messages to fling-poo:
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from fifidellabon :
Pooey, it has just been forever, and I really wonder how things are in Fling-Poo land! XOFifi
from soapboxdiner :
Dang! Now I want to go to Dubai too!
from fifidellabon :
Well, I am wishing you all sorts of good things and hope that everything works out well! XOFifi
from soapboxdiner :
Sorry for the lapse in returning your message. Do you know? I've moved four times since I read all those books, what, 10 years ago? I sold them long ago and really wish I hadn't. You don't know how many times I've wanted to go back and re-read them. :( But we're tough broads, yes? We'll keep kicking ass and taking names anyway.
from dontremember :
ah yes. it did. thank you so much for your well-wishing!
from fifidellabon :
Dear Poo, Well, I am afraid that I do understand your friend's assurance that he won't be able to be your friend if you let that former friend back into your life. It actually comes from a place of love. I think that what he might mean is that he wouldn't be able to stand the pain of seeing you hurt. There is indeed a reason that your friend is in prison again, and from my own (albeit limited) experience, it is deffo extremely difficult for a felon not to...fel. Many women have been taken advantage again and again by felonious men, no matter what the mens' intentions may have been. I can see that you have a self-protective part to you, and I am glad of it. I do also understand about wanting to fix the wounded bird. But there are some things that we cannot do, and we inevitably get broken in trying. My husband tells me that I don't need to save the world, and that I cannot, which helps me to choose things that I actually can do. This not is deffo not meant to be yelling at you. It is just that I really care, even though I haven't met you. Your remarkable and wonderful qualities shine through in your writing and I would hate to see anything bad come to you. It would totally suck! XOFifi
from annanotbob :
Hello - I'm having aged mother stuff going on too. Good luck x
from fifidellabon :
I thught perhaps that her mascara was like that because of her nails. How does anyone get anything done with claws that long?! /Fifi
from fifidellabon :
I was wondering where you went! /Fifi
from s135 :
Thanks for your message. Much luck to you, next time don't do it if you're not into him lol /hugs (Re: Alex). Love all your pictures, and you're beautiful btw. Take care, me

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