messages to geddysciple:
(click here to add new message):

from jilliegeddy :
Rush fans unite!!! They are my life and I absolutely LOVE Geddy Lee. If u wanna chat Rush sometime, my AIM sn is "iluvgeddy" Have a good one, Jill :-)
from kitty2112 :
wuz up my friend? wanted to drop you a little note saying to come and join the Rush diary ring! rush-theband - Oh yeah!! lol
from kitty2112 :
Found your diary while searching for more Rush fans - lol. We are secrets to each other - Each one's life a novel - No-one else has read....Enjoy Permanent Waves! Great album!
from squirrelx :
Thank you for the complimentary note! And please don't be thinkin' your entries aren't long enough. They're excellent just as they are. My problem is I'm too damn verbose. Editing is not my long suite. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from darkwillow :
If you don't mind, I'd love to email you sometime...
from darkwillow :
Stumbled upon your diary while looking for fellow Rush fans. I could go on about them forever... Your diary is great too, bet we could get into lots of interesting discussions. Would love to talk
from postclarity :
you're only seventeen? i'm impressed.
from jonnybox :
Thanks for doing my survey. It wasn't unfocused, you just didn't understand the questions, which by the way are aimed at religious people.
from ezmerelda :
I hope your neck feels better today. I myself slept on my right arm weird, apparently, and it hurts like hell. As for the problem that you mentioned, I'm not sure if you are talking about my last entry or not. If so, then, yes, this a dilemma, and I'm still wondering how to resolve it. Let me know if that is what you are talking about.
from ezmerelda :
Hello again. I was reading about your trip to the zoo in Boise. I too, have been there. This was in the 70's when I was a kid. My grandparents on my father's side live there. Anyway, one summer my dad took me and my sister there. All I can remember about it was that they had these huge turkeys. I mean, HUGE. The zoo wasn't all that impressive back then. How interesting that it is still there. Also, thanks for responding. Hope to speak again soon.
from ezmerelda :
You don't know me, and I don't know you, but I noticed that you are a Rush fan. Yeah, me too. I've been a fan since "Moving Pictures" came out. Geddy Lee is god.
from untame-able :
you are so cool, you are now on my favorites list!
from lauraeliz :
from eekyfreeky :
So, hey, welcome to the childfree ring & stuff. Congrats on your choice to live unburdened by sprogs!
from mommy2corrin :
Thanks for taking my survey:)
from lauraeliz :
okay okay I'm sorry I won't give you help/counsel!
from lauraeliz :
hahaha, you crack me up man. I reallllllyy like your diary, you remind me of william my lover.

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