messages to fach:
(click here to add new message):

from simeons-twin :
Simeon is a cartoon I created, and he went on to become my invisible friend. I've always wanted a twin brother, so, by association, he became my invisible twin (and he still is). It's a cute story, about the two of us, obviating the fact that it's just something literal. Oh, and thank you for telling me about the 1000th entry! I had completely forgotten (I never count the "extra" pages). Have a nice day! <3 :)
from simeons-twin :
Thank you for your note. I read a few of your entries, and I like your diary a lot, you write really well. AND you like The Beatles, so it just can't get any better :)
from reevo :
no, i haven't seen either yet. dying to see both of them! check ya later. sar xx
from reevo :
no, this is my only regular diary. when it gets down to it, i don't really have all that much to say about my everyday life. my reality is rather boring. sar xx
from reevo :
really? am i? sar xx
from spunkbread :
I was around last night. I got home at 9-er and was on MSN for a while. Then I remembered that it's not a weekend night and that you probably wouldn't be around. Sorry we didn't have Swayze-fest. Poot. (4-9-04)
from mistresslink :
thanks for joining high fidelity. i love your layout.
from silentsigh :
It's neat. That song is great. I love Kid A so much right now, you have no idea.
from silentsigh :
sure, that'd be cool =)
from silentsigh :
really? dude that rocks. This song is so calming... *floats away*
from reevo :
hey... thanks for your note. i like your diary, and your profile rocks since you have pretty damn good taste in music. can i add you to my buddy list? star xx
from srogers909 :
Hi. :) It's always nice to meet other Beatles fans! It seems that we have some more favorite bands in common--and a mutual Diaryland friend. (Hi silentsigh!) I look forward to reading your diary.
from blackpanty :
Thanks for joining mind-speak!
from franknstein :
you/re cool too, and you have really good taste in everything (pulp fiction, seinfeld, the beatles, j.d. salinger...)
from silentsigh :
Haha, thanks. Yes, very happy =)
from xgrapefruitx :
thanks!!! Gemma x
from popscene :
just to let you know - one of the classic lex designs you requested (bowie) is up. :) -lex
from silentsigh :
Because my parents are weird and like me to have the door open. As if I'm going to do something terrible behind the door, I don't know. I was only reading, but that doesn't mean much to them. :\
from silentsigh :
Haha, sweet. Spoon totally rocks =)
from opopopo :
western hammocks in a bundle of bumbling bean hatcheries don't like it when you gargle the meltiness of a chickled sausage. perhaps some surley gestures.
from spunkbread :
darling, i DID see your when harry met sally temp. yesterday. of course i love it. i think we should look for more pictures and make a series!! (3.7.04)
from tool-nin-fan :
That layout is so great.
from ricewithoutu :
hi!!! i came across you in someone's notes. please go to my site at! i really need some help! pleease???! just play, post your name and score, and i'll be very happy! it only takes a few secs! thank you!
from silentsigh :
whoops, forgot to write back last time. it's Sgtpep86
from silentsigh :
yeah, its too bad no one around here feels that way. :\
from silentsigh :
Thanks for the note. I'm alright. I have off weekends sometimes. Thanks for the offer to talk, I'll take you up on it some time. Same here, if you ever need to talk. =)
from cdghost :
from cdghost :
100 entries later, a new begining!
from leonmcphelps :
I see. Well thanks for remembering Leon.
from leonmcphelps :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites list. Leon appreciates it.

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