messages to fatcowww:
(click here to add new message):

from aryssa90 :
Just saw you updated but I don’t have the log on info. Hope you’re doing well!!
from stepfordtart :
Hey! Nice to hear from you....although not so good to hear youre still in pain and that your family circumstances are still a bit of a bloody nightmare! Thinking of you, dear! s x
from stepfordtart :
Heehee! So they are! How odd - they were right when I started them. Clearly they have a mind of their on! s x
from stepfordtart :
I dont have skype anyways : ( Email? s x
from stepfordtart :
Hang in there, girl. Youre doing a tricky job, s x
from lostasyou :
Where are you? :( don't go away! I miss you :) x
from annanotbob2 :
Big hugs darling xxx
from stepfordtart :
No worries. Thats what friends are for. s x
from stepfordtart :
That is an unspeakably shitty thing to do. TDF and CS should be ashamed. Really ashamed. s x
from stepfordtart :
Its my mums on Saturday so I'll do you both the same day then I wont forget! s x
from lostasyou :
HAHAHA! Awwwwwwww thanks for all those little comments! Yeah the fish tank things are well good.. I am too lazy to fill the tank up with water and I'm even lazier when it comes to buying the fish, I'd be scared I'd overfeed them or something.. Cheers for all of that, made me smile. It was good!
from stepfordtart :
Whining is allowed, we all do it! Oh, and nobody here has aircon. Ever. If it gets hot we just fry. Its the English way! s x
from tater-fay :
I'd love to read me the password and stuff to get in: [email protected]
from elusive-you :
for some reason that won't work?
from elusive-you :
i'd like to read!
from starfacemoon :
Hello there. Thank you for the best wishes. You've given me hope. I'd love to read your diary.:)
from lostasyou :
I realised I never responded to the hamster thing. Goddamn my phone, I always check my emails on there and I'm too lazy to reply aha. That is awful though, hamsters and gerbil things are so cute and akjlfelkjfl. Whoever banned them is insane. They do smell I suppose, but oh well. So cute!
from elusive-you :
thank you... it'll all be fine, soon i'm sure. hope you're doing well!
from lostasyou :
:O hamsters aren't legal? Why not?! They're sooo cute. I really want a real one hahaha. But because we have a dog I'm not allowed anything fluffy and small because apparently the dog would eat it. I highly doubt that though, she wouldn't even be able to reach it. Oh well.. the soft toy will do. And yeah, it's so NICE not waking up hungover. I just keep feeling groggy and it takes me hours to nod off, but I'm sure it'll get better over time haha.
from fatcowww :
Yes, I am locked now. If you want in please see my profile for details. (If you are not on diaryland or your diary is also locked I will need to be convinced that you aren't a member of my family or someone I have regular contact with IRL.) Thx :)
from fatcowww :
annanotbob2 + lostasyou + frogeye -- thank you for your details :)
from stepfordtart :
It seems odd that HS hasnt had all that 'no personal info' shit drummed into her at school - its all part and parcel of IT lessons here. I once caught Jooj using an inappropriate chat room under an assumed (ie older!) identity and when I tackle her about it she couldnt see what she's done wrong. In the end I messaged her on the same chat room, pretending to be a very handsome boy - sent her a lovely long message about how much I liked her and how I thought she was brilliant and all that nonsense and right at the bottom I gave her a link to click on 'my picture'. When she clicked on it it was a picture of me, with a note that said "see how easy it is to pretend to be one thing when youre actually someone else?". She got the message! HS needs to see that she's compromising everyone's safety with her 'full disclosure' policy - yeh, a kidnapper could find her, but a burglar could, too! Thanks for letting me know about locking up - youve got my email, havent you? If you havent, note me and I'll send it. s x
from stepfordtart :
No, not bored, just listening to my friend have a bit of a moan. Ask at your doctors about exercising - there's no reason why it should cost a shitload of money and they may know of some gentle community classes that you could go to which wouldnt break the bank, or a pay-as-you-go gym so you arent signed up for an expensive membership. Similarly, they should be able to refer you to a dietician if youre looking to lose weight sensibly. They should be able to help you work out a plan you can stick to, instead of all that bloody herbalife bollocks (or the evil Weight Watchers Witches!). Or try punching OH repeatedly in the face - that should burn off a few calories! s x
from silentcries8 :
Hello and thank you for your kind comment. It is scary to think how my silly words are interpreted by other humans, as a loner-y type girl. I am sure some of them may be frightening, but so much of life is! Happy New Year. I enjoy your language use as well, and I don't detect an astounding difference between the "beauty" of my writing versus yours. I'd say you've still got it! Delicate sentence structure art is underrated, even when you talk about seemingly mundane things. It adds the spice. I am enjoying reading your diary, although I've yet to piece all the characters together. That's okay. It will be a puzzle to unravel:).
from elusive-you :
thank you so much! he's a real sweetheart :)
from shot-of-tea :
Ahh thank you for your note! Desperate Scousewives certainly is a real programme - if you can get on then it can be found there, you'll find it hilarious if you're easily amused (which, seeing as you like my ramblings, I assume you must be? ;)) Would LOVE your tea-making flatmate; I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind taking in a lodger just to quench my thirst!
from fatcowww :
Notes from 2011 have now been archived:
from lostasyou :
I've deleted that godawful overdramatic entry now but I saw your comment! I'll be alright, I just have these stupid moods aha. Shame it's at the end of the year. I think I'm over the worst of it now. Sometimes I don't even know why I get like it.. stupid. Anyway cheers for the concern :) I also noticed you've been leaving other comments on entries but I never think to check back on them! I told them to email me when I get a comment but I haven't had one yet, grr. So sorry about that haha x

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