messages to fangedfaerie:
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from weymouth66 :
Church of the Dukes of Hazzard - excellent!!
from mnvnjnsn :
HOly mother of god in a bucket, the idea of Adam waking up in a bathtub full of ice just craks my shit up. Thanks, I needed that.
from mnvnjnsn :
OK - I haven't read your diary yet (yet!) but your banner made me laugh almost too loud. It almost made me wish I was catholic. Kudos!
from lucibel :
hey you. I just want to say that your diary is hysterical and I'm wishing you updated more. I'm an avid fan of *GRY* and it's so nice to see someone else that is. So yeah. There. I'm a stranger who has nice things to say to you. Isn't that nice?
from groovebunny :
Hi. Me again. What a pest eh? Check the last entry. ~Ta!
from groovebunny :
Hi. Clicked on your banner and here I am. Your diary had me cracking up these past 15 minutes. I will def be back for more.:) ~charm
from artichoked :
Hello, I really like your diary. really. I am going to put you on my buddy list so I can enjoy for years to come.
from palinode :
Whoops. I clicked too soon and left a non-committal "hi there". I was going to say something along the lines of: like your site.
from palinode :
Hi there.
from dwimmerlake :
went to school, and I was very nervous, no one knew me, no one knew me.....
from myhorizons :
Your banner ad about Jesus and Buddha is great! Good luck on your diary!
from erz :
First of all, that banner...oh my gawd! Have you ever had hot coffee come right out of your nose? Maybe it was a taste of hell, for finding your banner so funny. Oh, and the McSalad Shaker, my sentiments exactly, wtf?

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