messages to emostars4you:
(click here to add new message):

from x-star- :
hey are you still around? how are you?
from emokid-112 :
i know and i would love it if you could be here. the best thing you could do would be to come to my wedding. that would be amazing! love you, and thanks for trying to comfort me.
from emokid-112 :
you shouldnt feel like you're trying to make this keep going. just write what you feel when you feel it. i think this will help a lot if you know people that you wouldn't want to read certain things. just vent it all on here. thats pretty much why i have this. none of my friends know about this or anything. and even if you some of those "friends" have access to this just block them or make this a completely private journal. i love you dear. and hope you really haven't given up on this. -Valerie
from emokid-112 :
o how i missed this wonderful world. i love you babe!
from x-star- :
spill your guts. its better than ignoring. i feel like once i write something, alittle bit has been flown out of me.
from jarardlikesu :
Well I am glad you still read it :)
from emokid-112 :
you're such a beautiful writer! true or not. i don't know how you could have had writers block. it sounds like it comes so naturaly. i love you sweety!
from emokid-112 :
awe don't be lonely! you have me, ill be here for you anytime :)
from emokid-112 :
word. i hate repeating everything all the time from other diaries. tho i mainly post them on myspace. it can still be a pain especially when you are excited abouyt something and want everyone to know, but just don't have the time to write it all down again. i love you!
from dope-slave :
are you sure you're not really 14?
from lv-rndrdwrds :
You are such a person who, when i saw you for the first time, I wanted to be on your side (& this had nothing to do with your assertion that '[you] always win' because i didn't think you were perfect, but there was something i had to explore, to taste and to love, because i love you hole, not in little, fractured pieces . PS Make it to me and we can live forever bc with you forever is in the moment.
from xbeeyatchx :
from xbeeyatchx :
from jarardlikesu :
You're such a sucker for a sweet talker
from prettye :
i been good i am goiong to hawaii on tuesday and i am a little stressed cause i never been on an air plane so i dont know if i will be scared or not and i still need to pack and yeah so why r thing so complicated well talk to u later bye
from prettye :
ur welcome so how have u been
from prettye :
hey whats up just wanted to dsay say hi and hope to talk to u later bye
from emokid-112 :
hey there! i thought that i'd just say hi since im actually on here today. so... HI!! love you bunches, val
from fragiledeath :
Thanks for your note. It makes me sad too. But it seems that it's the only thing that stays constant in my life. The only thing I have control over. You seem lonely in your posts. A kind of desperate loneliness that I can definitely relate to. I hope it passes for you.
from xbeeyatchx :
from lovemeonce :
i found you diary, do you mind if i add you?
from x-star- :
hey i rarely come on here.. im usually on nexopia haha. my nickname on there is starryxeyes if you have one... anyways, jeeze.. just broke up with said boy... my choice, but i'm finding it hard to deal with it, hard to get away from the pictures, memories and thoughts every day... do you ever notice how someone can impact your life SO MUCH because when you were with them they were <i> everything</i> and i mean everything. i never saw my friends and now i am but im still feeling lost. sigh. and i have sun blisters cuz i passed out in the sun *sheep*
from emokid-112 :
o well, he'll sleep in the family room. thats at the other end of the house. and ya know what? since today i didn't go to church (i got sick) i asked my parents to talk to sandy and ben for me, and apparently sandy was actually the one who found them and asked if ben could spend the night! whah?!? i must be in the twilight zone, seriously!!! what the hell is going on? why is everyone on my side? i could get used to this! :)
from emokid-112 :
no no no. he does look different and its not just me. i still love him too, i know i always will. he's still a cutie even though his cheeks plumped up, its just he's not my skinny emo boy. he called me last night and we talked for ever (at least it seemed that way) he was asking me all these questions about prom, he's adorable i think he's looking foward to it too.
from emokid-112 :
why is it that i am the last person who wrote you?!? those jerks, that come on and read your words don't care like i do!!! so here is some love from me! have a great day!! love you
from emokid-112 :
hi there, i haven't talked to you in so long. i just recently got back on here. i hope things are looking up for you. for me yeah some things are like school is going well and there is this boy that has a crush on me, but the love of my life is in terrible pain i and i can't do anything about it, it hurts me so much. i don't know what to do. and i've been on myspace hellalot, so if you want (can) be my friend. search under Valerie Hurtado, my sn is My Slumbering Heart-but that changes quite often so look under my name. ok well hope to hear from you soon, lovie.
from darceek :
yeah- was in love. maybe i still am, but there isn't much sense in trying to take back something thats pulling away, so im here on standby. maybe someday. hope is hard to have when youve just lost it though
from x-star- :
sweetie. that's what the internet is for. to make us see how big the world is, and to let us know what we are all connected somehow, through our pain, suffering and similiar emotions and experiences. we'd feel pretty fucked up if the only people who felt as shitty as we did sometimes only lived where we lived. haha. i do wish you lived closer though, we could share our pain and make each other feel better.
from x-star- :
hey its soul-eraser. i made myself a new diary. couldn't stand all the depressing shit in my old one, although i'll probably just end up doing the same in this one... as far as having a lack of friends go, sweetheart, mostly everybody hits a point in their life where there is no one to turn to, and they feel like they are so alone. i feel that way right now. i feel like there is something about me that people just don't like, and i wish i knew what it was. just keep to the internet, its a great consolation, at least in my opinion. sometimes ranting to strangers makes you feel like a least SOMEONE out there is listening to what you're feeling and going through. i wish we lived closer, because from the sounds of it, we're going through alot of the same feelings. <3 xoxo
from amber163 :
i stumbled upon your journal and liked what i read. hope you dont mind if i add you. <3
from greed- :
haha, the only reason i made another new journal was because i was on my dad's laptop and made a wonderful discovery that he's tapped into my yourmove- and was reading it.. ptsh. idiot.
from yourmove- :
valentines day sucks♥ mine went horribly, and i was expecting it not to. ahh, if you read my diaryland you'll understand.
from emokid-112 :
yeah i know it hurts. in time the pain will go time.... love you
from emokid-112 :
o yeah, and you're right i really should jsut get over being scared not to like my guy friend. and yes i did call him,i called him yesterday actually, wishing him luck, but he didn't answer so i left a message, tomorrow i guess i'll call again to see how it went. -emokid
from emokid-112 :
my stomach hurts too, but its not because of people hurting, i just haven't eaten today. well i hope you feel better, and i am sure that after you write in you're locked diary you'll feel better, it always helps me to write things no one else(your friends) will read. love ya, emokid
from emokid-112 :
im sorry you have cramps. that really sucks, i hope you feel better. -emokid
from soul-eraser :
hmph yes everything's better now.. but yeah, um well i unno if you go to my old entries, like if you look at the ones before i changed my template, its still the old template and its all fucked. i wanna change it :(
from soul-eraser :
awe baby! everybody appreciates you. you may not realize it, but some of the words you write are lines of inspiration inspiring people thousands of miles away. p.s. the girl on your lay out is HOTT! those boots! they musta been painted on with liquid latex..
from yourmove- :
hehe, thats me.♥ you gorgeous girl! i'm so glad we get to exchange secrets in these little boxes. <b>LOVEYOU</b>and you know it.♥
from yourmove- :
to hear that you are in love makes me so happy, love. im so glad you are happy, wow. love you!!&Hearts;
from soul-eraser :
PLUS if you click on the << thingie to go to the previous entry, it takes you backj to my old template. WHY MUST HTML BE SO COMPLICATED< WHY
from soul-eraser :
thanks bebeh. there is one prob: if you click on notes, it takes you to a "noctiluca" member name note page...:\ erg
from emokid-112 :
well i am sorry you feel that way, but i DO know how you feel. thats why i only share my diary to those who i could tell everything to. (most of my "friends" don't even know my dl diary exists.) love you!
from kaydizzle :
I love you. Always remeber that.
from soul-eraser :
hey can i email you my password to my diary and can you help me with my template?? i can't get the previous entries to go to the template that i want, nor can i get the image to appear. can you do it for me?
from soul-eraser :
hey sweetheart, we all say stuff with ignorance. the other morning a girl walked in late and im like "sleeping in i see". she was at her best friend's dad's funeral. its life, and with life comes death :) sometimes its not fair, but it has to happen.
from weneedariot :
I'm so sorry. I remember you leaving a note on my diary when my friend Eric died. I wish I was as good with words as you are. "Just don't ever let that person out of your heart and remember all the good stuff." That is what you said to me and every time I felt I couldn't make it. I would think of those words. I'd like to think everything happens for a reason but there isn't a clear reason I can see for things like this to happen. I'm so terribly sorry. Things will get better; you just have to believe he is in a better place right now. I really hope things get better for you love.
from yourmove- :
death is such a horrible aspect in people left here.. watching someone go on to some place better is so hard to take.. I've had to watch it a few too many times in my life.. but it makes you stronger; more appriciative.. &you'll always know.. you have a face to look forward to seeing. if you ever need to talk.. you know i'm here and i loveyou. ♥
from blackout- :
ohhh, nicole. i am so sorry about adam. i read about it on lj. a friend's death is always hard, but i promise that things will get better. i'll help you through it, love. <33333
from blackout- :
what kind of cancer does he have?
from soul-eraser :
sweetie, what happened between you and ian is something that will become a faded memory, just like everybody else that has caused you hardship. Five years from now, none of these people will matter to you because so many better htings will have happened. Honestly, think about the things that you once thought were the end of the world, and now its just forgotten. Like if you broke your favorite toy when you were a kid or something like that. we move on. life goes on. and i hope sleepovers are still allowed once i get to college, i want a girls night where we all just hang out ya know? ugh..
from blackout- :
thankyou. <3
from fadedxme :
haha, i know. i just want what i can't have, i suppose. ♥
from emokid-112 :
hey i hope things start looking up for you soon.
from soul-eraser :
hey well everything is fixed now, but im still hurt he compared me to his ex. that's a really lame thing to do! did taking back sunday give you the fix you needed? hope so :)
from estratto :
Notice: The code is the same, all you have to do is reapply to the diaryring neverheardof. I had to delete it from that diary. Thanks!
from britneypink :
Yeah! I'm glad you liked LIFE AS WE KNOW IT. Some of my friends at school didn't like it. I hope it'll catch on. I'm afraid I'm hooked on DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. Terry Hatcher is so funny.
from gregslastday :
it certainly can be lame. my lj name is: punchdrunkstars. i'll add you back as well! (it's mostly friends only, so, you know. hah.)
from emokid-112 :
yeah thanks, i hope i get better before the dance. otherwise that would just suck!!
from soul-eraser :
k well dear considering yr (insert age here) years old, there seems that there would be many reasons to live, simply because think about it..the person you want to marry could live on the other side of the world, and you just haven't met him yet. like SERIOUSLY> theres SO many ppl in this world, there's GOT to be one perfect match for everyone, all these factors factoring in about personality etc and one person having what another needs and some sort of mutual love that just goes right off the bat. true love doesn't involve someone not returning yr feelings.
from britneypink :
Thanks for the note. It really makes me feel better.
from emokid-112 :
ok so i was really mad at ben friday and i just wanted to feel wanted and get some action so i didn't care. i had my eyes closed and everything. its horrible i know. i am a terrible person. but yeah i know i have to tell josh i don't like him at all. its just i don't have the time untill maybe tomorrow, other wise this weekend. ek!
from emokid-112 :
i sorry you feel that way, no one should feel like they need to watch what they say/write because of who may be listening/reading. but you can always block certain people from going to your dland, and only allow who you want.
from soul-eraser :
lonlieness is what makes us look what we are looking for...a companion. ma chere, ne t'inquiete pas, tu vas trouver l'ange qui va te sauver. (translation: my dear, don't worry, you'll find the angel that saves you.)
from yourmove- :
you are my heart. i swear you seriously rock my world. you are my favorite♥
from emokid-112 :
yay i am so happy for you. knowing that you are happy makes me happy too. i told you you would be happy again, you just had to wait awhile. love ya!
from soul-eraser :
yeah i went and looked it up. oops. well he WOULD regret it if he broke my heart :P
from soul-eraser :
wuts the rest of the song? p.s. i take nyquil to. apparently it causes cancer. hmph. so does exlax.
from emokid-112 :
o my! yeah my folks do that to me all the time. it pisses me off so much and i cry very easily and i hate crying in front of them cause they think of it as a weakness. isn't that lame?!? o yeah it is! er...
from soul-eraser :
yeah i realize that now. im over it. sigh. but as far as this jared character goes, the reason you don't miss him as much is because yr realizing (maybe not consciously) that you are your own person and that you do not need this significant somewhat (from what i've read) insensitive other to accompany you. somebody else will fill yr heart a million times better. and jokes. dont get my started my parents always joke about how when they die, ill have more money and ill be happy and like, it upsets me so much like shit. ugh i hate jokes. unless its like practical jokes. even then they can be hurtful. take it easy woman. this world's got too many curveballs to be prepared for
from emotivatedx :
Well, Stefanie Drootin used to play bass for Bright Eyes, but now is in The Good Life with Tim Kasher. Okay, I'm officially a Saddle Creek WHORE. Anyways, goto search interests and search Stefanie Drootin, you should find a picture. If not, go to Google and look up The Good Life or Stefanie Drootin :)
from emokid-112 :
o goodness! i have the same problem with my emotions. and i wish that i could travel in time to a year ago when ben and i were the best of friends and even more. but this will never happen. we must move on or else we will dwell in this all our lives and never be happy again. for awhile take a break from him, if you two are meant for each other then he will come to you and it will be okay (no more arguing) and if not you'll meet someone who will rock your world. right now i am taking a break from ben and already there are two guys who want to be with me. relax, things will turn out fine, just stop stressing. love ya
from yourmove- :
psst. its ___canvas♥
from xshebreaks :
aw thanks. :) im going to do that list thing. ♥
from fadedxme :
thank you. i love my internet buddies. <3333333333
from fadedxme :
crrraazy baby. love ya lots, <33333
from emotivatedx :
oh my god. if taylor hanson called me, i would have a seizure and die. le sigh. your friends are THE luckiest people i, don't know..but know of! lol :)
from emokid-112 :
o man i miss my friends too, and yeah they are a crumy bunch, but it feels so good to just hear the phone ring. i miss the old days when i actually used to go out with my friends and have a good time. *tear* now i find myself hoping the phone will ring and i pick it up in hopes of a friendly voice on the other never happens. i feel that everyone had moved on without me, it sucks!
from guitarphreak :
yay emo! i love takeing back sunday! take care. <3 nikki
from soul-eraser :
<3 *hug hug*
from emokid-112 :
yeah i have been getting upset over little things too. its driving me crazy and most people around me. i am so sensitive right now and i can't help it. and now that i can't have my ben i feel like now i want him more than ever. and knowing that i can't have him hurts like hell.
from xshebreaks :
you're too nice to me. <333
from xshebreaks :
good to know im not alone. ♥
from soul-eraser :
whats yr email par chance darling? did you get the note when i gave you mine?
from soul-eraser :
holy crap. you. are. me.
from soul-eraser :
yeah maybe im bi polar too? haha im usually pretty content but i go through alot of depressed unhappy stages where i can't stand to look at my own ugly ass reflection and such..ok well ive come to terms that im not ugly but im certainly not happy with my body...etcetc. maybe we should go on msn? pinkkiwicrumbs@hotmail..
from faded-lust :
oh wait i forgot to tell you... i love you a lot.
from faded-lust :
from emokid-112 :
yeah, my folks are freakin' annoying. they think that if i am on here people are going to get my email address and find out who i really am and then they will come after me or something. my parents are the ones who don't know me and i'm fine with that, but because of that i keep a lot of things bottled up inside. which is why i need dland. if i told them that they would become insane with anger. ok well my folks are home now, better go. with love emokid
from kaydizzle :
I had to leave you a little not telling you how much I appriciate everything you've done for me. Mom didn't kick me out of the house, but she did call this mental hospital. I'm not sure how I am feeling right now. Angry, because she thinks I can't handle my life, scared, because I don't know what's going to happen to me, hopeful, because I know you're always there just to tell me that you love me and that things will be okay, and discouraged, because I'm not sure what to do after this. I just want you to know how much you've helped me to see things clearer. I'm thankful for what I have, and most of all thankful that someone as sweet and caring as you decided to take their time and patience to help a girl like me. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it feels to know you're always there to talk to. I love you. -Kelsey
from xshebreaks :
I think I would give the world to have never met him. :/
from emokid-112 :
cheer up my darling, things will look up soon.
from xshebreaks :
thankyousomuch. i hope it works out too. im already dying inside.♥
from gloryxxfades :
aww thnx !
from gloryxxfades :
7/13 ?
from kaydizzle :
You're so amazing and I love you. One day, when I get my car and some money, I'll come visit you and we can talk about everything. You're the best...ever :-) <3
from emokid-112 :
i know just what you mean about those feelings. i hate them too and they realy bother me cause i feel so helpless.
from soul-eraser :
heyyyyyy omg i relate to yr stuff too. its like whoah. i just had this huge fight with my bf last night. it wasn't a fight. it was more him questioning my willingness in our relationship cuz i suck at compromising. and yeah. i freaked. and realized that i fight with him for the sake of fighting. not cuz it actually has importance to me. im just difficult. so im throwing all my fighting desires aside and turning in the white flag so that maybe the "us" might stay and i can still say "we" are coming to wherever it is we may be going to, as ooposed to I am coming, alone and sad.
from emotivatedx :
yes you are & were. :)
from envyyou :
i love you so much ♥
from emokid-112 :
thanks hon, for the note. i hope you get well soon too.
from xshebreaks :
'wtf__' that looks like it would be wtf__yay but its not. i had to clear that up. haha
from xshebreaks :
my new LJ is wtf__ yay :) --xxo
from boho73 :
nice diary...confusing at times...i like!
from britneypink :
I'm not so hot about camping either. Especially, tonight. We're expecting thunderstorms. Well, protect yourself from those old mosquitos. Keep smiling!
from britneypink :
Hopefully, no more silly dreams like that one. I loved what you wrote about Jared. Hope things get better for you.
from andwebreathe :
sorry love, but it is YOU who is lovely ♥
from britneypink :
YOU ROCK! Thanks so much for the note.
from xshebreaks :
haha. i am windupdollx and i meant to post that note about you rocking under this name. oops! but you rock nonetheless. -- xox
from kaydizzle :
thanks for all that you said. it makes me feel a lot better. i couldnt believe what i did...i was so mad at myself for screwing up once again. i always read your diary, and it makes me stronger seeing how strong you are for having to deal with all that. i hate dissapointing people - i seem to be pretty good at that - but i did do that to myself. i have a cutting problem. i had been doing so well. i hadnt cut for almost 2 and a half months and then i just broke down. between my dad, losing my boyfriend, and breaking my moms arm, i felt like i couldnt handle it. im trying though, im trying really hard. thank you for everything. stay strong. love, kelsey
from emokid-112 :
ooo i want you to be string too! maybe yiou should go to the doctor and up your dosage of medicine. that could help....
from emokid-112 :
from fadedxme :
hahaha. i love storms, but when they wake you up at four in the morning, i wish they'd die. <3
from windupdollx :
aw. you rock. too bad you dont live anywhere near me. :(
from emokid-112 :
sometimes guys just aren't as strong or couragous as girls so if you want to talk to him maybe you should pick up the phone. i called ben yesterday and am so glad i did cause as it turns out he has been feeling the same things as i am and just didn't know how to say it. if you call him i'm sure you'll feel much better and you'll know where he stands and things will be so much clearer for you. good luck. love ya
from emokid-112 :
i feel exactly the same as you do! i tell myself all the time of how much i want to be with andrew (xbf) but really i don't. i just want to be/feel loved again. we'll find someone some day. i just wish that day would come soon. love ya
from faded-lust :
my words make you wanna fall in love. im in love with your words. i think we can call it even, love. <3
from faded-lust :
dads are so unappriciative.. its like, "HELLO! at least im WRITING this in PRIVATE and not actually acting on it." loveyou
from faded-lust :
oh darlingdarlingdarling. im so sorry things with you &jared aren't doing so well right now. saw the el jay. :( .. keep your chin up, beautiful. you're too precious for anyone to ever be mean to you, or to have it last. if you need anything.. im here, love. xox
from fadedxme :
Oh thank you. It's just a manifest thing or whatever of what I'm feeling. I'm glad you like it, doll. <333
from laurelote :
Ahoy! Thanks for joining my (Captain!) Jack Sparrow diaryring, mate!
from emokid-112 :
thanks bunches for my note. it really made me feel so much better. you're right i am the only one who knows how i am feeling and if i need the help or not. thanks again. love ya
from xshebreaks :
Your note made my day. thankyousomuch <3
from emokid-112 :
omg i just read my note. you are so sweet! i am glad to know that you are there for me, life has been so rough and always will be. but i think together we can get through our hard times. and we will get over "our" men. i'll get over ben and you'll get over jared. you'll see. we'll look back on this and laugh. love ya dearly :)
from emokid-112 :
everything you just wrote is exactly how i feel. its scary but nice to know that i am not the only one. love ya
from emokid-112 :
first i'd like to tell you that sadly there are still ben dreams, though i barely remember them as the day goes by. i know i have dreamt about him, and i have flash backs of the dream, but not enough for me to remember the whole thing. and second i am flattered that you are so involved in my entries/life. thank you. i truly means a lot to me to know that someone cares. good luck with jared i hope you get your feelings sorted out and pray that i can too. love ya
from faded-lust :
you are right. i changed it back. i like my old one much better than the other one. :) thanx lovely! xox
from emokid-112 :
bravo! that was an awesome poem! i hope you get all your feelings sorted out soon. love ya
from faded-lust :
thank you lovely. iloveyou xoxo
from xshebreaks :
from emokid-112 :
well first off thank you for the note, your right that lame cliche is true. and i know just how you feel right now, i wan to get over this guy and i just don't know how to feel. sorry i don't have the answer, but we'l find it soon. love ya
from fadedxme :
thanks. you made my day. <333 =)
from eatxmexalive :
hey...I stumbled onto your diary through another diary and I must say you have an exellent taste in music ;-) And Gingerbread really is a good book. See ya around.
from fadedxme :
you so pwetty! hey, btw, i'm adding you to eljay, mmkay? i'm yr_superheroine on there. <333
from fadedxme :
van helsing isn't scary. and i think you'll look absolutely RAVISHING with black hair. (even though i've never seen your picture! *cough*) but still... <333
from faded-lust :
thank you dollface, as is yrs beautiful.
from faded-lust :
from fadedxme :
hey, no problem. just keep your head up. <333
from emokid-112 :
thank you so much for your note and advise. i will take it. you are right there may be someome else that feels the same. he if i do feel uncomfortable he sure isn't doing his job. thanks again, love ya and sorry about all those crazy emotions you are feeling right now, i get the same way and its been driving me nuts too. in time it'll get better, its just hard for us to imagine that.
from fadedxme :
hey, you're not alone. i'm always constantly thinking about people and obsessing over everything. it's okay. but just try not the think TOO hard, mmkay? <3 ya lots. xox
from emokid-112 :
thanks for the advise. it really means a lot to me. i'll try and tell my parents its just that, well, my folks like him and so do the other kids and i don't want it to be my fault that he is gone. i'll feel really guilty, and if i just stay away from him i'll be fine, right?
from weneedariot :
hey, thank you so much for the note you left in my diary I just read it and i made me feel much better. I'm sorry you had to read the sad things written but he was an amazing person and I miss him dearly! But what you wrote makes me know everything will be ok
from soul-eraser :
isn't it horrible how they can make us feel like the best thing on the planet, and then they can make us feel like shit all at once? the power they hold..we hold the same power but we don't use it.
from emokid-112 :
hey there hon, well i know what you mean about just wanting a boy to hold your hand and tell you you're beautiful. i felt that way for long time, then i got over it and learned to move on, you can too. in time you will have someone greater than you imagined and he will love you and tell you everything you need to hear. mark my words, you will be happy again. <3 ya
from soul-eraser :
hmm yeah ive been up in yr diary a lot and it sounds close enough. gawd. i can't believe i have to break up with him...gawd..its my fault partially..but i know if i were to have seen him as much as i needed to, i wouldn't have broken the faithfulness....gawd..i feel horrible.
from emotivatedx :
thanks =) it's finally done :)!
from emokid-112 :
omg! i love chris carraba! dashboard totally rox my sox! he is so hot and his music kicks ass! yay!
from emotivatedx :
i miss me too. haha i've just been sorting things out lately.
from fadedxme :
hey, no problem! your diary's just too pretty to ignore. ♥♥
from fadedxme :
hey! i'm loving your diary. welcome to my faves. <333
from envyyou :
I know how you feel, but things will get better. they inevitably always do. hang in there, you are strong and beautiful and wonderful♥ feel better
from emokid-112 :
HI THERE! well i know that i don't know you,but i was reading some f your entries and things that you like and you just remind me of myself. i am also very emo and need antidepressants and will soon get them. ok well punch on -emo luvs u
from envyyou :
glad you had a good weekend love ♥
from emotivatedx :
thanks for the note! yeah, it was some experience...almost like a dream. you're day will come though <3
from pinknvinegar :
Just letting everyone who has me listed as a favorite know that I'm locking my diary. If you want a p/w, email me at [email protected]
from soul-eraser :
BAH u keep listening to my favorit-est band ever!!:D rock out
from soul-eraser :
blue and yellow,. thumbs up chick. everyone wants to kill someone but the restrains and grooming society gives prevents us from doing so. just think groomed. lol. keep rockin the free world
from guavagrrrl :
right on, me too. i mean, i go to ccc too.
from soul-eraser :
bad moods get the best of us sometimes. they just hit us and then its up to the world to watch out for our psycho bitch attitude that popped out of nowhere. then they go away.
from guavagrrrl :
hey.... do you go to clackamas cc?
from soul-eraser :
blah i am tara! that's my name :P but yeah thanks a lot for the comment :) i dunno where it came from. i just said to someone "yr so emo" and came up with it :P
from soul-eraser :
mmm pouty fussy moods SUCK! u wanna scream at every lil thing everyone does and then u feel guilty later..
from toastersrock :
schwing.. rocky horror is awesome, one of my faves. i'm a sweet transvestite, from transexual transylvania... ahh the good times.
from soul-eraser :
dreaming of other guys..well ive been crushin on another guy lately, and well it just makes my bfs and mine's relationship more on the friend side...but im letting go of the crush so the end i think if u and jared stay together, itll be stronger..time apart or distance between the two of you gives you a time where you didn't share yourselves with each other, and then ur guy is going to want to find out stuff from that period of time etc...i think neways.
from soul-eraser :
babe, breaks are HORRIBLE. but don't give in. don't let him know how lonely u feel with just the thought of the two of you not being together..and i have a hump on my back too!! its not a big deal lol. well its not a hump, but my neck looks funny lolz. if i ever get a webcam, ill take a picture of my neck haha. ARGH so frustrated with school..exams are evil and physics is the spawn of satan, PLUS there's no new snow on the mountains so i can't board. PLUS this guy that i kinda like...well he came back from hawaii today and im anxious to see if he phones me or not...but i have boyfriend whom i love dearly, and so why do i like another guy?! fear of committment? i find that after six months, i start looking at other guys, and i have this thing that its rooted to some deep psychological thing where im afraid of being so committed to someone and devoting too long of a time to someone and then it breaks off and it was all a waste of my time
from britneypink :
Hi, you've got a great way of writing that makes me wonder what will happen tomorrow.
from soul-eraser :
i'll read yr diary. i know how good it feels to know that someone hears (**reads**) ur blog. cuz then, even though its a stranger, it somehow makes things easier and reading urs :) ill add u to my buddies cuz i do that every now and then..
from gbg :
Welcome to the Cruel Intentions diaryring!
from karbear160 :
haha scared the crap outta me when i was reading it haha...<3
from karbear160 :
haha holy'm reading ur cast and it says jesse..and thats my boyfriends name and he has a pericing on his eyebrow..and he has screwed a chick..that's a few years older then him haha..i don't think he raped her tho..:S..he was 14? at the time lol..that's sooo scary haha..plz note me bakk lol and tlel me its not himmm Karen
from emo-chick1 :
Wooooo emo rules! Taking back sunday are brilliant! :) As are: Funeral for a Friend, Thursday, Bright Eyes, Cursive, The Starting Line and Further Seems Forever. Don't ever be ashamed to show your emotion! Buh bye 4 now. :) XxX
from envyyou :
It means that you have compassion. It's hard to breakup with somebody regardless, but only you can determine what your tears really mean. cry it out you'll feel better after you do. ♥ stay strong♥
from socofan1 :
wowzers, im emoxproduct...its nice to know someone likes my poems haha. :o) thanks
from envyyou :
from envyyou :
OOh! I'll move out with you! I will! ha! Also, your quotes entry was HILARIOUS I almost died laughing *falls over dead* bah. Sorry, I'm feeling odd today. Have a lovely day :D ♥ ♥ ♥
from theatre-geek :
11/24/03 Hi there! Thanks for the guestbook entry. I was absolutely deplorable last week. I feel so bad I didn't get any entries in. And here you go leaving a nice message in my guestbook. Thank you! I must catch up with your diary. I'm glad to see a RHPS reference in your profile. I can't seem to click on any of the links in your diary.
from envyyou :
Hey, go back to that link *points below* and the code is all set up for the taking :)
from somberdsign :
It's me (envyyou) I made you something :D ( You don't have to use it, but if you want to just lemme know and I can set the code up for you :) I won't be offended if you don't like it. It looks best in 1024 x 768.
from ending-here :
thank you for the sweet comment in your profile!! and ahh, johnny depp! my love! i'll stop in to check on you! xo
from envyyou :
Ah! Thanks! Next time you're feeling down, or angry, or even just apathetic, try writing some down. Poetry is an amazing outlet, and you'll probably end up pretty impressed with what you write when you're emotional! ♥ ♥
from jenifer-007 :
YES! I ♥ drama! lovelovelovelove it! you graduated last year? it's like, this is supposed to be the best time of our life, but I am SO busy, and SO stressed, and HATING it. Ugh. Anyways.. I put the new Die Trying CD into my cd player because I had only listened to it once, but I didn't get past song three before changing cds cuz I wanted to listen to Dashboard instead, so I guess the CD isn't really worth buying. I just like to wast dinero that I shouldn't. Ha! ♥
from envyyou :
Oh my goodness, I just bought the new die trying cd a week ago, but since I bought it at the same time as the new DBC cd, I haven't listened to it much. Just had the urge to tell you, and thought you might like a note ♥
from jarardlikesu :
Hi sweetie, I just decided to send you a note and I am not reading your diary! Hehehe, anyways, I <3 you sweetie.
from envyyou :
It might take a while before I send it out.. but I'll try to get right on it. I am a HUGE procrastinator! But thank you SO SO much! *squeals in excitement*
from envyyou :
Well, you can either give me your address, and I can send you a "self-addressed stamped envelope" or, if you'd rather not risk giving me your home address, I can e-mail you mine, and you can just send it to me, and then I can send you something back. And thanks for adding me to your favorites ♥ and saying that I'm amazing *blushes sheepishly*
from cdghost :
enjoyed the words..all the best cdghost
from envyyou :
DID SOMEONE SAY TBS STICKERS!?! ((I'm wearing a TBS shirt right now, AND listening to their cd AND I just submitted myself to their fanlistings today!)) A thousand kisses if you will send me some!
from xwhyxnotxdie :
Scratch that last one, I changed it... again. lovingxyourxlies, that is, if you want to speak to me.
from xwhyxnotxdie :
Thanks, maybe the reason why I haven't talked to you in awhile is because I got a new screename. imxalreadyxgonex. That should work if you ever want to talk.

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