messages to gillybean76:
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from turtlemomma :
Yep, Department of Corrections. He used to love it, I don't understand it fully but he freaked one day over a confrontation with a couple of inmates and after that he suffered major anxiety and couldn't go near the place for a year. Now the buttmunch is trying to find what he wants to do with his life! He's so frustrating! What's your friend in for?
from turtlemomma :
I'm gonna have to agree with you about it being ultra cheesey but you have no idea how much I appreciated the comment. Thanks :)
from turtlemomma :
I love that quote on your profile. I think it fits me. Too bad you found it first :o)~
from cdghost :
stumbled across your words and enjoyed reading them
from velvet-heart :
Dave Mathews Band rules *lol* Heh :)

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