messages to fantasy180:
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from albinoqueen :
Merry Christmas Lauren! And a very Pippin new year!!! *huge Took hugs and glitterlove*
from albinoqueen :
Aww you mentioned me! I feel very loved! I want Narsil!! Actually, I want Sting and Hadhafang(Arwen's Sward) and Nenya. Nenya most of all. But..oh well! Someday! Listen, you take care, and keep laughing, even if you don't know why! 80 days!! I JUST SAW THE TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH PIPPIN!!!!!!!!!!! MERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!*ahem* Okay...must not...scream TRAILER!!!!!!! Man alive that thing is terribly exciting!!! Anywhoo, I'm going to shut up now. *hugs ya and leaves ya glittery and holding a pint* Luv ya Sis! p.s- to link to someone's site you do this <a href="">TheirName</a>. I think. I do it so much it's second nature...almost. if that doesn't work, throw something at me!
from fantasy180 :
no i havent had time to sign it with school and all or maybe the reason why is because im nervous but ill get over that sometime or another! im glade i made your day domblly! ^_^
from albinoqueen :
You're most welcome for the welcome, Lauren! Hehe Have you had a moment(or a subject) to post anything in the open diary? *hugs ya and leaves glitter all over* take care!
from dombilly :
OMG! your template!! you can see Haldir...well the back of his head!! wicked. you just made me day. :))
from amy2 :
Hi Lauren it's Danielle Precourt (i am on my cousins computer that is why the name says amy2) from Delaware. I hope you're feeling better. You'll be in my prayers. :-) You're braver than I would probably be. God bless...

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