounge :
Luck!!! Also, don't fight with your mom. =}
from astralounge :
Ah, you finally turned your notes on. Yay! Yes, I think there would be a market for kids books like that. If you want evidence, look on for the kid's book "King and King." Hee. :)

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