
I love: ex-machina, cats, feminism, folksinger women, pornography, birkenstocks, pink, swimming, and spaghetti. Any questions?

My favorite diaries:

panther profile - diary
comments: you can't trust those beady eyed republicans- you never know what unconstitutional things they may be thinking about.
mytwocents profile - diary
comments: I would like to create my own mystery and intrigue but I think that would only land me in jail, or at the very least earn me a couple of restraining orders.
supercilious profile - diary
comments: I think people of every race, color, culture, and social status would enjoy popping bubble wrap.
katress profile - diary
comments: You would think that you would realize that you sound like a freaking freight train on the other end of the line, but I swear some people are just so oblivious it's kind of sad.
unequivocal profile - diary
comments: Umph. Long night. I dreamed about angels. All... fucking... night... long. Only one of you is laughing right now.
neo-relic profile - diary
comments: Others laughed when I'd mention my undying love for you, but now that I know that you vaguely remember meeting me at GenCon, I'm sure that ours is a love that will last through the ages.
ex-machina profile - diary
comments: Watch as your dreams of a tasty, wholesome lunch drown in bright yellow doctor pee.
fuzzy-grey profile - diary
comments: When I say that, I mean the really fucking fat chicks are going out and having a good time with their equally fat friends.
daizylee profile - diary
comments: So, a bit of trivia. When people say the bar sucks, they're not kidding.
dr-mommy profile - diary
comments: By the way, it is taking literally all my willpower not to write what I really want to write, and trust me, it doesn�t have the word frickin� anywhere in it.
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: I wonder if there are guns designed specifically for killing ponies, miniature horses, or unicorns? That would be something I could get behind with 100% of my soul. I would shoot those all the time. WITH MY PANTS DOWN.

My favorite music:

Indigo Girls
comments: And I guess that's how you started, like a pinprick to my heart, and at this point you rush right through me and I start to drown.
Counting Crows
comments: She's talking in her sleep, it's keeping me awake, and Anna begins to toss and turn. And every word is nonsense, but I understand.
Dar Williams
comments: Go ahead, push your luck, say what it is you gotta say to me. We will push on into that mystery, and it'll push right back, and there are worse things than that.
Alanis Morissette
comments: I bet you're wondering when the next payback shoe will eventually drop. I bet you're wondering when my conditional police will force you to cough up.
Ani DiFranco
comments: I build each one of my songs out of glass, so you can see me inside them, I suppose, so you can just leave the image of me in the background, I guess, and watch your own reflection superimpose.

My favorite movies:

Say Anything
comments: If you start out depressed everything's kind of a pleasant surprise.
The Shining
comments: Come play with us, Danny.
comments: I totally paused!
Legally Blonde
comments: Whoever said orange is the new pink was seriously disturbed.
Legally Blonde 2
comments: I didn't know I could be this happy without incurring credit card debt!

My favorite authors:

Barbara Kingsolver
comments: As the cars and trucks rolled by, the gusts of wind caused one stiff wing to flap up and down in a pitiful little flagging-down gesture. My instinct was to step on the brakes, but of course there was no earthly reason to stop for a dead bird.
Margaret Atwood
comments: You fit into me like a hook in an eye. A fish hook. An open eye.
Francesca Lia Block
comments: Once, as a surprise, Pixie dressed up in a pig costume and visited Pony at the store where she worked bagging groceries. Pony was mortified and pretended not to know Pixie. Pixie left crying.
Lee Tulloch
comments: The problem is, there's always a risk in being TOO ahead of your time. People don't understand you. They don't understand that you're AHEAD. They think you're WAY behind.
Nick Bantock
comments: A place either exists or it doesn't. Where are you?

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last updated: 2009-09-04 06:01:53
this user's total entries: 2173
user since: 2000-02-21

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