messages to ferine:
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from mentalscars :
I agree, if the owner really wanted you, he should have offered more money before you left. I know whatever you finally choose will work out for you though, so stop your worrying and aggravation. Goodluck either way! Oh, and thanks for the Happy Birthday!
from mentalscars :
Wow, you're a real inspiration you know. I checked out the deviantart site as well, and I wish I had only a portion of your talent. Oh, congrats to you too! It's been too long..
from pugilist :
it's no problem. i understand moving. it's a pain in the ass. i got to pack up my little bitty saturn with everything i own and drive to washington. bleh. most unfun. as for my address it's Murphy Apartments 1001 E James Way #5206 Seattle, Wa 98122. hope working at mervyns again doesn't fry your brain.
from pugilist :
it's my saturday. call me and we'll hang out. 280.8806.
from pugilist :
hey there. glad to see you have once again joined the dland ranks. we need to hang out before i leave, which is in about 3 weeks. call me damnit! or at least send me an IM.

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