messages to geekboy61:
(click here to add new message):

from ravyncrow :
ok I need a password!! Why is everyone locking their diaries? LOL Mine isn't locked so hit "contact" to email me ...
from ravyncrow :
yikes! I just got your note about earrings ... I have all kinds of silver and blues! hit my contact button and tell me what you're looking for and I'll be glad to make whatever you think she'll like, and get it to you well before June :)
from stepfordtart :
Helloooo! Are you giving out passwords? I came here to catch up and there you were, all locked. *sad face*. *even sadder face* *with pouting* is it working? s x
from stepfordtart :
Helloooo! Are you giving out passwords? I came here to catch up and there you were, all locked. *sad face*. *even sadder face* *with pouting* is it working? s x
from stepfordtart :
Hey! Thanks for the nice note (and for adding me!). I shall naturally reciprocate....even tho I havent a clue who you 'used to be' and so feel a bit of a loser!! s x
from serenaville :
Darling! Thank you for the note with directions to the new digs! It's so great to reconnect. Sorry to know all you've been through (Still need to archive dive yet), but trying to get into graduate school is very cool. Will keep everything crossable crossed for you! Welcome back, love! xox ~Serena
from ravyncrow :
Thanks Mike. It doesn't seem THAT bad though, just ... pervasive or something. We just keep muddling along and taking things as they come, as usual. All ya can do! What computer games do you play?
from poolagirl :
Huzzah! Palin is a puke!
from ship-jumper :
(picture me standing here with a whip...slapping it against my hand) Allrighty Mister Man....just where are those photos you were going to send me, hmmmmm?? Does mikey need to be punished? Or, will he be a good boy and email me those photos??!! Mwah!
from ravyncrow :
AHA!! so HERE you are :) Good to see you again, even though it was apparently ME that was missing in action ... Glad you made it through the surgery ok. I know what you mean about the pre-surgery stuff. Afterwards, they just want to get you outta there. WOOHOOO on the Obama thing! :)
from ship-jumper :
Thanks for the sweet comments on my notes! But I'm going to be mean now...Where the hell are you!! Am I going to have to get the whip out?
from ship-jumper :
Keep up the awesome work! I admire you. I myself need to lose some serious weight; haven't done a real work out in forever so I don't even know where to start. But you are inspiring!
from ship-jumper :
Heya! Found ya on me aunties blog and laughed so much at your comment I had to come check ya out! And I do remember you I THINK from your old account. Look forward to reading more and GOOD LUCK with your training! That is aweseom! bucket/shippie
from poolagirl : So send me your mailing address!
from poolagirl :
Oh, Jeebus! Why didn't he give up the fookin' war instead?
from poolagirl :
Welcome back! I have missed you, NGM!
from hissandtell :
Is that you? Really? Truly? Honestly? I've got one word to say to you, mate: UPDATE! Love, R xxx

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