messages to erinlew:
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from jennyj :
The Daylesford B&B stay was great! It wasn't really a gimmick, I don't think. One woman who was working there made felt in the afternoon. Actually made felt. So yes, I think they live the dream. All the Melbourne city slickers that I was with were craving bacon in the morning so we had to drive into Daylesford for a fry up. Good times.
from jennyj :
Ooh that vegan B&B looks strangely familiar. I stayed somewhere like that in Daylesford - is that anywhere nearby?
from meakiai :
Hi Erin , I knew as soon as you said that was a photo from the Nepean highway which one you were talking about! Its quite near where I live I LOVE that sign! LOL not that you know me but Im just a melbournite reading you
from jason75 :
hey Erin, hope you start to feel better.. glad you valentines went so well. SO glad to be back in Melbourne now with moonlight cinema and stuff.
from omorfia :
Merry Christmas!!! Wasn't it a gorgeous day today? Perfect Christmas weather :) x0x0
from omorfia :
it's them, not you. 'mother in law' .. how ridiculous. are you feeling better? :)
from tokyo69 :
i just did a google search looking up 'meatloaf headache' and came up with you, in my own town, with the same diary entry. kookee. cheers.
from omorfia :
wowsers .. going from being vegan to eating pork! what's that doing to his digestive system? .. I thought at first maybe you meant just adding in milk or eggs .. *eyes wide* .. BIG transition. !
from omorfia :
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is wonderful news! *big hugs*
from omorfia :
try 'breeders choice' kitty litter - awesome stuff - no muss, no fuss. :)
from jason75 :
who is your boss that you actually like?
from jason75 :
I remember those freakin videos.. sorry you had to sit through those.. what is hilarious is on some of the really old training videos are people before they became famous..
from bluebarb :
lola takes her pills plain and out of my hand...namely because they're garlic-scented (i believe in a past life she was thai)
from omorfia :
poor miko! but how funny that she ate the damn pill! i have never ever had any luck with hiding pills in food with cats. dogs are a cinch .. but the kittie ratfinks ... *shakes her head* Is it the one that is supposedly 'meat' flavoured? i didn't believe my vet until the kitties here kept trying to eat through the plastic. the pills i have to give monster now are no fun at all. i absolutely DETEST having to do it. and he hates my guts when i do, too. :(
from jason75 :
stick with it.. it gets easier and most of the people are nice... except for angelica! her and I did not get along that well! you will find it easier than most.. you have the personality for it
from omorfia :
hey! we have miniature golf! on plenty road in bundoora. there used to be a great one in the city .. but she all gone now. parking lots are much more fun, apparently.
from omorfia :
hullo babycakes :) i came here to write something about poof .. but i noticed my dancing note has gone! *poof* heh i'm so funny. *ahem* .. the one in which i take you up on your very brave offer of boogeying with me .. *sucker* :) the next time i feel the need to get my dancing shoes out ... you are SO DOBBED IN!!!! *maniacal cackle*
from jason75 :
sounds like an ace idea although if they eat meat.. there will be like three different types of food being cooked each night! Is a lot of fun to house share if you all like each other though!
from omorfia :
it sounds like a great idea. i can't even explain why!! - i guess everyone has got someone .. there isn't any third wheel action. It's like a reinforced two person house (i know that makes no sense to anyone but me) .. excellent idea, actually. why haven't more people done this? man, think of all the money you'll save - not only on rent, but on bills! this is a great idea.
from jason75 :
that movie was very very well done.. we watched it Crown and at one stage Heidi grabbed my arm at the exact same time someone in the movie had their arm grabbed.. I almost screamed... sooo darn close
from jason75 :
have you ever thought about phone work? I know it sucks but the pay is ok. I could link you up is all
from bluebarb :
i want to see your hair nooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!!!! *ahem. hello my lovely lady. If you could be so kind as to send your favorite ex-roomie a foto of your silly hair, it would be apprieciated. I haven't SEEN you in over a year. *BIG SIGH*
from tathagres :
Hi Erin, its Sophie. Was lovely to meet you on Saturday night. Will be reading :)
from jason75 :
was great meeting you! thanks for livening things up! I hope your brother is ok and maybe we will have to try the bowling again another time
from bluebarb :
hey- i have highlights! you've seen them! i have that chunk of yellowish-orange in the front of my head that I've had since coming back from London. are you going to tell me I'm no longer "hip and trendy"?
from bluebarb :
i want to see pics of these so-called "pigtails". i don't believe it. though you should see my hair as well. almost pigtail worthy. can't wait. ps-GOOOOOOD luck on the amelie-ad thingy!
from omorfia :
*crossing fingers*
from jason75 :
you should be scared of driving in Melbourne,. what is with turning right from the left lane!!! and ear muffs?? in Melbourne?? is too bloody warm! finally.. good work on the Tim Tams! have you tried the Tim Tam straw with your coffee???
from jason75 :
y "i wont be doing it again soon" I take it you mean after March the 15th!! we dont do awkward silences.. too much alcohol for that
from jason75 :
Heidi is always talking about you so I thought I would check your diary out and look at the first entry I choose! lol! damn it!
from omorfia :
oh you poor little chook! i will not EVER fart in the public toilet if someone else is in there .. i think all girls would rather hold onto the pain than let it out if someone we know is in there too. we're so stupid. ;) anyway! i hope you have the naprogesic in a drip .. that's the only way i get through my period pains. feel better!!!
from bluebarb :
happy valentines day!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps. you got all those loans so that you could go visit simon....right??
from bethb :
hey miss erin- but i *do* like him in that way. a lotta lotta lot. i still don't think i'm smart enough for him, but we'll see....
from bluebarb :
i love you! i'll move there(after i finish building my boat) and make people be friends with you. i'll just walk around with a sandwich board that says "BE HER FRIEND NOW! (she makes lovely *fake tuna sandwiches and turtle cake!)".
from twentyone :
good friends are hard to come by but the ones you end up with make it all worthwhile, hang in there and be yourself
from twentyone :
hiya, thanks for all your words and advise, it is much appreciated! just to let you know i got all my tie worries sorted out and went for the rather girly scarf tie-it-and-pretend-it's-one version. ive just read back some of your entries for the first time and i like. have fun at that vegie picnic (have been one for 7 years also, be proud with me!)
from omorfia :
howdy :) i stumbled across your diary and am currently reading through and enjoying .. you are in fitzroy! i'm in reservoir (about 10 mins away) .. you mentioned having doctor issues .. my wonderful (female) doc - in reservoir - is only a tram ride away from you if you are interested. :)
from jason75 :
If I were you the one thing I would miss would be the white xmas thing.. Melbourne is ace though
from bubbygirl :
Hey there. Just thought I'd leave a note to let you know how entertaining your diary is :) I've read a couple of entries and I've decided to add you to my buddy list thingamebob... Have a great day :) Erin (Yep, another one)

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