messages to flowermouth:
(click here to add new message):
from tinea : |
just emailed you! |
from fatcowww : |
I emailed you a dandelion ;) |
from innervate : |
It does blow my mind just a tad. And I still worry that the frosting went rancid. |
from fatcowww : |
congrats on the crochet and cake successes :) I wish I had time (uninterrupted) for the former and the means for the latter. go you! |
from tinea : |
hah, well unfortunately that has been an ongoing issue as well. neither of us responds well to stress. |
from tinea : |
the tool phase didn't just appear recently; this has always been an issue. totally shallow and immature? yes. but i knew what i was getting myself into. |
from tinea : |
yes, because apparently admitting he likes it will automatically cause me to feel that i should stop improving it. he realized how little sense it made. |
from a-d-w : |
i thought i was the only one who tried to find old inspirational teachers online. what's your secret? i've yet to find my favourite again. |
from fatcowww : |
sorry to see you are locked, but I do understand. if you start writing elsewhere, and if you don't mind sharing, I want to read :) Take care of yourself in the meantime. xxx |
from tinea : |
i will miss you. take care. |
from fatcowww : |
you are in my thoughts <3 |
from lostasyou : |
I'm sorry you feel so crap :( I am feeling the same sort of thing still, every day. I hope you feel better. |
from fatcowww : |
You're so *brave*. I'm in awe of your strength. <3 |
from thisisjohn : |
christians are the hardest to reach. they live in their little world of judgementalism, and forget what really matters, which is love. the foundation of faith, of even believing in God at all... |
from lostasyou : |
I used to read your diary on my old account - omfggwtf - hah. I just saw you in the recent public entries and I'm going to add you back! I am still trying to remember old usernames from before hah. I've been reading your latest entries and I hope you feel better soon x |
from fatcowww : |
I've been absent for a couple of weeks but I added you shortly before that - have just read your last two entries and I can't *not* say something. I've been in that position of having been betrayed in a totally senseless way... I keep deleting what I've typed because I'm afraid it sounds facetious or flippant :( I guess I just want you to know I'm reading and I empathise, even if I can't string two words together in support |
from tinea : |
i've been trying to think of something constructive to say, but i really can't come up with anything besides "wtf." |
from kabukicharms : |
Why are you in England? Color me jealous by the way! |
from kabukicharms : |
I hope everything is going well hun. Also microwaving books, huh thats new to me. I just love the smell of used books too much to do that. Especially when their previous owners where smokers. |
from unhealthyme : |
I, too, grew up with an abusive father, except mine only beat me... never touched my mother. I can say that I have a fear of marriage because of it. I know how the anger feels but I think I just feel sorry for him now. It took a long time but I've forgiven him and it makes me happy knowing he has to live with the guilt for the rest of his life. In my opinion, he gave up his daughter and it sounds like your father did the same to his family. Use your experiences to reach out to people because the things you overcome in life make you stronger. Maybe you can be someone else's strength when they have none. |
from kabukicharms : |
I feel the same way about smoking as you do about tea. Also nah I don't think your stealing 11 years from him, he's giving them up for something he wants. There is of course a difference. |
from unhealthyme : |
i love your diary. you write with such passion with the happy or sad. |
from warpednormal : |
i am in absolute love with lucero. the first time i met ben i squirted beer out of my nose whilst shaking his hand and attempting to hug him. it was awesome. and they're amazing. |
from tinea : |
ah, today's (feb 1) made me smile so much. really happy to see you happy. and loved. |
from kabukicharms : |
Ha that was funny as hell! I love spades its one of my favorite games, though Ive never played it without partners. |
from nessus : |
Nice! |
from omfggwtf : |
haha, waheyy ;) |
from kabukicharms : |
That of course must be because your taste is exceptional. |
from nessus : |
I *did* get 2 essentially free laptops this year, one old iBook G4 and a dual core 2 GHz or so, not actually sure what the specs are, I know it can run World Of WarCraft, but I mainly use it for work. Had to reinstall the operating systems on both of them, but yeah. |
from kabukicharms : |
I'm sorry you feel your Christmas went so poorly. Hopefully things will be gin to look up in the new year! Stay safe, and get umm unsick? |
from kabukicharms : |
Umm how bout no. Maybe it won't be my new writing pen, but its still a super nice pen. Oh and what about bro would you prefer to be a bro? Chicks can totally be dudes, plus what happened to that whole role reversal thing. |
from kabukicharms : |
Hahaa love ya dude, I was afraid no one would get that. |
from nessus : |
Like trying to hit a puppy by throwing a live bee at it. |
from tinea : |
they always turn out better when you can feel them coming on. |
from kabukicharms : |
Why thank ya darlin, thats just down right sweet. |
from thisisjohn : |
I like Brandi Carlile. |
from kabukicharms : |
Im glad you unlocked your journal. I enjoy your words to much to be deprived of em. |
from warpednormal : |
haha yeah. i do hope its just a phase (its been a pretty long one though aaah). although i have to admit to myself that this last experience was a pretty big knock in the head, and i really do believe i'll be making some real attempts at some major changes. but...only time will tell i suppose!!! |
from thisisjohn : | |
from nessus : |
Yeah, I was really happy with the look of the first 2 movies, it was exactly how I pictured it, but then they completely changed the way the field and everything around the school looked, and that's always sorta influenced my appreciation of the subsequent films a bit - until this one. Can't wait for part 2. |
from nessus : |
:) I hope things improve in your life soon. |
from kabukicharms : |
You can't not publicly journal. How else are we supposed to keep tabs on you? Oh and don't get me wrong, I know quite a few girls who have no want to get hitched or have kids. My best friend being one of them. But the girls I could actually see myself with all either have kids or are looking to settle down. Then again I get it, its a cultural thing down here. If your a woman and not married by twenty five, then your heading the way of spinster. |
from tinea : |
so disappointed to see you going, even if it's only for a while, but we all do what we must. i hope things get better. |
from kabukicharms : |
You doing ok? |
from opposure : |
you are never wrong to feel upset, or however else you feel; your feelings do not require justification. being rejected always hurts, especially when it seems like the other does not have empathy for you. though, in this case, it sort of sounds like this other person suffers from plain old cowardice. i hope you feel better soon. |
from kabukicharms : |
How could you hate Sundays? They're lazy day prime. |
from tinea : |
oh thank you kindly. the entry isn't as important as it just needed to be remembered. it was really quite intense for a while there. |
from kabukicharms : |
You my dear, totally made my day! |
from nessus : |
It comes and it goes. It's be something like 3 and a half years. I try to be content, doesn't always work. |
from kabukicharms : |
Hahaa thank you, thank you. |
from tinea : |
thank you for the book suggestion. i am intensely interested in addiction and mental illness as well, which i neglected to mention, so your title seems like it will be perfect. |
from omfggwtf : |
i added you on here 'cos i find you interesting! hope you don't mind.. if you do then just let me know haaha. xo. |
from opposure : |
Hey, I appreciate the link. Those lyrics are quite wonderful. Thanks. |
from kabukicharms : |
Nope just a clinical observation. Kids bright ain't no two ways about it. But lacks the level of emotional development one should be at, at that age. So what do you remember of being a sixteen year old girl? |
from kabukicharms : |
No no mixed feelings, its purely fraternal. Though in all honesty that's why I didn't want to post that whole thing in the first place. In this day and age everyone looks for the darker subplot. However its done and over with. I think I might of been a little heavy handed and feel like a dick. But at least that's the end of it. |
from kabukicharms : |
Its just from thirteen on, you work very hard to stop acting like an awkward child. Its absolutely infuriating. I find half the time I don't know what to do with my hands. As for my friends sister, yes I agree that needs to be quashed post hast. I just don't know how to go about it, I don't want her to hate me. I was actually thinking I would ask her mom for advice. Also I'm probably gonna avoid telling her brother, there is only so many ways to say "Dude, your sister totally wants my man love" You last entry made me smile. A) because I've been described as the gayest straight boy ever and can understand what its like to be in a relationship where the gender roles are reversed, and B) because I secretly like happy endings, though I would never fess up to such in the real world. |
from tinea : |
i'm really happy that things turned out this way. upon reading your other entry about breaking up, i had the immediate thought that you were being a little ... impulsive maybe? or jumping the gun? but of course a casual onlooker such as myself doesn't know the whole story. so i'm glad you two were able to talk it out. i think if something's really right, or if at least you WANT it to be right, throwing in the towel has to be the last viable option. |
from tinea : |
i love your entry today! i've always felt the same exact way. i've even had dreams that i was a guy, having sex with a woman, and i was like YES! THIS IS WHAT I WANT! i've never been completely straight, either. i've always loved girls, and been more attracted to them, but never met one who felt the same way. my boyfriend is like 90% gay. if it wasn't for me, he'd be dating a dude. he's so feminine it's almost comical. so we've found the perfect match in each other, i guess. ... it's so funny that we have so much in common this way. who would have thought? |
from kabukicharms : |
Hahahaa I was actually only crashing there over the weekend. We went out drinking, a tropical storm moved in and I couldn't get home. But no, yeah, some other completely random friend. |
from kabukicharms : |
Actually I think there is one on my laptop. If I can ever get home I'll think about sending it. Im stuck at my friends place till the flooding recedes. |
from kabukicharms : |
I like to juggle to Real Big Fish "All I want Is More" and it lends itself well to the rhythm of bounce juggling. |
from kabukicharms : |
Awesome! Existing makes my day you know, who doesn't love a little validation? |
from tinea : |
ah, your entry made me smile. wonderful wonderful. |
from orgami : |
been writing for awhile one thousand some Poet short short story writer not for sale but freedom Needles-s (sp) link thats how i came here trying to find other great writers on here People who can poetically create Needles-s is on to something in their writing style I love Plath Sexton Atwood McKewan Viggo Mortenson and non published real life persons thank you for your real ness Orgami~ |
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