messages to ernst:
(click here to add new message):

from browndamask :
The bit about being our own understudies in our 20s - so true. Even at 45, I feel like I’m still figuring things out. And I do enjoy a good summer rain - the break in humidity, the earthy petrichor. Like yourself, some of those memories are cemented in my mind. Forest walks, alone. Four-in-the-morning drives through the city center. Maybe it’s the rarity of summer storms in these parts that causes the brain to snag on the event, to keep hold of it. If I haven’t said it before, let me say it now: I love your writing. You have such a distinctive voice.
from browndamask :
I use an iPad app called Procreate. I try to keep the process as close as possible to actual, physical graphite drawing but, yes, the results are much cleaner. I think it's good for getting practice in when I can't physically be at my desk. Also very good for the repetition I'm trying to get in lately. I don't think there's a big market for faux graphite drawings, but I figure any work that I do, regardless of medium, only serves to improve my skillset.
from whitepigeon :
A freebie Interpol (with Blonde Redhead opening) in '05 or '06 gave me my fave rain mem of our era...a hundred or so attendees clustered under a downtown (?) overpass while the deluge deluged and bandit hot dog carts wafted <3
from bridgecity :
Hey just saw yr note. I'm in Tx too and don't see tarantulas all the time but these cicada killers man i wouldn't be surprised to see one trying to get a rat for dinner
from browndamask :
Still laughing about the old timers calling the library from the bar
from orangepeeler :
"Call the library!" <3
from i-lost-sarah :
... mein Doppelgänger (´⊙ω⊙`) !
from browndamask :
‘Enthusiasm can prove elusive once ignored’. Ugh - so true! And I’d love to hear (read) your take on the ‘limiting binary categories’ sometime.
from browndamask :
I feel like I'm behind on all things Diaryland. I'll catch up on your posts soon, but for now I'd like to say thank you for the kind note on my birthday. It was a pretty decent day. Maybe 45 will be mine to me.
from orangepeeler :
"Someday soon they're gonna find me on the street in my bathrobe, checking the neighbor's mailbox..." Or walking an ancient dog around town in your bathrobe, as my neighbour does.
from whitepigeon :
What if Clifton's got its baked apple stock from the orchard that supplied the jail...
from whitepigeon :
Sneaky Bean Seeks Beans to Sneak
from i-lost-sarah :
I read about storms and power outages, I hope you're safe :(
from orangepeeler :
I concur with Browndamask - there's so much to enjoy about your writing. xx
from browndamask :
Re: 4/29/24. I enjoy all of your writing, but this entry in particular struck a chord with me. There are too many bits I loved to refer back to any one thing. Just, thank you for writing, I guess. And humor, all of it - dumb puns, esoteric jokes, absurdities, and everything in between - I think it’s saved my life. It’s certainly saved me from taking myself too seriously.
from browndamask :
She's a little dark and very gothy, but also the most polite teenager I know. Love that kid. Unrelated: just catching up on entries. I figured you were also an insomniac, as I frequently see you on Instagram in the wee hours.
from i-lost-sarah :
thank you, it feels good to vent and to know someone's listening too, take care of yourself as well :)
from orangepeeler :
"But as my flashlight caught glinting bits of quartz and flint amidst the limestone scree of the ridge trail, my only thought was, “It feels like spring.” A thought as comfortable as the air on my skin. Framed in and of the moment; neither with relief over winter's end, nor dread of an impending summer. In and of the moment." <3 May you shake off your blues soon. xx
from annanotbob2 :
Thanks for the note, appreciated
from orangepeeler :
2024-03-28: beautifully poignant. do record it!
from browndamask :
Happiest of birthdays! I'm so glad our paths have crossed and thankful for your many kind words. Btw, I love the idea of matryoshka-selves.
from orangepeeler :
Happy birthday, young man xx
from annanotbob2 :
I also read My Year of Meat by Ozeki which is fab, but that's just barging into your conversation with OP, I came to say Happy Birthday and now I have. Have a good day
from orangepeeler :
2024-03-03: Was this a dream?!
from orangepeeler :
I read A Tale for the Time Being many years ago... I was more inspired by a recent Great Women Artists podcast interview with Ozeki.
from browndamask :
I don’t mind indulging in or reading the occasional dream related post, especially when well written. (And I do enjoy your writing) I find it fascinating, all the subconcious mental detritus that dreams can unearth.
from orangepeeler :
The Magic Mountain <3 "I took a seat in one of these, and didn't want to move. Or think. I felt suddenly and simultaneously heavy, exhausted, and completely relaxed. As if, after years of conflict, I'd surrendered some object of contention...but couldn't recall what had made it so precious." I too would like to surrender, and I think I am preparing to do more of this as time passes, catching myself more and more on the floor of my sitting room, staring at the ceiling, not thinking, not wanting. And I feel so much more relaxed afterwards. My friend says that during such occasions of seemingly not thinking, the subconscious is actually re-ordering stray bits of information, images, and memories, "tidying up" and in effect allowing the mind to work better. So there is perhaps something to doing nothing.
from peggypenny :
I make a new years resolution because I 'have to' make a contract with myself to get it done. I like your writings. this year, practice piano. I started on a song called "Mouse Should Hide" it's about timing. 2024 Peggy Penny
from browndamask :
It came to me through Brandon Taylor's The Late Americans: “It was a lie that Timo had not loved piano enough. He had loved it very much, but in a way that was difficult to describe. It was apophatic—he could only describe it through its negation. He only understood how much he loved the piano after he had given it up.”
from browndamask :
I start a new note on my phone each year just for words I discover/rediscover and love. I think my favorite word of last year was "apophatic" - a word I worked into an entry that I haven't yet posted, but someday might.
from browndamask :
Both paracosm and umbworld are new-to-me words, and such good ones. This entry is making me want to retreat and unplug entirely for a few days. It's been far too long since I last did so.
from annanotbob2 :
Thanks for your kind note - I'm glad you were freed in the nick of time and had the necessary cash. On we go, innit? On we go x
from browndamask :
So very glad things worked out in your favor. Oh! And thank you for your kind note. I enjoy your writing as well. You have such a distinctive voice. Always happy to read your updates.
from browndamask :
So very glad things worked out in your favor. Oh! And thank you for your kind note. I enjoy your writing as well. You have such a distinctive voice. Always happy to read your updates.
from orangepeeler :
from annanotbob2 :
19/12 Interesting. Growing up in the 50s we didn't have all the happy ending bullshit of later Disney etc. I loved fairy tales and consumed them avidly, though as you point out, many of them predate what we consider to be the basics of structure (which I credit to Jane Austen, P&P striking me as the first novel in English to have a perfect structure - though I haven't read many early novels originally written in other languages, so what do I know?). I later considered fairy tales to be perfect tales for children, to show them how life was likely to be - brutish and unfair, but honesty was still the best policy even if there were no guarantees of happy ever after. Even Andersen's Little Mermaid comes to a bad end after making bad choices.
from browndamask :
It really is an obscene number of birds
from orangepeeler :
"intrinsically punitive" - ha! your caustic interpretation is a pleasure.
from annanotbob2 :
"my pawnshop" lol x
from orangepeeler :
Thanks for the footnote - whew! And thanks for the portrait of the poetically enigmatic Wanda.
from browndamask :
I learned to play on a classical guitar with nylon strings, a hand me down from a guy I briefly dated. Honestly, I hated it. I've got small hands and couldn't stand playing on nylon strings. It's been years and years now since I've played at all, save for helping Jo tune his guitar or showing him chords here and there.
from whitepigeon :
Keening to ker-plank-plonk my way through the opening notes of "Michelle" on that crummy, beloved guitar
from browndamask :
My youngest went through a phase of wanting to stop at all of the historical markers. That was a few years back, and I’m sad we got out of the habit of seeking these out. Maybe ought to pad our travel time next week to work in a few extra stops.
from orangepeeler :
2023-11-02: I always love your travel writing. This post made me yearn to go on a road trip across the US.
from browndamask :
Catching up on so many entries, and glad they didn’t dissapear before I got the chance to read them. The convo we had a couple of weeks back makes sense now - my ‘the thing’ is the art stuff and your ‘the thing’ is music. Would love to hear it if/when you put it out into the world. Also, regarding lyrics, I don’t usually read them before I listen to a new album but as I listen to it for the first time. And I’ve tried not to let streaming ruin how I listen to music - I do listen to albums beginning to end the first several times. So much intentional thought goes into track order, transitions, etc, and all of that is lost if you just listen to things at random on a streaming service.
from annanotbob2 :
Not so keen on Goodbye girl - Cool for Cats I'd have said but I just listened to it and it hasn't aged well.
from annanotbob2 :
Cheers, mate. I appreciate your support. I like lyrics - my faves at the moment are Johnny B Goode and Up the Junction by Squeeze - tiny, perfect stories.
from browndamask :
This was my first year to (sort of) grow them. I've got two that I am hoping will ripen before the weather gets too cool. What a bizarre allergy to have - how frustrating. So many tasty things are red. I grew yellow and orange tomatoes this year that were delicious, though I grew them for their low acid content, not for their color.
from browndamask :
You already know I dream about pneumatic systems :) But I do also visit the same dreamscapes frequently, most of them places I've never visited in real life or weird misconfigurations of places I've been. I always enjoy your writing and had several entries to catch up on today. Regarding the Ru entries: Glad there are people like you in this ridiculously conservative state. So sick of this bullshit.
from orangepeeler :
"Puzzle dreams" is a wonderful term.
from annanotbob2 :
I'm having a flaky time and your entry was long and complex but made me want to reply, though not sure what to say. We have to stand firm against the bullshit, the meanness, all this vile shit going on. We don't have the same thing with drag queens reading stories to kids but we have pantomine dames, and have had for decades, many decades, so I think we're safe from that line of attack. but such nasty shit about trans women and so much bullshit about there only being two genders, as if science hasn't known forever that some people don't fit neatly into either category and hasn't that been hard enough for them all their lives without all this. Anyway, my sense of who you are seems to ebb and flow with each post of yours I read which is kind of interesting.
from orangepeeler :
Raccoons!! That last image!! My one and thankfully only story re: these cheeky buggers:  one summer in Berkeley, a family of them infiltrated the attic of a old rambling Victorian house I was squatting (not by choice). Every night I'd find a pair, or a few pairs (!) of red eyes glowing at me in the dark (by now, the electricity had been turned off) and every morning I'd discover paw prints smudged all around the toilet bowl. Oof. Of course I moved as soon as I could.
from browndamask :
I'll be sure to incorporate treats into my dream subway :)
from i-lost-sarah :
Hurray trash pandas! They use tools?! Is this common knowledge? Shouldn't David Attenborough be talking about this? I want to watch them build a shelter in a documentary and say "I know about that lasagna tray"
from browndamask :
9.24.23 - This made me smile, thinking of those raccoons gathered around, worshipping a flimsy piece of plastic.
from browndamask :
In all fairness, this time it was one of my favorite co-workers, and she's asked a lot of me lately. I think she felt bad, tried to do it on her own, then sent me her results knowing I would fix it. With the short notice I ended up having to buy stock vector art, which I guess is the modern version of clip art, but at least it looked decent in the end. She's not one of my repeat offenders, so I spared her the trumpets :)
from i-lost-sarah :
I don't know Alaa Alghamdi. Hejira as in pilgrimage? The sculpture sounds cool :)
from i-lost-sarah :
Medina means city in Arabic--and you mentioned Mecca. Two Saudi cities! Sunrises, petrichor, rainbows, Comanche ghosts and other people's tools sound very stimulating :)
from orangepeeler :
Oooh what a gorgeous ode to the sunrise x
from whitepigeon :
Everything but the Girl's "On My Mind" is sonic iced tea and peak Thorn, the coolest of breezes <3
from browndamask :
I think I'm jealous of your sunrise commutes. Sounds beautiful.
from browndamask :
It's a valid concern, didn't mean to downplay that. I haven't been thinking (or communicating) very clearly the last few days, so that's on me.
from browndamask :
I read both the entry you pulled down and the most recent entry. I had thoughts on the first one, but now my brain is mush and they elude me. It’s hard not be cynical about influencer culture. I’ve (literally!) recently ended a two decade friendship because I could no longer handle how disingenuous my friend’s social media presence had become (travel influencer). It’s hard to know where the branding ends and the person begins. I wouldn’t say that it’s all devoid of value, but I do worry about our culture’s constant need for overstimulation, the increasing vapidity of our ‘entertainment’, and how seamlessly corporate branding is interwoven throughout all of it. That said, I have two pretty solid members of Gen Z in my household, and they don’t have much patience for that shit either. So maybe there is hope. Or maybe we’ll just devolve into Idiocracy.
from i-lost-sarah :
I want my Lifetime Channel money 😄
from i-lost-sarah :
Baa. The black sheep is the scapegoat. The squish. The won't sweep things under rugs. Thanks about the armor, I really hope so :)
from annanotbob2 :
I'm not convinced that a close up unexpected view of a pensioner's naked arse counts as a win for any but those with very niche tastes, but I appreciate the thought
from skatingparty :
Being called a ‘psychic creep’ provided me with a much needed laugh. Looking forward to your entry - sure to be more insightful than my whining.
from orangepeeler :
Oooh, I want to be a boat person during an eclipse. Maybe I'd have one of those hot pickles while I'm at it.
from annanotbob2 :
I saw the eclipse that we had here - can't even remember when - but the weird thing was the silence - all the birds stopped singing, just for those few minutes. It was great.
from i-lost-sarah :
I used to cover Blackbird-- I was so pleased with myself when I learned it :) I'm jealous of the boat people. And anyone who can do mushrooms. And especially mushrooms on a boat during a rare eclipse people.
from i-lost-sarah :
that note is eeeerieeee, ernst. mama taught us how to harmonize with that song. for your boat eclipse, I thought of the beatles--tomorrow never knows. maybe lyrics are too on the nose? no no no's. (had to make it three) you know, you can be spacey and have sublunary stress at the same time. I think maybe that's my default mode.
from browndamask :
Also, the Ingram Stonehenge (with 1/150th the history - definitely laughed at that) makes me think of the stupid tiny Eiffel tower up this way in Paris. Who plans these things and to what end? Why would I go out of my way to see a 1/16th model of the Eiffel tower wearing a red cowboy hat?
from browndamask :
Both the monetizing and the music remind me that, during the 2017 eclipse, a cruise ship hired Bonnie Tyler to sing “Total Eclipse of the Heart” during the eclipse. I was unaware the drought was so bad down there. It’s been far too long since I made it down that way. 2019, I think? Though the husband has been in down there for shows. So much nicer to look at than the DFW area!
from skatingparty :
Thank you! And truth serum indeed - it was a tough but necessary epiphany. I think we’d all have been better off taking a cue from Randall.
from annanotbob2 :
My sister was a big Georgie Fame fan back in the day. we had all his singles, oh yeah, I said yeah yeah
from browndamask :
i forgot about Edward Gorey! I can kind of see it.
from i-lost-sarah :
Well that's going to be stuck in my head forever--a new dissociation theme song 😄
from i-lost-sarah :
It's easier than it seems! Just dont cook it when you have a stomach bug 🥲 I sent baba a picture and he replied, "Looks very nice but must taste also" so I'll make it when he comes back :D
from i-lost-sarah :
Uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh PICK UP THA HAMMA! ( yes very fab :) )
from browndamask :
Yep. Band politics. Core three have been playing together almost 20 yrs, current iteration almost 10. Middle aged guys, no grand ambitions, but they are (were) fairly successful here in the DFW area. Hate to see it end this way. I've been apprehensive about putting anything specific about the band on Dland because it could very easily out me, and I would prefer to stay unlocked. Made that mistake when I played with the same guys pre-husband, resulting in my first diary being locked. I mean, I was like 21, but it was still a stupid mistake. If things work out and they make it back to S.A. I'll figure out a way let you know. Totally forgot about that Portlandia sketch. It's a good one.
from i-lost-sarah :
I wish I could put 'makes deceptively powerful and poignant observations' on my resumé
from browndamask :
Just replaced an old textbook filled with artists from the 80s - early 00s and was flipping through it way too late last night while drinking. Guess I feel asleep with Matthew Barney on my mind. I haven't seen any of The Cremaster Cycle films in 20ish years, but those images are forever burned into my brain. Obviously not my best night of sleep by a long shot.
from orangepeeler :
"And then let your heart break anyway. And never become jaded." Always! xx
from orangepeeler :
"Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."—Samuel Beckett, "Worstward Ho!" (an excellent title btw)
from browndamask :
re: ‘body count’ - It’s an impossible calculation, but that knowledge hasn’t prevented me from spending a great deal of time thinking on it. The more I think, the farther I get from any kind of meaningful answer. I spent a large part of my early 20’s working with the homeless and the LGBTQ population in Toronto, and in some ways those experiences changed me profoundly. The AIDS memorial in TO - something shifted in me the first time I saw it. Thousands and thousands of names; people who were deemed as disposable. Heartbreaking. But even with those experiences, I still struggle with a cycle of humanization/dehumanization when it comes to the lives (and deaths) of people outside of my personal sphere. It’s just too easy, and we live in a world with so many distractions. I can only hope that I continue to retain at least some (or possibly rediscover) the compassion I had when I was younger and more idealistic.
from annanotbob2 :
17/08 Interesting. I was listening to something yesterday that mentioned in passing that in the US the general belief is that most people are 'bad' therefore we as humans are bad. Hence 'why should my taxes pay for someone eles's whatever'. Also no belief in redemption, hence felons losing the vote forever. This is not the same in other places - though our (UK), current politicians are doing their best to encourage this - they are mostly very rich and genuinely don't give a toss about anyone else, but I'm hoping we can get shot of them. I'm not saying Europeans are better than US-ians, just that the public narratives are different.
from i-lost-sarah :
Mother Teresa said we can't all do great things but we can do small things with great love. And she also refused best medical practices for patients under her care because she thought God gives brownie points to sick people. People are strange and not aloof bears!
from i-lost-sarah :
I've seen a lot of belly dancing in my life. I've even lived with a belly dancer. But I've never ever seen a belly dancer balancing a loaded tray on her head in the middle of a restaurant. Also, that Dandana FB page is more Egyptian than I am, it's genuinely creepy 😄Speaking of which, I found your insta (I swear I'm mostly harmless).
from i-lost-sarah :
At first I thought 16 bucks for molokheya and chicken isn't bad, then I realised it's like 500 Egyptian pounds and now I want to cook molokheya on street corners 😭
from i-lost-sarah :
Hahaha, Hollywood molokheya carpets make me happy :) It's not so bitter in soup form, (Egyptian way, I think Saudis do a dry paste in pastries) very garlicky in my house for extra yum. Warning though, it's texturally challenging for a lot of people. If you've ever had Japanese natto or stewed okra and you're okay with sticky sticky plants you'll be fine. I had a Tex-Mex Egyptian friend in college so I shouldn't really be surprised by the availability of Egyptian food there but wow--masry food everywhere :)
from browndamask :
thank you, sir!
from i-lost-sarah :
Thanks for saying that -- it's weird but no one's ever said boo wrench guy, so it was healing to read :)
from i-lost-sarah :
I want to know more about his rain theory! Some people are quietly magic-- I want to talk to them all
from i-lost-sarah :
Ugh. Banksy, my foot. I remember when he was trying to push for his ball-gag guy to be the new national flag. Banksy would never. Maybe I'm biased from the trauma and can't accurately assess his chops. I hope I do make art. I need to be tougher I think.
from i-lost-sarah :
No, no, I'll try most things in ice cream form-- especially in a fancy Iranian shop. This is our signature chicken liver, okra and saffron ice cream --omnomnom! I miss the water, sad fish is sad 🥲 The grannies return your love by guilting you into eating too much food!
from i-lost-sarah :
Only the sea grannies are allowed to call me a kid and they'd call you a kid too :) We're mint choco adversaries. More mint choco for you-- maybe it's good in ice cream form? That Iranian place looks yum -- not a fan of rosewater though. Cucumber? I guess I need to broaden my ice cream horizons :)
from i-lost-sarah :
It'll be okay! Even if it's not, you're trying. You're trying even though you're scared -- that's a thing, it's not *the* thing but it's a very difficult and admirable thing.
from browndamask :
There is a comfort born of inaction, but I find it to be a false comfort. That hasn’t stopped me from camping in these pauses most of my adult life. Whatever the thing is, I wish you the best.
from i-lost-sarah :
I don't know the rules for magic in your head. So, maybe being meta is a loophole and nothing's been invoked? But technically, writing about writing about "the thing"... it's see? I'm sorry, I annoy myself too :)
from i-lost-sarah :
Few points, 1. Mana'eesh (plural of man'ouche) are closer to pizza/calzone than chili dogs so I'm befuddled. 2. Lebanese uncles are my favorite. They're so charming and sweet and have way cuter French than Egyptian French. 3. We don't reeeally have Egyptian BBQ, not traditionally. We have grilled meats (kabab, kofta, lamb ribs) but not steaks and definitely not what El Ghayesh is doing. That's some Egyptian American cuisine of the future (also exciting!) 4. It's possible I know his friend and this has freaked me out so I'm retracting the flirtation. I don't exist. Diaryland can't become real. Nope. Please nope.
from i-lost-sarah :
IS HE SINGLE?! Also if you want to impress him/any Arab chef/cook, say "teslam eedak" (it means bless your hands). Enjoy! Looks so yum!
from orangepeeler :
P.S. struggling with writing is always "growing pains"... or so I tell myself!
from orangepeeler :
Your comment didn't come off wrong. It's hard to talk about someone with such a complicated legacy/history. Anyways she always said she was more a live performer than a pop star - you should check out her Vicar Street performance(s?) - I watched a recording on RTE the other night. It might be on Youtube.
from i-lost-sarah :
Fran Lebowitz says the only people who love writing are bad writers :)
from browndamask :
Not that my opinion counts for much, but I enjoy your writing. I relate, somewhat, though I'm not much of a writer myself. I think putting anything out into the world- writing, art, music,etc. - there will always be the regret that comes after, the want to improve something.
from i-lost-sarah :
Whoa, you know about the owners meetings?! (they have a Facebook group as well) Nuweiba is my favorite place! I used to go to a camp owned by a very cute German family, it was cheap back in the day but now it's been repackaged as an eco camp/yoga retreat and the price list is in Euros 😭 Six/seven years ago I went to another more affordable camp and it was lovely too. Some interesting characters knocked on our hut in the middle of the night asking us if we wanted weed but that's not necessarily a bad thing? If you ever go, look for the camps that have prices listed in Egyptian pounds and don't get scammed :)
from i-lost-sarah :
Eee! So exciting! You're giving Sahel a bit too much credit with the view of the infinite dunes though-- it's more like highways, malls, shops, restaurants, bedouin villas and roadside patchy fig gardens. But, but-- in Sinai (places like Nuweiba), you really do get beach, mountain and desert smushed against each other. It's so staggeringly beautiful that there's often one or two hikers just openly bawling at nature (me). And I TOO once almost died in my sleep! I choked myself with a decorative pillow (rolled onto belly, head lolling off bed with pillow placed against my windpipe). But I just dreamed I was in a boiler room with flashing red lights and the robot from Lost in Space saying "Danger, danger"-- your brain is very romantic!
from i-lost-sarah :
I made it up! Happy it passes for a tune -- thank you :)
from browndamask :
There are years they definitely get worse but '98 was like nothing I've ever seen up here in DFW. And I bet Rolando would have loved that.
from i-lost-sarah :
Owwww, Almodovar outtakes 😄 I went to Hawaii once as a kid-- Bill Clinton was there? He waved at my little brother and everyone kept asking Mama and I for directions. My mom answered too, and flashed shaka signs at (fellow) tourists, "Enjoy your stay, welcome to Hawa'ii" What a beautiful place to grow up!
from i-lost-sarah :
Come on, you're an X-er not a Boomer! (I would subscribe to aspercreme-tok though) And mouser is an Ipad baby, they're naturals. Thanks for the luck, turns out Biso didn't need so much wrangling today--I hope he stays wild 😊
from browndamask :
Saw the news about Anchor Steam. Definite bummer. Husband is sad. And yes, you are an influencer. You've influenced me to have a beer.
from i-lost-sarah :
I don't know if you're an influencer but I'm pretty sure mouser could break the internet with a TikTok account 😄
from i-lost-sarah :
❤️😄 I'd ask God's assistant if they were union too (workers of the orherworld, unite!)
from i-lost-sarah :
6395702895- deal with Sarah for being mouthy, 6395702896- send a storm to punish the gays + inexplicable collateral damage, 6395702897- prepare lava pit for everyone who ever showed cleavage
from annanotbob2 :
Lol - it's a long story. We were at school together though didn't know each other then and met properly in 1973...
from browndamask :
Yikes! Sorry about the toe!
from i-lost-sarah :
The Fayrouz song was playing again today! The Arabic Phrygian scale is still a thing 😄 I'm not really part of the music scene anymore so that's all the information I have-- well that and Mahraganat which and EDM mixed with traditional instruments and percussion (it's very loud and club-y, not my cup of tea but I appreciate its social significance as working man/protest music). My head soundtrack is pretty silly, I hum the ghostbusters theme when I space out (my friend called it my screensaver) Ernst is artsy and a musician? Phwoar!
from i-lost-sarah :
No I gave you Egyptian doctor advice-- Filipino nurse advice is RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevation. Rest- DONT WALK ON IT FOR AT LEAST A MONTH Ice-Never directly on skin, small towel is good (first day go nuts then after that ice it only a couple of times a day, frozen veg if you don't have an ice pack -peas and corn are best) Compression --do not attempt, don't try taping or splinting it yourself, let a professional do it if they deem it necessary. Elevation-- it'll help with swelling but you do need blood to circulate to help heal, so if it starts feeling numb or tingly put it down for a bit. Also, take painkillers after eating so they don't irritate your stomach--unless you're taking Paracetamol/Panadol (it's gentle on the tummy anyway and you can take it even if you have an ulcer). And if your skin is cut, try to clean it so it doesn't get infected --there are different ways depending on if it's shallow or deep. Okay now mama won't judge me 😄 xoxo and chicken soup!
from i-lost-sarah :
oh no! rest well, keep it elevated but not if it's tingly/numb (thank you, don't worry I'm in a very very very privileged bubble)
from orangepeeler :
"Fuck this town": I get it, Ernst, I get it.
from i-lost-sarah :
let me know if you're ever in Cairo, I'll get my nails done 😄
from i-lost-sarah :
We have a place like books to share in Cairo, a couple of places -- how is the smell universal too?! I was excited about Krispy Kreme opening here, so I relate to the dull patrons of your bar. Sometimes a person looks forward to crying into grill marks/a donut! (Carl Sagan is sexy and I've had recurring dreams based on Contact most of my adult life--aaand I've come to learn Contact fixation is a *thing* and I love everybody who has it)
from babyhead :
It was a long shot to ask. Charley Day was talking about riding in the bed of a pickup with his buddies when he was a kid, and his friend's father telling them all to duck down when they approached the toll booth attendant. I assumed they were leaving Jamestown for the mainland, and you came to mind. Ruminated on it for a couple days and thought it would hurt to ask. But, I turns out that we both are a little too old to have run into him in any kind of social setting. As for me, graduating year, 86' was spent crashing Moses Brown parties, climbing the fire stairs of the Biltmore to drink on the roof, some Saturday nights under the Red Bridge watching my deerfieldian classmates drunkenly grapple with each other (hoping to illicit some smug delight of the Lincoln girls), trying to get into Brown parties with my friends or hanging out at Swan Point after dark with them until they let the dogs loose, a couple of times, 6 of us in a Bronco playing Lights Out on Rt. 1 at two in the morning. Regrettable that we never ran into each other.
from whitepigeon :
books to share books to grow! what’s that smell? we don’t know*… *we probably know
from browndamask :
Ah! Nice area. I'm just NE of DFW in an area that is... solidly mediocre.
from browndamask :
This is a genre I should revisit more often. My sister has taught 6-9 grade Lit most of her career, and always gives me good YA sci-fi recommendations. I've loved most of what she's shared, or things that I had to read on school (especially dystopian/utopian) but have never really read much outside of that. Unrelated but I guess I'm just realizing that you are also in Texas.
from babyhead :
I often wonder, since I surmise that you are a few years younger than me, that during your time in South County, if you ever ran into Mr. Day during his years at Portsmouth Abbey.
from i-lost-sarah :
Your last entry made me laugh, alone, in public :D (I'm the daughter of a Filipino nurse from a fishing village, so it also made me awww...and it made me hungry :D )
from browndamask :
Reinventing cubism! Ha, sadly no. I mostly draw now, usually fairly realistic portraits. Sadly out of practice because I don’t do it nearly enough.
from i-lost-sarah :
now I have a crush on a capoeirista Brazilian stripper in Hollywood <3 Also, I'm going to think of stepson Brian tearfully "na na na na"-ing for cameras whenever I doubt myself :)
from whitepigeon :
Nat's E.B. sounds sublime and is on my flight path today; done.
from browndamask :
In response to your note - yes, it's impossible to quantify the better-or-worse. There are aspects of my childhood - the wildness, freedom, the presence of it - that I wish my kids had. But, being that one of my kids is queer (and for a multitude of other reasons), I'm glad that they are children of this age. In response to your entry - the news media is very much a bread and circuses type situation, and the whole thing makes me sad. Sad for the stories that deserve more attention, sad for the families of those who passed, sad for these men falling victim to their own hubris, and sad for that feeling some kind of vindication. On a happier note, I've never seen Titanic. My boyfriend and I almost saw it in theater but bailed and saw The Big Lebowski instead, a choice which I will never regret.
from i-lost-sarah :
teeny bit of oil in the pasta to prevent the sticking. but keep serenading your food and talking to inanimate objects! my grandparents on both sides said singing into food makes it taste better. and if shinto faith people are right then you're making the kami in the objects happy :) maybe you were japanese in a past life?
from orangepeeler :
I have been known to address every small creature I meet by "hey Little dude". I have yet to sing to my dinner, but that might change...
from u2october :
Thanks for that Peggy Sue ear worm lol Now I’ll be singing Eggy Noods and nobody else will know what the hell im talking about 🤣🤣
from browndamask :
I really wish I had saved the article and quote. The idea is what things are 'not' is a concept that definitely resonates with me. I guess because I keep getting told what I am not sick with, instead of making any actual headway. As for Big Thief, absolutely one of my favorite bands Adrianne Lenker is a masterful lyricist. I'll have to check out the Lucinda Williams song.
from i-lost-sarah :
HA, it was the casual knitting for me!
from i-lost-sarah :
* step ball change * - there was no spiciness I promise, mayo through and through. My brother waited 6 months for his passport, we just assumed it was at the bottom of the Atlantic. When he finally got through to the embassy they realised somebody put it in the wrong pile somewhere and just forgot about it. And they probably still have a job too. Mine took 2 months and I felt special. You're a fellow fishy, 2 fishies! Right? Yah! 2 fishies! I'm glad you're near water and abuelas, pretty sure they're the magic elixir of life. Hugs!
from annanotbob2 :
Thank you - I appreciated your note
from browndamask :
thanks! got to find little ways to put my useless degree to work. ha!
from orangepeeler :
P.S. There's a great photo of Jack London as a schoolboy hunched over a book in Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon, so called because it was where a sailor could have the first or last chance to get a drink. BTW I used to drink in Heinold's when I lived in West Oakland in my 20s. As I recall, the ceiling was still black with cigarette smoke and the bar/floor was slanted, ensuring, along with the drink, that equilibrium was never attainable.
from orangepeeler :
I appreciate your literary word-portraits... and I hope you made it to Mexico!
from whitepigeon :
Please chase the MX version of the white eel + actually use that SPF! I’ll *know*…
from whitepigeon :
I thought Vonnegut was born with a tiny turtleneck that grew with him as he aged. Delightful to be proven wrong!
from i-lost-sarah :
You picked beautiful portraits! I really enjoyed this entry, thank you :) The cat to writer ratio is comforting toooo
from orangepeeler :
Nice! Tis a pity St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. Attention to nature can sometimes lead to nature paying attention to you.
from i-lost-sarah :
I'm so so so proud of you stranger, really, I was beaming at your entry like a mama ❤️
from annanotbob2 :
Thanks - your note made me laugh. I shall endeavour to recreate the glamour...
from orangepeeler :
"To lay awake with my memories, next to the ghost of a three-legged dog." You write so beautifully about your world. I'm very sorry about your heartbreak. xx
from i-lost-sarah :
hugs. I really recommend crying, it's fantastic-- plus you've got the dramatic rain and everything for discreet macho sobbing. more hugs.
from i-lost-sarah :
sometimes a cigar is a gun is a penis is an extension of will! shorts! huzzah! :)
from annanotbob2 :
Thanks, appreciated
from whitepigeon :
"I was walking up Sixth Avenue / when Balloon Man came right up to me..." (Lovely mem, and Robyn H. is coincidentally playing tonight.)
from i-lost-sarah :
I'd like to book a holiday in your head please 🙏
from orangepeeler :
Hoping the bee-dream finds its flower in your part of the world... xx
from whitepigeon :
You have earned a G+ (for Glam)
from annanotbob2 :
8/3/23 yeah
from orangepeeler :
"Just a bright disk, alone against a fading blue scrim of daylight. This is my favorite moon." Mine too.
from i-lost-sarah :
sending you sunshine and doggy bags and febreze! I see you're an artsyfartsy, that explains the beautiful hoopoe description :) wallah, the ghosts are hustling :D you made me chuckle ♡
from annanotbob2 :
3/3/23 I'm with you on this
from peggypenny :
By the key the song is written. As as general rule, the players choose the songs they like to record and the music director picks the key I sing.
from whitepigeon :
I don't remember that 'dote (d'oh!)--re-regale me soon
from orangepeeler :
2023-01-08: I super enjoyed that second paragraph.
from orangepeeler :
Thanks Ernst. In fairness, the mother-in-law's "golden boy" gets a good whack of it as well. Prodigal son thing. Oof! Anyways, happy new year! xx
from orangepeeler :
It sounds like you had an awesome time in New Orleans - so delighted for you!
from babyhead :
from whitepigeon :
I still have/cherish your City of Quartz glossary-bookmark.
from babyhead :
Feels like I was gifted a seat at the Budokan while reading your post over coffee this morning.
from toejam :
Tamale. Very much. And go to the doctor. Please.
from orangepeeler :
Love the travel writing Ernst. Gorgeously poetic but not overly so. Psychogeography applied to the interstate. Hope you are keeping well. Xx
from toejam :
I love you.
from babyhead :
I etirely enjoyed Indianola none the less.
from orangepeeler :
Thanks for the lovely memory. God, I miss those taco trucks you find in immigrant/working class neighborhoods. Absolute culinary wonder!
from babyhead :
Re: Asian Palm Civet Ha!
from toejam :
Hey, I'm not Twitterific. I'm an old school lady. I have the Facebook, Instagram and a plain, old, well...(it's brand new and an iPhone) phone. I would really like to talk to you sometime. You've always seemed very clear to me. Like, we're supposed to be friends.
from toejam :
I don't know if you'll ever get this message. I get my diaryland messages maybe once a year (which is actually kind of delightlful). I just wanted to say hello! And tell you how happy I was that you came back to write here, you've always been one of my favorites and I've missed your voice, too.

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