messages to freakieangel:
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from kittyshock :
i was of course reading your diary and the reason why i just had to get in a comment was the fact that it seemed that you had changed so much. like you had gone from cutting and thinking that it was cool to being a responsible and maybe you dont think you have done much but to me that shows some hope because i used to cut all the time everyday and told myself that i would never stop and have been able to stop one day at a time. but i see that i can live to make it to 18 or 19 and go to college and not ruin my life. i am very happy that there are examples like you for girls like us. i will be reading your diary more often.
from zebbie :
Hon, WHAT THE HELL?!? That is BY FAR the shittiest set of circumstances I have EVER HEARD!!! I can't even imagine what you're going through right now, and while I don't make it a practice to get into people's lives like this, please know that there is AT LEAST ONE PERSON, ME that wants you to step back, catch your breath, and get some help. Any help. You are trying to do too much, handle too much, and that fire and the abortion and the pregnancy and the work and the school... there's NO WAY that a single human being could handle all of that. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you want to talk. I'm very busy with work and school too, but I'll make time to chat with you if there isn't anyone else...
from dylanwashere :
Hope life is treating you right. Wonder if you ran away or not. I guess. Hopefully, that car's taking you places.
from iloveurtummy :
julie wagaman.
from zebbie :
sounds like you've been having a rough time. don't know if you remember me... that's okay, either way. what a hard choice you've had to make...
from iloveurtummy :
hey hey hey. are you and chris even still together? reason i didn't IM you or leave you a note bithcing or w/e is cause i havent been reading diaries becauseive had a virus! but its ok now! yay! im locking my diary up. so hit me up wit a note, and ill be sure to give you a username.password
from iloveurtummy :
awwww wow congrats thats awesome me n glenn were 2gether 4 6 months...but of course, for me, everything happens bad. *sighs*
from iloveurtummy :
ahh hey babe. it was nice hearin from ya again. how long were u with chris? im more then happie u 2 r still 2gether. every1 whos updating me bout shit broke up wit their boyfriends or their boyfriends broke up wit them. i dunno wtf is goin on! seems like every1 is breakin up, heh. anyways...hit me back, later hun.
from mannas-angel :
hey, my new diary is :-) LEAVE ME A NOTE UPDATING ME! :-) :-) :-)
from mannas-angel :
OMG. hey! yes...its who u think it is...AND I'M COMING BACK TO DIARYLAND! i miss u all so so much! i'll be using another diary tho, and i have yet to get that in the patient! and if you can do me a huge favor, once i get my new diary and give you all the code, could you PLEASE leave me a note telling me whats been going on? cause it'll just be TOO much to read in ur diary enteries. thanks....I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!
from venomkiss666 :
So... u say ur a cutter? Do u acctually draw blood? Or do u just break the skin and welt up. I cant get a knife sharp enough to bleed easily. drop me a line, my AOL sn is pnkrkyihtdawrld
from nihilistbear :
Okay it's all unlocked and fixed up now! Thanks for being patient!
from nihilistbear :
Hey there... I locked my diary for a short time so I can do some major maintenance... it'll be open again in the next couple of hours... sorry!
from mannas-angel :
lol yes he's amazing. ty so much!
from mannas-angel :
*blush* lol ty!
from mannas-angel :
awwwww ur too cute girly!
from mannas-angel :
lol yes i love my friends their my life.
from mannas-angel :
juss thought i'd drop by n say hi *hugs*
from mannas-angel :
hey girly. wonderful entry bout makin out n givin head in the woods lol. u said u 2 tried fuckin standin up but it didnt work. hmm wonder why thas how me n my boyfriend always fuck. lol yes i dunno if i shouldve told ya that but oh well lmoa. n the whole roses 4 friends things is dear n very sweet
from mannas-angel :
hey man! bisexual ppl rock! as long as u dont start gettin too severe of feelings 4 her when ur w/ that other guy. there was something else i wanted 2 say...but shit...i 4get. im pathetic. i reallie am. :-D
from zebbie :
Read your latest entry (watching Chris sleep). Wanted you to know people like that do exist. That is, I used to watch my then-fiancee sleep for hours. I loved doing it. Also, I can appreciate the "one day things are great, next day it all sucks." I was diagnosed with clinical depression four years ago. I'm NOT saying this is you. I just want you to know it can be dealt with, one day or the other. Heck, for all I know, it's normal for a girl at your stage in life. Whadda I know, anyway? P.S. - do I leave entry notes here? Got no idea...
from zebbie :
Hey hon, I believe you are the "barbed" person I interacted with the other night. Nice to be on your favorites list. Hope all is going well, I will have to leave a note on your entries soon!
from invisibledon :
thanks for doing my justaboutsex survey there aren't too many naughty people who actually take it I guess it isn't really all that bold
from invisibledon :
thanks for doing my iwasbored survey - good answers too
from nihilistbear :
hey freakie... thanks for adding my, except yo spelled my name wrong lol there's an I after the l... anways I read your diary and it rocked so hardcore it amazed me... you're stuffs amazing... I hope things work fro you and chris with all the crap that's there Alice

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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