messages to goldberry91:
(click here to add new message):

from onlygrace :, he seems like a great catch. uhh, or NOT. =) hope all is well!
from onlygrace :
im really glad that things are working out with you and him...pain is inevitable in life, but that doesnt mean we cant learn something from it. good CAN come from all of it.. ♥
from onlygrace :
"nothing can be relied on to make me happy. I can't turn to a particular person or place or activity and know it will make me feel better." cling on to Your saviour. but, i feel the same way a lot of times too. when everything and everyone else is gone, there's God. its just fact. =) hope you have a splendid week!
from onlygrace :
hii, im so glad you FINALLY took the time out to update. diaryland is dying slowly, but i want a revival! i miss it. =/
from onlygrace :
free2dream, yo. =) i want to hear from you! hope you decide to update; it's been way too long sarah!
from leggierox :
Hey, good to hear from you again =) And I know what you mean about gives you a safe routine that you miss when its not around =) x
from dingin-it :
Hey, glad to see you still update. Hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Best to you in 2006, I'm sure I'll hear from you later.
from leggierox :
I hope you saw out 2005 in style, and also that you have a brilliant 2006. Happy New Year! x
from i-c-dumppl :
Meeeh, I know how you feel. My uni doesn't offer French courses I haven't already taken. So basically I have to keep up my language on my own. I'm trying to learn Japanese now, because I'm thinking that with an art degree I can go into video game concept art, but I'd have to be bilingual for a lot of the companies I like. In any case, one Asiatic language and one Romantic language would make a lot of horizons open up. Happy New Year!
from free2dream :
from tiggersnail :
Yay for you being back! I missed your updates! Glad to hear all is well (though busy). Hope your Christmas was fantabulous!
from evenstar101 :
Merry Christmas!
from i-c-dumppl :
I'd yell at you, but I've been just as bad. Good to see you back! *glomp*
from free2dream :
My goodness, you're back! :) It's been literally forever...if forever was a couple of months.. :) i'LL write more later...:)
from free2dream :
I miss your updates...but as long as you update every once in a while...I'll survive. =]
from free2dream :
yOu're aliiiive! =] do what you feel is right. thats the only thing thats important.
from i-c-dumppl :
See, that's the thing. If the more fortunate are forced to help the less fortunate, they'll find ways to get out of it, or even if they don't, it doesn't mean anything at all, it'll be like paying taxes. God expects us to do it from the kindness of our hearts, not to obey the law of the land. And if some people want to keep their money, they should have the freedom to do so, even if I disagree with it on a personal level. But I want to set an example for others to help out their fellow beings despite a lack of lawful obligation, instead having a human obligation to other humans.
from free2dream :
One of my friends LOVES harry potter and was so upset when Dumbledore died. =[ So upsetting. She actually cried all night!
from evenstar101 :
Hi again! As you can probably tell I'm replying to all of my notes! Re: tennis camp...the instructors were the ones from Australia, Africa and Hungary. They are all students at that college and work for the head coach during the camps. They were awesome and it was refreshing to talk to them and hear their accents! :-)
from evenstar101 :
Ah, so you were a victim of the evil oral surgeon as well? I agree, it wasn't THAT bad. But still, I'm glad it is over. The worst part for me was that I was really dizzy...even after I stopped taking the pain meds. I think it was because of the swelling. One side was bigger than the other for a few days. But I'm back to normal now. Regular food is amazing! :-) What did you miss the most? My mom made her fresh salsa while I was still unable to open my mouth. I did not enjoy watching them dip chips and chrunch while I had soup! :-) Take care! -Em
from clairecav :
Ah, thank goodness I'm not alone! We must make the world aware to the sexy beast factor of Bob Geldof. And good luck for winning the best student in Year 11 prize! You're so clever, you definitely deserve it!
from leggierox :
Yes, you may ask - it was utterly brilliant! I would fill up your entire notes page with loads of superlatives, but I think you get the picture! It was just surreally amazing. I woke up the next morning, convinced it was a dream, until I saw all the stuff I brought back, and the news on TV =D Just fantastic - I will never ever forget it for as long as I live!
from i-c-dumppl :
I never faced too many of the popular kids in drama classes. We were all pretty dedicated to the theatre, no matter what job we undertook. But my school was so large, popularity wasn't real. People weren't divided, and if we were, it was according to interest rather than status. But as for shopping, I wish I could be like you! I get so weak in the knees and eyes around pretty clothes that my funds are getting weak too. It's smart to just stick to a couple of basics, and to enjoy other things. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in designer praise that I forget that fashion is meant to prepare people to live lives, not consume lives. But, at the same time, I like to feel new, and shopping is refreshing, and it's easier to flaunt brilliance if I look better. Plus, thrifting with my mum is great fun!
from tiggersnail :
Yay! I love play rehearsals and the people in them! Even if I'm horrible at acting (which I am) and even if I'm not in the play, I'm just there because I need to drag my brother's butt home, I looove the atmosphere of play practices. I have no idea why, but it's just tons of fun. Oh, and don't despair over not liking clothes shopping. I hated it for the longest time, but somehow, over the years, my mom and I have managed to make it something so fun I'll even wake up early to go do it. Maybe it's because we have a lot of fun poking fun at people, or maybe it's because we've been having grand luck finding cute shoes every time we're out, or.. maybe I'm just turning into a girly-girl. *Gasp* Well, hope you're having a great week, girly!
from snoopy-9487 :
Thanks for your note. I hope that it won't be too much at of a change but it will still be a change. I am going to have about 40 hours of school work a week is the formula I think they used at Setting Sail. Anyhow, bye!
from i-c-dumppl :
You make a good point. Even if right away I can't find a part, the competition will be helpful. And the stage feels like home, so it's worth the effort. I had somethin' else to say... and now I can't remember what... Once I remember, I'll tell yah.
from free2dream :
Aww thanks so much for the compliments and the advice! Ah, you rock more than words can ever describe, you know that right? ahaha me going to clubs? psh! Yeah but I'm learning to deal with it. I can't help it if I'm short. =]
from pippinsgirl :
Sounds like a fun trip!
from i-c-dumppl :
You've gotta ride the Eye, and see Poets' Corner, and shop at Harrod's, and take a picture with the royal guards, and eat "chips" (maybe that's more of an American attraction... since we call them "fries"), and watch Coupling, and see all the pubs! And make fun of the Irish! ...maybe not so much the last one... and if so, don't let me find out you did! (Haha!) Have fun! Bon voyage! And congrats on the viola, it's a beautiful instrument.
from clairecav :
Have lots of fun! I'm sure you will... though I've never even been to London (isn't that pathetic? People come from the other side of the world to see Londond, I live about two hours up the motorway from it and have never been!) so can't tell you what it's like. I predict: cloudy. Pigeony. Queeny. You know. And have fun again in Germany! Which bit are you going to? And when you were there last time did you notice what I said about Germany being full of rather good-looking men?
from free2dream :
hAVE FUN! You better be able to update! =]
from free2dream :
Aw congrats on your first goal! SOccer is sucha cool sport...except watching it on TV bores me like no other! The ball just keeps getting passed back and forth...and the scores are like 2-1. So you watch like 3 hours of it for a total of 3 goals. anyway!
from i-c-dumppl :
Yeah, we definitely pull analysations out of the air in AP English, too. Luckily it usually works, because we only study classics, and only classics have deeper meanings. I'm so unhappy with post-modern literature! Minus a few good names like McCourt, it's generally pointless. Everything nowadays is aimed at entertainment, not fulfillment. I'm really glad you thought of me when you saw George Eliot! I'm becoming well-known for being a fan of hers around the more literary of my school. Sometimes it's a joke (which becomes rather condemningly narrow), but, in this case, it's flattering! You know, at least, that I love other authors, too (from Dickens to F.Scott!), so I think it's sweet of you to think of me! I'm glad you're back!
from free2dream :
Living in AUSTRALIA would be cool, actually. =]
from free2dream :
YOU UPDATED. YAAY! *does a little happy dance* =] go have fun with your physics homework! diarylandERS, including me, are update slackers!
from free2dream :
from dingin-it :
O man... I know it's a day late, but Happy Birthday!!!! I should really start comming back onto diaryland. I've just been so down lately and haven't been doing much of what I used to. Hope you had a good birthday! Talk to you later
from snoopy-9487 :
It is April 20th here for me and I was about to head off to work before I remember something! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!
from i-c-dumppl :
... no... I had to delete the images I made for a computer-cleansing we went through when our computer got sick (ie, when we tried to find some spyware on the drive... thing...). Tell ya what, though, if you want the same images, let me know, or if you want different ones, email me the links, and I'll make an even better one. Promise! Lord of the Rings, Monet (well, if you like impressionism) to Lempicka, literature, musicians, it's up to you!
from clairecav :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR WEDNESDAY! Hope you have a good one ;)
from tiggersnail :
Ahhh!! I'm so excited that you get to watch Return of the King, the extended edition!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Happy birthday, a little early, by the way! Man, oh man, I cannot believe that you haven't seen it yet! It breaks my heart! Poor chica.. Well, you'll love it, I know. That reminds me.. I need to make a bunch of Lord of the Rings templates.. Huh. Well, I'll stop making mental notes on your space. Enjoy the movie and hope your birthday is awesome!!
from i-c-dumppl :
AHH!!! Awesome entry. Sometimes it's good just to rant about stuff like that. It could have been a very petty bit of rhetoric, but you were discussing a very important topic. And the thing about Islamic extremism-- not all Muslim cultures outlaw feminism! Like the Touaregs. Sure, they can't eat in public, but the women hold a high standing. In fact, the woman-hatred is held by a minority, and yet these extremists still uphold that moronic mentality that women shouldn't breathe! I'm immensely glad that I live in America, where I am actually allowed to use paper bags... and, oh, not cover every inch of my body in black fabric so a man won't rape me at any given moment.
from free2dream :
Oh please! I write entries 10 times worse than that! These, it gets me fired up! To think that there are people out there in the world, that truly believe's just so sad. :( God bless and Take CARE!!
from free2dream :
:) Thanks for your comment! How are you???
from i-c-dumppl :
You beat me to a note. AGAIN! Congrats on the movie, that's a pretty awesome gift. Lawrence of Arabia suits you more than perfectly, so no wonder you got the part. And you're so lucky that you're left-handed. I have pencil graphite smudged all up my arm!
from i-c-dumppl :
I keep fixing those darned notes, and they never WORK! Meh, I'll rant in my entry. And you never once mentioned the play you're in. Probably for security reasons, I'm sure. As soon as my notes page is working, you have to tell me!
from free2dream :
Gah, like I say time and time again, human beings suck sometimes. Charities are "gay"? First off, I dont even think a NORMAL or SANE human being would even say that, so I dont understand it. Rich people sometimes...they make me annoyed. Sometimes people do give to charities but then they go on and spend $500 on a stupid shirt they'll only wear once. That bothers me a lot. :( Ugh, when will they learn? Anyway, CONGRATS on getting the role! :) God bless!
from tiggersnail :
Hey, girl! I haven't had a chance to catch up with you in a while, but your latest entry was very cool to read. I agree with you that there is something about one human sacrificing for another that impacts the character of both people. It's truly inspirational and amazing! Thanks for the reminder on that one!
from i-c-dumppl :
The notes thing was killing me! I had chewed on the Patriot Act, and then notes pages went off, so I couldn't get my info to you in time! Sorry 'bout that. I was just going to tell you about how the Act outlaws terrorist activity on the internet, which is heavy restriction on speech but will save human lives by keeping information from spreading. And then I was going to talk about the same Act, and how it protects freedom of speech and religion in that there shall be no seperation based on Islamic religion or appearance. ...ptth. Sorry, again! And happy Easter!
from tari-wolf :
hey thanks for the note and the stuff to see your diary. :D
from i-c-dumppl :
And sorry that note was really confusing... if there are parts that are incoherent, please, feel free to ask me again! I don't even understand what I wrote, and I've been through it all!
from i-c-dumppl :
Of course I can help you out! I mean, I still owe you a huge thanks for my birthday card! So, thanks! And onto American voting. Erm... Well. There are two parties, Republican and Democrat, that run against each other (there are other parties, but they pose nearly no threat to the big two) every four years. They each select a group of politicians as candidates for their party for presidency. Idealogue voters from each party go to the Primary Elections for each party, so out of the nine or so Democrats nominated for the Democratic Presidential nominee, one is selected, and the same for the Republican party. Then it comes down to the real election between the two men from the two parties (each picks a loser from the primaries from their party as the Vice-Presidential nominee), and they rally their forces to bring out the voters. On November 2nd everybody in the country has until 7'o'clock to vote. By midnight, the winner is declared, and in January he is sworn into office. I'll do terrorism in a seperate note, if you don't mind. I might need a day to think of the most articulate answer, if that's too long. You said you had a week, but I'll need to look through the Patriot Act for the best examples (I know that act doesn't apply to you, but I think everyone's following the same principles!). ...I have to go find a Shakespeare monologue to audition for something with. I'll write you tomorrow! And thanks again!
from clairecav :
Heh, exactly! Thought what a great job it would be! Though me wittering on about GCSE options and stuff while you're talking about actually doing something useful and helping people and Russian orphans and so on really puts things into perspective for me... I think you rock. There are so many people (including myself) who say "Oh, the world's so sad, how terrible..." but never actually do anything about it and then there's someone like you who actually cares and makes a difference and I just thought I'd tell you that I think you're great for doing it.
from leggierox :
Hey�OK I�m gonna write this in several notes so I don�t feel bad about length. And I�m gonna do it so it appears in the right order on the page - clever me =D Without sounding like a rude idiot, I've heard about your country's asylum rules =) The thing that narked me was that whilst the conservatives are harping on and on about Britain being a lifeboat - too many people and it will sink, there are so many other issues that need to be addressed. (cue rant)
from leggierox :
Firstly, there are people in REAL need of help and support, and if we weren't so cynical and selfish, we would see that. Secondly, and probably most crucially, the only reason that countries such as ours are so developed and prosperous, are because WE HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO WHAT THEY�RE TRYING TO DO NOW � offload their excess population onto other countries, namely �the colonies� N America and Australia. The result? Pressure on resources slackened, whilst receiving all the economic benefits of having people abroad.
from leggierox :
And now we�re stopping other countries doing the same, effectively putting a cap on the development of the third world. And finally, the UK is left with a declining and unproductive population � less people are having children, a higher proportion of it is elderly and candidly non-productive. The only way to resolve it is to promote a renourishment supply to �top up� the population � et voila, here come some economically active and fertile young people from abroad. So really, especially in our situation, migration is a good thing =) Sorry about note lengths =P luv Lianne ~x~
from leggierox :
Hey, just came along and realised something really silly - remember that whole immigration thing? Well I started writing you a whole WAY long note, but it got really long, so I redid it in Word, and then I had to go somewhere, and then forgot to post it in the end =P Will go and finish it =D luv Lianne ~x~
from clairecav :
No you may not tease me. I hateth you! Even though I actually loveth you. I am just envious of you, that's all. Cold weather's not bad ALL the time... just, some time...
from i-c-dumppl :
Yep, Bobby Sands starved himself and died in 1981. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about Nationalism, but the new IRA is taking it all a bit too far. They don't seem to realise that they're killing their own countrymen in order to reunite them. The funny thing is, Bobby Sands wasn't dying to prove a point about Ireland, but about prison-treatment (maybe he shouldn't have bombed innocent people, huh?). As for capital punishment and abortion, no person should die. I think that someone who commits murder commits it knowing the penalty, however, and should be put to death. Considered within our religion, Exodus 21:12 says, "He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall surely be put to death." Whereas an unborn baby has committed no sin, has killed no one, and should absolutely be considered in a seperate light (not forgetting the fact that you advocate a woman's right to choice, which goes against your statement that no one should be murdered).
from pippinsgirl :
Yeah, anytime I try to think of what God must be like in essence, I end up bewildering myself...He created humans in his image, and that must somehow constitute for every age--yet he is ageless. Old and young, each of the two and neither of the two. It's so weird, but I still love to think about it and wonder even more what it will be like when we meet Him in person someday.
from leggierox :
Hey just a little note to say that you're not alone in not perfecting hair/makeup first thing in the morning. =) Keep being different, luv Lianne ~x~
from i-c-dumppl :
I found the quote (I just love quotes!)! It's not from the IRA handbook, my bad, but it's from Bobby Sands. "Everyone, Republican or otherwise, has their own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something." Republican, of course, not meaning the American Republican, but Irish Republican... not that big of a difference, except the latter wants unity in Ireland over peace. Sort of like the IRA, I was close!
from i-c-dumppl :
Who's ever said "Closer" was a bad movie? I just don't like Julia Roberts is all... though Clive Owen is getting a lot of accolades, and possibly an Oscar (though I desperately want it to go to Alan Alda or Morgan Freeman). Anyway, I'm thoroughly excited about Harry Potter, I wish you could have seen me destroy the part of Ophelia with my terrible singing (it was hilarious), and take back up the viola because it's a beautiful instrument! Hamlet is a wonderful play, and Branagh really hit a good note with his version, especially the initial scenes that showed Hamlet in the palace (breathtaking). But there were a few superfluous, if not silly, takes between he and his father (as a ghost, of course). A good interpretive version is definitely the Olivier version, but the Mel Gibson version should be avoided at all costs! If I remember correctly, it didn't even follow the script very closely. Thanks for all those Greenpeace tips, too! It's good to see someone getting involved in something... I have a quote for that I'll find for you, from the IRA handbook. I keep forgetting to address your one note on abortion, too, so I'll say it really quickly: the idea of abortion in conjunction with capital punishment to me is like accusing you of wanting to save trees over the lives of children... it's kind of unfair. Criminals are criminals, unborn babies are innocent, and trees can't save themselves! All seperate cases, and all deserve seperate consideration!
from clairecav :
Hmm, soft toys... here in England they get called... well, I call them cuddly toys, as do some other people I suppose. Some people just call them teddies (though I think that's a bit meh, really). But I'd say the Official English Word would be cuddly toy. Yes. Maybe. Ciao.
from snoopy-9487 :
A koala with an oversized head you say? For some reason, I keep seeing this stuffed koala with a head the size of an over inflated ballon with a body the size of a pencil. Was it that big?
from tiggersnail :
Oh yeah, and I'm so happy for you that you got to watch Return of the King, Extended Edition, finally!!
from tiggersnail :
Yay for summer in Australia! Wow, not sure where that sentence came from, being that I've never been to Australia in ANY season. I think I'm just sick of winter, even Texas "winter." Sounds like you have a lot of plans and the determination to make 'em happen this year! Props to you for that, chika! I hope that you're havin a great first week back! Now.. off to Calculus and beyond.. Yippee! :)
from clairecav :
Ahh, you must be happy to be back in Australia!!! Where it's summer. Totally weird thought for me that it could be summer in February.
from free2dream :
Can you believe it? I've finally watched all 3 LOTR movies. I've even watched the ROTK special edition! The easter egg parts are hilarious but I've seen most of 'em before thanks to MTV....but there's this one where Dominic pranks Elijah and pretends to be a German interviewer guy....the way Elijah Wood laughs is terrific! I love him and his BIG BLUE EYES!
from i-c-dumppl :
I think I covered everything you mentioned in my entry... if not, I think you can automatically assume I didn't agree... I hope I didn't sound hostile though! I probably sounded really angry, but it wasn't at you (since you always present your opinions in such a nice way, which makes you cool!), it was at the people that honestly harrass me over things like this from other sites. I'm sure you get it! That sucks that you can't go to your very own party, your host mother sounds like a real wench. That really is terrible! And there's no way of getting out of skiing? Not by faking an illness? Before you leave you should pay her back, like putting a little dishwashing detergent in her coffee. But I don't think Jesus would like that. Of course, I don't think Jesus appreciates your treatment, either. Leave it up to the Big Guy, then! There's gotta be some way to get to that party.
from clairecav :
Haha, how stupid!!! I am sure God likes balloons, after all...
from i-c-dumppl :
Nah, not gonna work. There aren't any markets near me until the summer on the boardwalk, and I can't have a garage sale until after a bit of time after I move, because we have a huge storage thingee in our driveway, but as soon as it's gone, the house is on the market. And then when we move into our new house, we'll have the storage thingee in front for a month or two again. I couldn't really do that until nearly the end of spring. I was thinking that maybe I could set up a quartet to play at parties or the mall, and some kids I know send their poems and stories to local publishers for quick cash. Both of those I can do, and start in a hurry. I'm also taking a one-night waitress job at an orchestra event, and if I get any tips I'll have a little somethin' somethin'. I figure odd jobs like that might do the trick. Thanks for the interest, though! It's reassuring to see that someone helped me out! But I will end up having a sale before the summer, I'll have to, I can't carry all my junk to college!
from dingin-it :
Just wanted to give a little hello. Glad your having a great time in Germany. Sorry about you not getting to go to with your host family's friends to get to know them better. I must get going so I will talk to you later.
from tari-wolf :
Thanks for the info to see your diary. =)
from pippinsgirl :
That's awesome, I'm glad you share the same passion to help out where others won't...often times it scares me just to think about stepping in and doing something, but I definitely want to stand up for people when it counts. That sounds like a good idea to me and I know that even though we're on separate sides of the world, influence on others can still go a long way. Thanks for leaving the note, and thanks for your energy on the subject! :)
from tari-wolf :
I like your name.
from i-c-dumppl :
from i-c-dumppl :
Gah! You could've died! I can't get over this! I'm so glad you're still okay!
from i-c-dumppl :
Gah! I was going to chatter about Shakespeare, but what happened to you is far more interesting! A book could be written about being hospitalized in a foreign country for eating a sandwich and passing out in the street and going home nearly blind! It's a good thing you've a diary to remember all of this!
from evenstar101 :
What an adventure you had! Did you ever find out what you were allergic to? Wow, God was sure watching out for you. Isn't he amazing? Much love, Emily.
from i-c-dumppl :
I should have included this in my email! Try, if you already haven't CNN isn't the place to go to for American political news, but it's great for stuff like this. There should be news on the disastor everywhere, and if not, go into the World News link. Death toll last I checked was 156,000 and rising (there are innumerable small villages that were completely washed out, and may have house 400,000 people in all). You'll see a lot about the American aid stuff, though, since it's an American news site (so far we've given 350 million dollars... and helped set up the Core Group of Aid, and those are the only countries allowed to bring in helicopters and stuff on behalf of international charities like Doctors Without Borders [medecins sans fronti�rs]... yay for the American government and all of its rich constituents!). Anyway, I don't know of any Australian News sites that aren't specifically directed to one purpose, like the Deulfer Report. Forgive me!
from free2dream :
What happened in Asia is really so sad. They said on the news that it will take about 10 years to rebuild the areas that were destroyed. So basically when I'm 26, things will be pretty back to normal again. That's so sad to think about.
from free2dream :
Awww Merry Christmas Sarah! HAPPY NEW YEAAAR!!
from snoopy-9487 :
Hey, it's new's year! Happy New Year's, Sarah! And I promise to send an e-mail soon (promise!) Again, happy new year!
from dingin-it :
Hey, you never left an email address so I'll just give you the name and password on here. It shouldn't be a problem giving it here, hopefully... User: friend Password: mydiary
from leggierox :
Wow, you have so much courage to go over there, and actually do lessons in another language, I'm all awed-out! Dude, that's amazing, forget feeling dumb. Feel proud" you already do =D And yeah, you can smoke here in the UK at 16 too, but most people realise it's not the healthiest thing to do and don't =) Keep on having fun, love Lianne.
from free2dream :
Germany! Aww your LUNG was aching? Wow that must have been something! I'll write more later I promise! Very busy now....hope you plan to write some more in your next entry!
from i-c-dumppl :
Germany sounds so awesome! Christmas must be the perfect time to visit. I know a girl from Germany who says that teenagers there never get jobs, and there are 13 years of school before college compared to the American 12 years! She also told us all about the EU, because until a week or so ago, I never even knew what it really was! I always thought it was something like... like a treaty or an allyship. But it's really almost combining European countries into one big country, deducing them to basically states with one currency but still different governments. Which is actually talked about in the Bible as an end event, but that's not the point! Speaking of, I meant to mention about "Down to the River to Pray"! I love that song... I have the cd, as a matter of fact! Anyway, you sound uber-busy, have fun at that party!
from goldberry91 :
Alicia- sorry, i totally forgot last week! My email is thisbabekixbutt (at, I cant type the sign on this keyboard)
from leggierox :
Heh, don't worry about replying - you're on holiday (kinda), so you should be concentrating on other things like Christmas and keeping yourself busy generally =D take care, Lianne.
from free2dream :
Aww and thanks for your note!!!! God bless!
from free2dream :
Hi Sarah! I'm so happy that you're getting to experience this once in a lifetime experience and every time you have's always been good news so WOOHOO! And woohoo for those "awesometastic" songs! :)
from dingin-it :
Hey.. Can you give me an email address that I can send a name and password to.. I have to lock it up and I want you to still be able to get into it.
from dingin-it :
I'm so glad your having a good time!
from i-c-dumppl :
I'm pretty sure it was just one movement. Like I said, it was around seventh grade, that was back when the music-books would generalize the classics for us, so that the adults in the audience would think it greater than it was. It's a lot better than playing "Shortnin' Bread". Anyway, what a culture shock! Germany sounds fantabulous, gorgeous, and just all-around great! Rather funny, too... I was going to ask if the keyboards were different, but I guess I got my answer!
from leggierox :
It sounds like you're having a good (overall) time in Germany. It took me a while to get what you meant about missing Summer, until it hit me - the north/south hemisphere thing =D I kinda understood what you meant because it's comparable to spending our winter away from home, just missing really good weather back there too =D I think you've got the right attitude - it is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so you're doing pretty well, methinks =) have fun, and umm auf wiederhersen (sp?) =D
from free2dream :
I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be in Germany and not know much of the language. But I'm happy that you like the challenge! It's so nice to hear from you and to see that things are going well! You're right...this is a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity. An opportuinity you would regret missing out on, so enjoy it! God bless! :)
from i-c-dumppl :
Firstly, to finally answer your question about capital punishment: any other use than for murderers is dumb. Even executing rapists isn't right. Though sometimes I get so angry about the rape of children that I would like to see the rapists die. I think that's one of the most terrible things a person could do, it's absolutely a disgrace. Though, no matter if I would like to see them burn, I can't make them be executed, that's just not fair, of course. I personally believe in forgiving my enemies, but I can't enforce that on others, which is just why I support the death penalty... which doesn't make sense, I'm sure. It's worked out in my head. I think. And of course I've listened to Beethoven's sonatas! I've played an orchestral version of "Pathetique" once, I believe. A dumbed down version in the seventh grade, probably. And I can't believe I've got such classy friends as you, going to Germany! That's pretty neat. You've seen the world, and you're not even a legal adult! I've never been outside of my country, the closest to leaving it was either Hawaii or living close to the Canadian border. The Germans are weird, too, then, with two Christmases for the youngsters. Lucky... the French have two birthdays, one for their names and one for themselves. Unfortunately, we couldn't talk our French teachers into celebrating both with a song and candy. I can't wait to have a Christmas party in French this year! Or a Mardi Gras party! Woohoo! Sorry, digression. Have a fun time in Deutschland. I learned a funny work in German... but I'm afraid you'll know it, and then it'll be cursing...
from dingin-it :
I hope you have a lot of fun! I'll probably not get to hear from you until after you come back, but have fun and stay out of trouble. I'll hear from you on how your trip went and all your experiences went when you come back.
from snoopy-9487 :
I haven't left a note in forever because I am *super* bad about things like that. Sorrys. So two days until Germaney, eh? I'm a quarter German and I know they have a lot of rich food. And as Amanda said, the winters there are beautiful (at least what I've seen from pictures). You've been thinking... *a lot* and trust me, I can tell. Iknow when someone has been thinking a lot cause I do that a lot myself. And a lot of what you do say does make sense, well most of it anyways. And you write for yourself and your experiences do count even if you don't write them down. Thought I would just share my opinion. I feel kind of in a reflective type mood even though I don't want to be. Ack! My neck hurts... but that does not matter. What matters is... oh, my dog is sleeping. Got sidetracked briefly. And I am out of words tonight. Maybe more will come in the morning. -Kelly p.s. I still read your diary.
from i-c-dumppl :
Oh, Germany will be so much fun for you! Germany in winter has to be spectacular! It's beautiful anyway, but covered in snow... all of that ancient marvelous architecture, the smells of the food on the stark air... I wonder how they celebrate Christmas? The French have strange customs with the Yuletide log and midnight dinner, what do the Germans do? You're going to have so much to do and learn! I don't mind you asking political questions (don't be silly!), but I've forgotten what you asked, so as soon as I take the initiative to look back on my notes page, I'll answer any capital punishment question you want! Life can suck, but it'll suck more if I just sit around and worry about it. It's best to dwell on other things, because nothing's going to change for a couple of years!
from evenstar101 :
I just wanted to say that I hope you have a great time in Germany! What an amazing thing - Christmas in Europe. I'll be praying that all of your travels got smoothly and that the German comes easily. May God bless. Have a safe trip! -Emily-
from free2dream :
I just saw your profile where you listed Josh Groban as one of your favorite musicians. And you wrote the lyric to one of his songs and I couldn't figure out which one it was so I had to sing it to myself just now. One of my favorite songs "When You Say You Love Me"....Josh Groban is definitely the best! What you said about that whole math thing...whoaaa!! I didn't understand a word! :) But sometimes I think weird thought too. The other day I was thinking about our ability to walk, speak. I just sat there and thought that was just so cool. :)
from clairecav :
Eee, have an absolutely fabulous time in Germany! You're so lucky to be doing this, and so brave too - I could never go away from home for so long ON MY OWN. My stepdad says that Christmas in Germany is fantastic, though. Have a groovy time ;)
from i-c-dumppl :
Oh, my word! The numbers you gave for America don't represent the INNOCENT let off of death row, though that does sometimes happen, it's the number the get off due to mistrial, like partial jurors. That doesn't mean that they're always innocent, in a lot of times, they aren't at all innocent, but the courts find out that one crucial bit of evidence was slightly tampered with because a police officer touched it without a glove, or months after appeals court while being on death row, a jury decides that the evidence is too circumstantial. I simply don't agree with your views on it (but you already know why, I just wanted to make sure you saw what I meant by American statistics)! But I'm glad you're taking an initiative!
from dingin-it :
"I didn't really like them that much, but my brother saw me eating them all the time. One day, and I think I was upset, I went to the letterbox and found a small parcel for me wrapped up in blank paper. It was an LCM. Mum told me my brother had put it there for me because he knew I liked LCMs." I started to get all teary eyed reading that. lol. That was so sweet. There's times when my sister's done stupid little things like that and I get all teary eyed because it's just so sweet that she would think about me like that.
from free2dream :
AWWW!! :) I love that cheesy feeling of Christmas!
from i-c-dumppl :
Polar Express was durastically expanded, which makes it all the more interesting. If you made a movie out of the originial... there wouldn't be a movie. If I remember it correctly, it had the same growing-up premise as Peter Pan, which always just depresses me. But I love it anyway!
from free2dream :
If you can you should buy his new album "Healing Rain" because I can't afford to buy right if anyone else can...the world will be a much better place...??.... :)
from free2dream :
Go Michael W. SMITH!! :)
from free2dream :
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!! How is this POSSIBLE? Lately, I'VE been obsessed with Josh Groban's "When You Say You Love Me"...OH MY GOODNESS!!!! SARAH....I love you! :)
from i-c-dumppl :
I'll find out for sure in December. All of my other school offer abroad programs, but I'd have to scrimp and save for the travel and living fair on top of the tuition fees. Before that wasn't a problem, but now my dad's screwed my family over, and I have to be more careful. One cannot go to France on childsupport alone! Which makes me just *oh so* happy. I'll get a job in college, but it's just not going to pay my way to France. But, oh, the art! Regardless of when, I know I'll go. And you shouldn't think your dreams are silly, even if everyone shares them. Some people do travel, and travel often! And you're already one of them! I've never even left my country, so consider yourself lucky!
from free2dream :
Oh my! I'm in the process of buying all these Music CD's because it's been 3 years since I've bought any, so now I really have to catch up!
from i-c-dumppl :
I was just thinking today about how much I want to go to Paris one day for a week at the least so I could see some of the Louvre, but then I realised that I will get to go if I'm accepted to Columbia. They'll pay my way for a semester at the American University in Paris! And a whole semester to study French film and visit the Louvre... just the thought made me want to cry. Well, the voter turnout this year was really, really good. Usually only 50% of the population votes in the Presidential elections, but this year I think it was anywhere from 60%-80% according to some of the exit polls. Some people just don't care (they can't use the "I'm too busy" excuse since it's recently become a national holiday). Only fanatics like myself follow the smaller elections every two years, and only party officials vote every year for party heads. It's pretty sad, actually...
from pippinsgirl :
Thank you so much! It's so cool because our school's band has never gotten first at state. Way awesome. Anyway. Scott Joplin's rags are fun...even though they seem way hard to me. Oh and while I'm thinking about it, what does billabong mean? We had this Australian youth pastor a few years ago and it seemed like all he wore were these shirts with "billabong" on them...I've always kind of wondered about that. Okay, I'm finished now. :)
from free2dream :
Thanks for the note...and yes church was definitely a part of it, of course. I'm feeling better, actually. I'm so strange. :)
from free2dream :
ahaha...That would have been funny if you had asked them that. Part embarrassing...part funny....WELL at least now I know you will be able to update from there and tell us everything! woohooooo!
from dingin-it :
Thanks. I'll have fun no matter what, it'll just be so awsome if I would get to meet them.
from free2dream :
I agree with Amanda....I hope you find someway to tell us about your trip to Germany while you're over there!!
from i-c-dumppl :
And you had better gosh darn find internet access in Germany!
from i-c-dumppl :
Can't talk long, I'm so excited, my mum talked to a divorce attorney (the best in my area), and he's going to help us out. We have to clean so when social services come we won't look unhealthy, so that means I've got to be on the move! This also means that my dad won't ever see my brother unless it's a supervised visit, and I won't have to talk to him at all. And he still has to pay for my mum's tuition, and half of his paycheck goes to us so my mum can keep the house and car, and I wish I could be a fly on the wall in New York City a week from now when he's served the court order. He's actually abused us, and now I don't have to be afraid of the holidays... but now I've got an excuse to get a job! Anyway (you're the first to know, I just realised!), all of those trips you're planning will help with government work, I'm sure. America isn't that divided, really. We've only got two parties, with the occasional third that never suceeds, but the majority of the public actually belongs in the independent category. There are extreme liberals, and extreme conservatives (*raises hand*), but most people here think both are crazy, and opt to remain unloyal to any affliliation until voting day. Which is a lot of the reason most people don't vote here... as bad as that sounds... It only seems to be divided in papers or to extremists like me, to the rest of America, it's no different than what's normal!
from dingin-it :
I'm glad you get to go to Germany. Have fun!
from clairecav :
Yeah, absolutely right on the dictators thing! As my History teacher said, there is a dictator in Zimbabwe who does the same - maybe worse - things to his people as Sadam did to the Iraqui's... BUT Zimbabwe is a trading place and America needs it. And let's touch on the subject of the oil in Iraq... Sadam wouldn't let Bush at it.. now the plans for this pipe-thing for the oil is going through... amazing yes? They think of oil while men are dying out there. Today proved it. First thing I saw on the news this morning was that three soldiers from the Black Watch (the Scottish army who went out there just a short while back) were dead following a suicide bomber driving through! Puh! Oh, and to end this on a happy note - congrats on your piano exam!
from i-c-dumppl :
And I totally meant serial killer. I guess I'm hungry...
from i-c-dumppl :
Awesome job on that piano exam! An A is pretty dern spectacular, I must say, and your piano exams sound far more terrifying than my measley little cello tests! Anyway, I hope I can explain my stands without cutting down yours... First, on abortion, I realise that a lot of women are going to try to commit abortions in a lot of ways, but that's part of why I want to be more involved with my party. The more alternatives women learn about, and the more counseling they receive, the less likely they are to find alternative methods. Even in the cleanest of clinics women die because of abortion, just like even the best of tatoo parlours can still spread disease (bad analogy- I had to think of something!), but the death rate will simply be lower if it's outlawed, for the mothers and the children. A lot of people here think of Republicans as kind of... sexist, in some ways. But there are a lot of female out-reach programs to help them through abuse and rape, all run by Republican parties, and that's something very important to me (especially now). As for gay rights, I do see that it's a victimless crime, but the outlaw of gay marriage doesn't mean an law against their civil rights, in most cases. What mose Republicans are trying to do is seperate the legal aspects of marriage (like tax cuts and joint accounts) from the headings and titles of "husband and wife", and allow homosexual couples to have all the benefits of heterosexual couples but without the title of marriage. Or, at least that's what most are attempting to do (it is only fair, isn't it?). But as for loving those who sin, you are right, but one shouldn't love a sinner and still allow them to sin. For instance, most of my friends who are gay know that I disapprove of their lifestyle, but I love them anyway, and they love me back. That's the only way you can ever help anyone to righteousness, or else they know you love them, but they'll never change. You can't love a cereal killer and allow him to keep killing, I can always love my dad (I used to, at least... but at this point, I don't even think he's my dad... I might even just call him by his real name), but I can't accept what he's doing now. They'll see that you're a good person for sticking by them, and hopefully see that since you disagree with their views, perhaps they should, too. And, I know the note is long, but Iraq didn't just pose a threat to us, but our daughter country, Israel, as well, and our fellowship with Israel is too strong to allow it to be bombed too long (but a lot of people here skip that fact). Also, Iraq was posing the highest immediate threat after we invaded Afghanistan (that's where Al Queda, those responsible for 9/11, was at the time), because of the ideas of weapons of mass destruction (speaking of which, there's evidence that they were shipped out of Iraq into Syria before we arrived, all to be hidden). Since we didn't want more soldiers to be killed than was necessary, we decided to nip it in the bud. Whereupon we found a very, very nasty political situation, a lot of brainwashed citizens, and a very, very hurt society. I hope that explains it... Sorry so long! (And you didn't make me angry! I'm glad we can talk like this, so when we control the world, our difference of opinions will amount to unity instead of disunity!)
from free2dream :
Aww...thanks for your note! And yes...I will explain it to her the best I can!
from clairecav :
Heehee, well the knicker business was very distressing... it's a bit odd to write about knickers but ther you go! I realised after making the link to your diary that as your diary is locked, it was a bit dumb but - hey! - maybe it will have intrigued people enough to get your password etc. I pretty much agree with your view on the American Election by the way. Cannot believe I, ME, am showing an interest in politics. It's pretty weird, but I feel an injustice has been done there. The next four years don't look too bright.
from i-c-dumppl :
The reason I don't weigh it so much is probably because my mind is made up on the issue, but I meant that it's the least of our political worries. I can understand the mindset that you give it, but it sounded more negative in your entry than in your note, so it kind of was a stereotype that was left unfinished. Basically George Bush and myself believe that not everyone can deserve a second chance, and I know that Jesus forgave his killers (I think I even mentioned that...), but a lot of people can't abide by that rule, and see the dealth penalty as perfectly fair. It's just not the same thing as abortion, where the unfairness of it can be argued without the aid of religion, and without religion, the dealth penalty just can't be properly argued against. And Kerry did all but call the War on Terror a "mistake", which implies to more than half the Americans that if the war that's righting the wrong of 9/11 is baseless, than so are the deaths, even Rudy Guiliani agreed (and he's a liberal!). I was just so excited to hear that George Bush got the most votes in American history, though he didn't win by the largest of margins. I really was honestly scared for my life when I thought of Kerry, but I knew he wouldn't get it, because I could never picture his face in a history book. Sort of like I knew when Christopher Reeve was going to die... Anyway! Thanks for caring about my dad, I hope he realises that if he needs help from me in the future, I will close my door on his face. It sounds terrible, but if he doesn't want to be my father, I'm surely not going to be his daughter. I have a feeling that God feels the same way, and my dad is living on borrowed time...
from i-c-dumppl :
Oops, sorry, I guess I don't deserve a seat of power because I do, too, support the death penalty. Hate me if you will, but I was hoping you'd be open-minded enough to understand that I don't fit into that mind-set that you've just described. Stereotyping is a lovely thing, isn't it? Please, don't turn into a me-hating leftie, and try to understand the points I made in my last entry (and not blast me like most liberals tend to)! And that's not me asking for your forgiveness, either, because I'm not ashamed of how I feel. And don't think I was saying you were wrong about Bronte! I was just trying to bring up the possible conclusion that it was one of those less-noticed works that was mysteriously left out of her list. Like Thomas Hardy, he's written books that I've never had the pleasure to hear of until I really, really did some research on him! I would tend to believe you over my teachers, so don't worry about that!
from free2dream :
Yeah...and sadly, Bush isn't perfect. If he was perfect...he would be GOD! :) How are ya, by the way? That organization sounds like a GREAT idea!
from free2dream :
Yeah, I agree...I think the death penalty is not necessary at all...but Bush winning is much better than Kerry winning....
from leggierox :
Hey again, how are you? I love Jet - you saw them?! NO FAIR!!! They ROCK!!! Lol, and could you do me a huge favour? I saved your password and username on my browser so that I didn't have to remember it - lots of people have locked their diaries, so it's the easiest way...but my computer had a fit, and I've lost it, so can you please e-mail it to me at demez885 on hotmail? Cheers! Lianne.
from i-c-dumppl :
She HAD written something else? So, the internet and my teachers lied to me. Well, that does make me happy! I keep looking around for Bronte poetry, but to no avail. I remember reading a description of Charlotte from one male writer to George Eliot (it may have been her lover at the time, I know she illegally married a married man... George Eliot was a swinger in her day!), and he described her as tiny, sickly, pale, and homely. Though, Eliot wasn't anything to look at in her day, either... All of the sisters were sickly though, you can tell it when you see them. It also ties in with an analysis "Anatomy of Melancholy" by Robert Burton. The more scholarly one is, the more ill one tends to look. Anyway! I don't even think I'm socially cunning, I don't think about relationships or where they'll go, because, basically, I don't care. I like to have friends because I don't like loneliness, so I care in that sense, but... geez. It's so hard to explain. And I hate sex jokes, but what I hate even more are the cutters. The kids that pretend not to care about anything in life, and then cut themselves and brag about it the next day. That's not suicidal, or else they would honestly kill themselves, they want attention in any form... I sound horribly heartless, I'm sure! I'm not even describing it properly, though... Oops! Too long! Gotta go!
from free2dream :
You know what's crazy? I'm getting excited for you! :) I cant wait to hear all about your trip to Germany!!!
from tiggersnail :
Ahh, the good old days of piano exams and whatnot. I miss and loathe those days. Anywho, I haven't popped by to leave a note in a while. Hope everything's goin swell for ya! College is grand, though I'm thinkin I'm about ready to vent all my thoughts in one crazy-long entry at lady---arwen. Rawr. :) Well, I'm gonna go get me some sleep, I think. Have a great week, girly!!
from i-c-dumppl :
Not to depress you, but as I headed on down to your notes link on your profile page, you said you've "only read Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte... that's all she ever got to write, other than poems. At least, I think that's all that was ever published in her time, sad, innit? Hate to bring down your day like that, but she had two sisters that wrote. One, I don't remember her name, wrote very enthusiastic ones, but "Wuthering Heights" by Emily is simply beautiful. Anyway, nah, my mum would love e-cards, Cheryl sent one already and it cheered her up!I sometimes send my friends out to do that for people, it's cheap and easy (well, free and easy, actually), and it brightens someone's day. I'd do it, but my mum's really mad at me, and she'll get even angrier if I attempt something like that. It was a simple misunderstanding, but I see where she's coming from over the homecoming thing. What else was I going to say?... ahh, pooh. The Bronte thing is getting me down. Oh, something about the African-American thing! That's right! It was a very violent time, and I've seen that movie before, too. If you like that movie, check out "Long Walk Home". It takes place in the same time and era, and it's all about the bus riots when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the back of the bus for a white man, and was arrested. After that, all of the black people in the South of the States refused bus rides at all, preferring to walk. It's a really good reminder of what it used to be like for African Americans and women, as it touches both issues. But to be honest, Civil Rights now is creating racism instead of abolishing it. The whole issue needs to be approached differently, not Jesse Jackson's way. Well, anyway, I've gotta go! Goodluck with that service group! It looks neat-o!
from clairecav :
Oh yes, the incest is a biggie. All Deliverance-ish, isn't it? But still. A lovely isolated island MINUS the incest and rape... and possibly the termites... would be FABULOUS! I am going to google that island you mentioned and see what I can dig up about my *future home*. Ciao for now. OH, and the advice you gave in your latest entry was very good. Works for me right now. Oh and ANOTHER thing... I'm sure you did fine on your exam. That examiner sounds, to quote the note before, RUDE!
from i-c-dumppl :
Hmm... piano examiner messing with his pen? That's a little... rude. Well, I explained homecoming in my entry, but so you don't have to read it all (it's boring anyway): a homecoming game is the first football game of the season played at the school that the team belongs to. Yep! Australia doesn't have that? You guys are really into sports, too. Well, for college they claim to not care about our SAT (our grade 12 exams that aren't based on knowledge, but analytical abilities) scores, but they really, really do matter. Basically, our schools pick us based on our overall grades from highschool, what extra-curricular activities we've done over the years, how well we write, our test grade, and our personalities. Which is really a bunch of lies, here's what matters: money... then comes scores. The end! I've gotta go clean my living-room!
from free2dream :
Awww....your uncle hates you?????
from i-c-dumppl :
Nah, I don't know the "h" disease. I'm too afraid to go to a specialist to find out what it is. All the women in my family have had hysterectimies (sp?), and at this point, it'd be nice. I'd prefer to adopt anyway... It's weird, I get it so badly the first two days, and after that, psh, nothin'. And I never know when it's coming or anything, it's a mess! I tend to think it's simply genetic, but the pill would regulate it. And make me hate myself, so I think I'll make do with midol and a hot-water bottle. Okay, I'm sure that was too much information!
from i-c-dumppl :
See, now you know why I don't like cats. They're evil. I was thinking about that the other day, a fear of cats, and how few people really suffer from it, but all seem to share a common personality. So that made me think about unnatural fears spawning from character and... okay, anyway! Well, Angelina Jolie 'round here doesn't get very much respect. I think she once made-out with her brother in public, wore a vial of her husband's blood around her neck, and then disowned her father for asking to get her mental help (of course, he did do it in a very embarassing public manner, so that I can understand). And college apps are going so badly, I think I just want to cry. But I'll type all about it in my diary! And terrorism will come to its knees before our countries!
from snoopy-9487 :
I hate when my cat does that as well. They are particular creatures, well at least mine is. One moment, she doesn't anyone to touch her and then the next thing you know, she's all in your face trying to get attention. Nuts I'll tell you! And you're lucky to do one of those foregin exchange things. I can't do that until sometime in college (which I hope you get to do) but I would probably need a foregin language for that. I hardly remember Spanish and I doubt that people use Latin very much! So um, yeah. I feel like such a loser right now. At least today's Friday. That makes everything better.
from free2dream :
Ugh..don't you hate it when that happens? Oh thanks about the whole performance thingy... :) And what you said about me in your profile....YAY!!! :)
from i-c-dumppl :
What'll be great about our alliance is that we'll be able to control the world from both ends of the spectrum... I mean, aid the world from both ends of the spectrum. Yes, wouldn't that be funny, to have Australia and America as the new world order? It's like the AA (Alcoholic's Anonymous). I suppose our first order of business will have to be, because of the AA thing, to help the Irish with alcoholism. Except the Irish don't really drink that much, but I won't get into that! (Gosh darn English enslaving my people!)
from free2dream :
Are you going to a concert?? WOOHOO!!'re LUCKY to be able to go to a school over there...what an opportunity! :) Can't wait to read more bout it!
from hobbitchick4 :
Yes, hooray for being busy!! :) It's odd when I don't have much going on, because I never know what to do with myself then. Fortunely, (I hope), I should be busy all year long. Anywho... finally found time to comment you back. I hope things are going well for you! :) Loves to ya. April
from i-c-dumppl :
Yep, now there are only 8 years per president. Technically, a maximum of ten if you're the vice president and the president dies in the second year. Then you get the job for the rest of the two years, and then get office again two more times for eight years total (four years per election, of course), equalling ten years! It used to be as many times as you want, but we had one president serve four terms, or 16 years. He was a good president (a democrat, *shakes fist*), but that's just too long for anybody. That was a neat-o website, quite interesting to read about political perspectives in foreign countries. I'd like to learn more foreign policy, actually. I've got it! I'll be president, you be PM, and we'll make the strongest alliance in international affairs EVER! And better the world for women and other minorities, and wipe out all terrorists for their mistreatment of religion as a means for persecuting women. And Americans. And Israelites. It's strange to see that your democrats are so econimically minded as compared to ours, though. Mostly our democrats promise tax-breaks for all but the rich, and then propose outlandish government mandates that would cost trillions (none of which heighten homeland security), when all they complain about when a republican is in office is the federal deficit. And then they yell about North Korea. *rolls eyes*. Anyway, yes, I do believe that when I start my term and you begin yours, there will be a new alliance unlike any other! Even stronger than ours with Britain!
from i-c-dumppl :
Gosh, I love Irish music... sorry, listening to the radio. Online radio is so much better, I get my UK pop and traditional tunes in at once, so much better than some of the American garbage rolling around here. Anyway! I'm sure John Howard will do well with his term. Is there a limit on how often people can run for Prime Minister there? A president can only be president twice here, that's 8 years! I wish I could go into politics, but I get to caught up in it and lose my motives, plus I'm a woman. Women don't get too far here, senators, governors, but never presidents. One woman ran a couple of years ago, but she got so many assassination threats that she dropped out. The same for a black man who ran about the same time... It's not fair. Condeleeza Rice is the head of a few departments, and she's a black woman! But, still, she's not president. We've had an actor as a president, but never a woman. *snivvle*
from free2dream :
Piano's rock. Have fun with your new piano....when you get it, that is. :)
from i-c-dumppl :
Ahh, I gotcha. John Howard is a liberal... I thought he was conservative because he supported (well, I was told he supported) America's war on terror, which is a conservative move here. We don't have much of a strict conservative party that's really in power, it's loose conservatisim versus tight liberalism. But even the conservatives (me!) don't like mixing religion with politics. I like to think that American conservatives support a freer enterprise as far as economy goes, but allowing the American people a lot of freedom with money usually means a downfall in economy. Our economy dropped significantly when George Bush (conservative!) got into office, but now people are getting used to it, and jobs are on the rise. But those gosh darn liberals want government intervention in everything! Socialized healthcare? Why don't we just get rid of healthcare as a whole! Well, that's just me getting all angry. Conservatism here, I guess, is less extreme than what you described, we just like taking things slowly and carefully. We like John Locke is all I can say. Anyway, yes, I love that the both of us can be all over politics, breaking that nerd stereotype that's become so popular. Not too many people I know here are very into it! They just support whoever becomes popular. *sigh*
from i-c-dumppl :
*blinks* Smudgie? That is the CUTEST name! Anyway, back on task. You don't have to strain yourself to find it or anything-- basically it's my angry diary, where I type all the junk that makes me depressed. I don't like depressing you guys too much, and only Kelly reads my livejournal (oops, gave that one away), but she deals with me every day. Basically stuff about politics that I don't want to go into too much detail on here (would you believe it? I'm so long-winded on it anyway!)... I suppose once our elections are over, that'll change to school related angst. It's probably best that a conservative won in Australia for now, as I'm guessing that's what we'd call John Howard. If the world can take on change a little more slowly right now, it might keep smaller problems from augmenting until it can be examined. That's easy for me to day, though, because there are fifty states in America, each with their own subordinate government to "experiment" with. I didn't think Australia had nearly as many (you're much more unified!) and it's still the same size as America. So slow change is much more necessary here than there, I suppose... I have no idea of what I'm talking about. Right now, though, enviroment is at the end of the American checklist. But we're also at war, so I can see why. It's so bad over here. Clair de Lune can mean Moonlight. Light is technically eclaircee, but it's sometimes shortened as clair, which actually means "clearly" (see how nicely everything is derived?). So maybe it's truly a bit of purposeful double-speak on Debussy's part! You don't normally think of moonlight as clearifying, but it sounds beautiful, doesn't it? And it's quite a fitting title! I love how we have the same taste in everything, I feel slightly less strange about... being strange!
from i-c-dumppl :
Hmm, yes, that would make more sense that schoolhouse. That's just a self-determined cognate for me. Jude will make you want to cry. It made me ponder the ideas of life and fantasies instilled by the politics of social life. But crying applies too. And Mackies is something inescapable here. We don't normally eat long or healthy meals here, thus, we are all short and OH MY WORD!!! Sorry, my dog escaped mid-sentence. I meant fat. You know, it's not often I am able to type a reaction. I saw my dog running down the street, unmanned. And my other dog threw herself up against the back door to warn me. My mum and I had to go and wrangle the escapee in a fence corner, 7 neighbour's yards in all! My, what an eventful day! And you saw it all happen, even on the other side of the world! It's hard to imagine, still, that it's getting warmer there. I got to wear a jacket this morning on my way to SAT land. I'll type all about it in my diary, since I forgot what else I was going to say.
from i-c-dumppl :
Oh, and not to bother you again, but "Oberer Schulhof" means the top part of the school house, right? And then "unterer" would be bottom? I don't speak much German outside of my last name. Two words. East and wood. Schulhof just looks like schoolhouse to me, and it looked like the same place. I *especially* like the summer (sommer!) views, when you can see the gorgeous mountain ranges in back. Just had to let you know!
from clairecav :
Thankyou for your birthday wishes my mega groovy Aussie chum! And yes, exclamation marks rock!!! Have a good day, you upside down girl.
from free2dream :
Stereotypes do stink. Oh and trust me, I would know. I'm an Indian so auutomatically...I'm a genius. This is COMPLETELY not true, but try telling that to everyone in my school. They'd be surprised at what hours of studying can do... :)
from i-c-dumppl :
Yes! Hardy, as much as he abuses his characters, understood women! Especially in Tess of the D'Urbervilles, in which a young girl was raped and impregnated! He almost understood how a girl would feel... almost. But he still doesn't quite grasp that women don't always live for men, not even back then. But George Eliot goes beyond that and places women in a more natural solution... but, she was a woman herself. Hardy actually understands women better than writers today, I'd like to think, that's a reason I like him. But otherwise his stories are painful to read, because you always know that the protagonist will have the worst outcome. I don't know if you know yet what happens in Jude... but it's really, really... very sad. I'll tell you that he understands the innocence of children, too. Most people here know Communism better than I, and I know it benefited a lot of people, but the images of baby girls being boiled, being held up by their feet while still alive like mere poultry cannot be wiped from my mind, and was forced into occurance by the Chinese Government. I don't think Jonathan Swift ever meant A Modest Proposal to be taken that far. And, oh my gosh, are you just my flippin' duplicate? You always have the same thoughts just as I have, but you're far more poignant in your writing. I like how it was put in "A Christmas Memory", how Capote says, "I've always thought that a body would have to be sick and dying before they saw the Lord... And it's been a comfort: to think of that shine taking away all the spooky feeling. But I'll wager it never happens. I'll wager that at the very end a body realizes the Lord has already shown Himself. That things as they are... just what they've always seen, was seeing Him. As for me, I could leave the world with today in my eyes." It's so overwhelmingly comforting, yet so overwhelmingly scary to know that there will always be someone, even if we can't see Him, that loves us, and it's just unfathomable to look at the beauty of the world around us and not imagine something beyond it, that it's so beautiful that it has to extend our short lives to something perhaps even better. *snivvle*
from i-c-dumppl :
Ohhh my gosh! You're so cute! You've such pretty hair! Straight and shiny, the kind I've always wanted (*grumbles in jealousy*). I mean the nice cute, too, not the demeaning one, the kind used towards early pop sensations. I like the moose, too. You shouldn't be afraid to show pictures like that! That's silly, that's what that is. And I love all of those piano songs you mentioned, especially the Chopin one. I love his pieces, always so involved sounding. I wouldn't know what it would be like to play, I assmume they're tough, though, since you mentioned Cakewalk. That one's supposed to be among the hardest to play, according to my piano-savvy friends. Plus, it's Chopin, he's renowned... I should mention him in orchestra... Anyway, I've finished my first chapter, I just need to type it all. It gets wonderfully melancholy... I hope all goes well with the Germany preparations!
from free2dream :
She rearranged the bookcases by nationality of author?? That's insanity!!! :)
from dingin-it :
Yea, it's called 13 going on 30 over here. And I thought it was good. After it's in the regular movies it goes to the cheap movies where it only cost $1 and I must have seen it a couple of times then. With differnet friends.
from free2dream : just made be hungry...thanks a lot! ;) Since you live in Australia there's probably no doubt that you've heard of Keith Urban??? Well....I just had to say that since his music is SOOOOOOOOO big over there!!! :)
from i-c-dumppl :
Sounds like oodles of fun! And if I've got the guts to post pictures of myself directly onto the web, you'd better gosh derned get over your fears and post a link. I'm one person in the world no one wants to see, but I did it. I'm brave! Anyway... what was I going to say? Oh! Yeah! Have too much fun in Germany, because it sounds like you've worked hard, and you thus deserve it. Go you!
from evenstar101 :
Glad you had such awesome days...I used to love to swing...that's all I would do during school recess in elementary school. I loved it.
from free2dream :
I know PLENTY of people who attack people with words. Oh and they KNOW what their words mean and that soon that person will probably cry. But they LOVE that....they LOVE feeling like they have power over people and can make them cry. UGH! It just makes me sick!!! You should just be mean to her like she is to you....but that's probably the wrong way to go about it. I think it's cool that you give her chances! :) God bless!
from snoopy-9487 :
It has been a while hasn't it? I really do need to send an e-mail. How come school seems to get its joy by overloading me with homework? Sorry about the little rant, there's just been a lot of it recently (with no end in sight-- ahhh!) You should share the photos, that'll be awesome. Now I'm off. Until I can think of something random.
from free2dream :
How sad is it that I had no idea that you had a brother? Actually...did you ever MENTION him?? Because I think you might wait...I think that was Amanda! Amanda's little brother had a "girlfriend" too or something like that.....HEYYYYY!! :)
from i-c-dumppl :
Geez, the whole Civil Rights movement in America did away with today's generation's ideas of minority. For instance, my entire life I've seen African-Americans, been friends with some, enemies with others... I just don't see racism. But the other day I discovered that they truly are a minority, they make up only 12% of the US population. I sincerely believed they made up half. And I think that if I were in the place of a racial minority, I'd be more inclined in making my voice heard, which is exactly why I speak out about feminism! The idea of minority has been done away with, which can be a good thing, but also a bad thing, as it destroys the sense of self. And the wording in your pamphlet sounded apologetic, like, "We know it's weird, it's kinda silly..." Gosh. And minorities tie in perfectly with my ghost thing, that sometimes we're even overlooked by those we don't know. But I'm glad you understood my point! I knew you would, but I didn't think others would. How everyone is fleeting, even in the lives of his or her best friend, and how the interpretation of people differs. If you liked it, you should put another book on your long list: Invisible Man. It's long, but good. And it ties my ghost principle with the ideas of minority a lot better than I could ever manage!
from i-c-dumppl :
I absolutely HAVE to see it! Nah, my haircolour isn't purdy. It's blah. Maybe I'm not angry with the colour so much as the shape or structure. It waves and curls, but then frizzes out on bottom and flat on top, and if I straighten it, it doesn't stay flat. *sigh* Hair. Mine's a mess. I should go bald. Anyway, I'm glad your debutante ball went well (and keep in touch with your partner, he sounds sweet! Usually if a guy likes me he says, "You're hot," so you know your guy is a keeper)! It sounds so nice! I hope my prom is that lovely...
from hobbitchick4 :
Heeeeyy!! How are ya! Long time, no talk, eh? Just thought that I'd drop by and say 'hi.' I love your lastest entry! It's short, but cute. Especially the last paragraph. I agree. Maybe "things are not always as deeply significant as we think they are." :) Loves to ya! April
from i-c-dumppl :
Happy deb! You've got to write all about it. Sometimes shallow and material things aren't that shallow at all, a change of haircolour could be very significant. To rid yourself of your old colour and get a new one, a multi-coloured head of hair, could possibly symbolise a new point in your life. Plus, hair is verrry important (this coming from the supreme red-headed poodle). Anyway, bells are the same as periods. We just call them bells because a fake bell rings over the intercom in the hallways and in every classroom to signal the end of class. One class per period. Four periods a day. Eight classes a year. My school does it a lot differently, too. And the Village... at first I couldn't help but think the plot was dreary... but I see now that, from all of the symbolism that was necessary for undertones, it would have to be that slow. It couldn't have progressed very quickly, or else it wouldn't have dropped enough clues for the twist at the end. Normally twists are equated with inept writers, because normally it's like they're drawn from thin air, that it's just not plausible. It went slowly because it had to fit in the box, and the year on the grave, and the story of the sister, and the whole "crime" thing had to be repeated over and over... and I think that the end was supposed to have more of a message for Americans about war. Something like ignorance isn't bliss, but more than that, harm is inflicted by keeping others in the dark, even out of love. It's definitely a movie people will be drawn about! I forgot what else I was gonna say... Oh, yeah, I'd only get married if I was absolutely sure it would last, and if it wouldn't, that I was stable. It'd be nice to have company and a shoulder, but it'd be nicer to do things on my own for awhile first!
from snoopy-9487 :
I thought I did this already but thanks for the birthday wishes. And don't worry about being late, it is no big deal. Anyhow, I will ignore my double negative in the above sentence but I have homework to do. Bye! - Kelly
from i-c-dumppl :
My mum saw legs regrow at a healing. The pastor was used by God to heal a car-crash victim... or something like that. Senior year. It's almost OVER! Ahh... no more school... after a year...
from i-c-dumppl :
Oh, do go see it! A lot of critics will be divided over it, I'm sure. It's... different. Especially when compared to other M. Night movies, which is probably half of the reason for all of the negative criticism. It does start out seemingly slow. Everything's happy and almost boring, and the things that do happen seem sorta silly until the end. Then the whole thing makes a lot more sense. And, yep! Meadows. Full of grazing kine. Most of the meadows used to be forests, though. There's a River Park close to my house, and it's so beautiful. It's close to the swamplands, too. Anyway... I forgot what else I was gonna say, so I'd better just go! YAY!
from i-c-dumppl :
And one thing that's for sure, the best way to be a feminist or anybody is to be the best gosh dern example of a human possible. To live by the highest morals and standards, and people will respect and emulate that. And of course you can find solace in shopping! Who can't? Well... I can't if I'm feeling bad about the way I look. Big mirrors on all sides and jeans that never fit. And then I feel... fat. That's why it's fun shopping for shirts, purses, and accesories! But not shoes, 'cuz I have huge feet. And I love meadows. There are big green ones where I live, but the kind of real meadow I want is a never-ending one in Ireland. I'm so going to move there some day, in a big and very secluded house near the shore... neat...
from i-c-dumppl :
Yeah, I see what you're saying, but what I'm saying is that girly-ness, wearing pretty things and acting cheerful, isn't necessarily dependence on men. You know me more than I know myself, and I'm as girly as they come. But I'm perfectly willing to take off the stiletto and gouge out a man's eyes if he treats me the wrong way. I think to flaunt men's clothing or a masculine attitude in a way is to undermine the feminine attitude, like girly-girls are too dependant on men so we have to get away from that. I think that combining the girly habits of feminism to weakness is sort of taking steps back in the field of feminism. What would be perfect is if one day pink skirts and pretty purses won't be aquainted with an interpretation of weakness, that women can be women without being classified as the weaker sex. I think what made women the weaker sex has never been the way we dress or take care of ourselves, but the way we act around men. In a really good relationship, a woman must be placed on a pedastal, but so must a man. I'm too headstrong, cautious, and dare I say it, selfish to put a man before myself (besides Jesus), so that's not going to happen anytime soon. But as far as equality goes, I think that female stereotypes will be best destroyed if the idea of vulnerability is no longer connected to a feminine form. ...I'm sounding really incoherent... basically, I think women should be women without being treated like women. And that would be true feminism. To abandon the true points of being a woman would be to abadon womanhood itself. These are some long notes! And thanks for the compliment! I hope my teacher likes it... I spent like two days just colouring it in with a ball-tipped pen.
from angelchick18 :
I mean, New-ish
from angelchick18 :
HI, I'M BAACK!!!! I haven't been on my Diary lately....I've actually been busy finishing up my mew-ish (3mnth old) Site! It's Check it out!!!
from i-c-dumppl :
Three languages, precisely. French is the only one I'm not self-teaching. I don't learn a whole lot of Gaelic and Chinese with all I have to do around the house and for school. I hope to fit some study in during the school year (when I'll actually have less work, now why does it happen like that?). But, why is it so wrong to be girly? We've already become very masculine, in the work force, in art, the way we dress... maybe the men should be less masculine and more feminine. Because dressing up in high heels and wearing dresses is far too fun to not be the way God made it, and if we feel unequal in the yin and yang of a relationship, maybe the male needs to soften his outlook instead of us hardening ours. Besides that, feminism is to create equality by celebrating the differences between men and women, not destroy them. Being girly doesn't necessarily mean being weak, it means having a love for being a woman. One can be very strong in mind and body without being masculine. It took me awhile to figure out that, by making ourselves be masculine, we're really defying the purposes of feminism, you know? We deserve the same rights as men, most definately, but we should be able to remain our own seperate selves if we wish, and still be regarded as equal. What bothers me the most is that women don't have the same rights as men, that just because we're feminine that automatically means that we're weaker. What really needs to be changed is that, to make people realise that femininity isn't weakness, it's beautiful in its strength. Or, that's just the way I see it. So, I wear pink and high-heels, but I still make sure my voice is heard. Or else. Haha! Anyway, expensive, psh? Who cares? Splurge! The deb only comes once. Well, I don't know how often the deb comes, because we don't have any debs here. Just prom. But a necklace is a necklace, and good necklaces are worth the cost.
from free2dream :
Before I go to sleep I make sure I clear my mind too. But like you, there are too many thoughts going inside of my head. It's unbelievable. Your manager seems to be a pain in the neck. I would hate working under those circumstances. It sucks when someone is always telling you what you're doing wrong. Goodness!
from free2dream :
That dream you had of giving me the Josh Groban autograph....why can't I ever have dreams like that?? Josh Groban along with Michael W. Smith is going to sing at my wedding. They are...I don't know how...but they will. God bless!!!!
from i-c-dumppl :
Cuisine! Yep, that's kitchen. And six, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six... sept, huit, neuf, dix. But German is a very pretty language, too. If my dad had it his way, I'd speak fluent German. He was the first person in his entire family to marry outside of the German race, my mum, who's Irish! I'm even learning Gaelic, but not German. Eh, they sound the same. I'm glad you liked the hairstyles! I love Bumble and Bumble. Weird hairstyles as a whole are just fun. And I don't know anyone who even thinks about popularity. I did have a few friends like that, one who nearly had a heartattack when she found out I knew a really popular girl well. I found out that those kinds of friends aren't the best friends for me, so I distance myself from them. A couple of days ago I saw that old friend of mine at the orthodonist while my brother was getting his braces. I didn't say a word to her. It's sad, but it, in the long run, is for the best. As your friends apparently know! As for the guy at the deb, if he's that popular and he's not being mean to you, then no, he can't possibly hate you.
from clairecav :
Oh yes, it's like entering Man Heaven. You'll LOVE it!
from i-c-dumppl :
Oh! I never realised I got a note! Did you like the hairstyles? They're a bit wacky. I think they're kinda cool and trendy... but wacky.
from i-c-dumppl :
If only I could speak German... I've got a French term for it, merde. We get in trouble if we say that, though. Which is precisely why we write it on the chalk boards anonymously before the teacher re-enters the room. *coughcough* I hate being the only girl to kill a spider. I hate spiders like every other girl, but for heaven's sake, it's not big enough to carry a full grown teenager off. Just step on it! It's over! AHHH! Sorry, tangent. But school days like that are memorable, at the least.
from snoopy-9487 :
Now it is nearing two AM! I think it is wild that is day where you are and night where I am. Tonight is cool with a slight breeze and clear sky. I think it is a 14 hour time differnence but I was never good with math. It is true that the bad outweighs the good but what can you do to try to find the good? Anyhow, I probably won't be falling asleep until I finish reading "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. Good book but not something I would read out of interest. It is for English this year. Ack! Anyhow, I'm about out of words and I will check out that hairsytle page that Amanda recommanded. Thanks for the heads up!
from snoopy-9487 :
Neato, I'm actually up within an hour of you updating! It is 1:37 AM right now and I should be sleeping but I'm not! So a bout with insomnia tonight or morning... anyhow, moving on. Sorry about your school being a sucky place based on your entry and I can't seem to find anything except a piece of advice. Look for the good, find the good. That probably has nothing to do with your entry but at least you get free advice today where you can do as you please with it. I remember once a bird flew into my US history class earlier last year since you mentioned the spider. This note seems kind of pointless, doesn't it? Sorry 'bout that but my brain seems drained this evening or morning. I don't know what time of day to call it-- morning or night? Anyhow, gotta get going. Bye! - Kelly
from evenstar101 :
Hi! Sorry it took me a while to reply! Anyway, yes, that race was so awesome. All of the swimming was in fact. Ian Thorpe is so awesome and, being red blooded American teenage girl, I LOVE Michael Phelps! :-) I just love everything about the Olympics. It's just amazing. What soprts do you like to watch when this is going on? I love tennis (obviously!:-), swimming, gymnastics and diving. Okie day, I gotta go. God bless! -Emily-
from i-c-dumppl : Their website is a little strange... but you can subdue the looks on there for some really cool hairstyles. Go to "Gallery", and click on updos, and then click on Elizabeth. That's a really pretty one. And , but you have to dig around in the Additional Hair Tips and Articles to find pretty updos. Plus, you could always look around in teen magazines for celebrity pictures like Vogue or InStyle (that's what I read here anyway, I dunno what's in Australia, Vogue is everywhere, though), or you could look up "hair at the Oscars" or something. Nicole Kidman always does something pretty with her hair!
from pippinsgirl :
Agh, I know what you mean. Just like you knew what I meant. :) It's so hard to even try to turn conversations toward a meaningful subject, and when you do, sometimes people just don't want to focus. Frustrating. Hang in there with the writing, though. Life can never become too boring if you're doing something you love--that kind of makes every day new. Writing is my first love, too, and I think God can take skills like that and use them through you. Thanks for the notes, they shed some light on my day. :)
from i-c-dumppl :
Well, Sweets, if you keep writing half as well as you do in your diary, not only will you find the outlet (sorry Kelly) to vent your feelings, but you will make money from it. Everybody is endowed with a gift from God, and those gifts given to us should be followed through on, no matter what others say, because those gifts will prove prosperous (whether it be spiritually or monetarily) in the end. And you get archery lessons in school? Jeez. I have to pay the archery shop to take lessons. The only exercise related things my school offers are gym and weight-lifting. And in gym we play volleyball and basketball. And that's about it. But, of course, I don't take gym anymore. But, luckily, my brother took some karate classes as a kid, and I picked up on it. Plus, I always carry a heavy purse (hardy har har)!
from snoopy-9487 :
I'm really bad at leaving notes. Can you tell? Anyhow, sorry? I think writing it a great outlit (did I spell that right?) to deal with what you're feeling. I can remember wanting to be a marine biologist at one time or another but now I think back ot how crazy it was because I have a fear of fish these days. But that is besides the point no matter how ridiculous it sounds though it is very true. Where was I? Ah, yes, writing. I think writing is a great way to deal, especially poetry. I hope things begin to get better for you, honestly I do. I'll be going now since it is probably really, really late where you are now. :) -Kelly
from i-c-dumppl :
If you weren't allergic to peanuts, I'd make you try peanut butter and jelly. It's what American kids grow up on! I prefer crunchy peanut butter, and strawberry jelly. It's the perfect lunch with a bag of potato chips (or "crisps" as the non peanut butter and jelly eaters might say) and a can of diet soda. We drink soda here like it's water, from what I hear, the British drink sodas on special occasions. I don't know what the Australians do, though. That's the reason Americans are so fat! My mum had a southern accent when she moved into a big city, and everybody visited her while she worked just to see the "cute Southern girl". So, on one hand I might get attention for it, but on the other, people might think it sounds uneducated. But if they treat me like I'm stupid, I'll just flash my Columbia Student Card at 'em and have a laugh! Oh, and YAY! I get to start archery lessons in September!
from dingin-it :
Yea, I'm gonna look into it more with the prices and what's involved and everything. How old are you? OMGosh.. I am such a perfectionist also. It really stinks sometimes because I just want to get something done, but if it's not perfect then I can't. And I can always find something wrong with it no matter what.
from i-c-dumppl :
Ahh... Junior Mints... I think everybody loves those! My personal favourite American candy are REese's Cups. My English neighbours hate them, though, because it's peanut butter inside of chocolate, and they say it's mixing confections with non-confections, thus it must be gross. Same reason they don't eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Crazy! I have a slight Southern accent. It's not George Bush's accent or anything, it's hardly noticeable. Basically because the part of Virginia I live in is right up next to the ocean, and close to the capital of the country, which divides North from South. So I'm not far down South, I'm almost in the middle. The further down you go, the more George Bush it sounds! But, for instance, I tend to say "wadder" instead of "water". Anyway, I'm sure you're a better pianist than you're giving yourself credit for, but all the hard work can only make you better!
from dingin-it :
No problem. If I find something that's going to get me started then I'll post about it. I hate having glasses. Contacts are a little better, but not much because they get all dried out and that really stinks like poo. Yea, I heard about how some people have gone a couple of times because it didn't work or something.. or maybe it can only fix them so many things or something like that. Has to be that second part because I've heard about people who have the really really bad eyes get it so they don't have the "bottle cap thick" glasses. I'm not sure though. Do you know of the prices or did you just read about people not being happy about it not making your eyes perfect?
from i-c-dumppl :
Elections are in November, but all the conventions are over the next few months. That means that all the pushing for votes is now. And the summer olympics is always during the election year, since both are every four years. That's why it seems like everybody 'round here likes the winter olympics more. I do actually prefer the winter sports, since I used to participate in some (though far from the Olympic level). Plus, there are a whole lot of Olympic summer games. I liked it back in the day when all there was was swimming and field events. I mean, soccer already has the World Cup, why the heck to soccer teams need to compete in the Olympics, too? Even the stands in Athens look half empty, though I bet to Australians they're half full! And I know what you mean about not wanting to cry when someone dies. I just really can't. I can feel like crying, I can make myself cry, but I can't just do it naturally over a death. I feel bad that my loved one is gone, but I feel good to know that they're a whole lot better off. I can't say that too much, though, since the closest deaths I've had recently, are the deaths of really close pets... Again, I hope your family pulls through alright.
from dingin-it :
You'd love my mom if you hate the steriotypes of women. You name it she does it. Except working on cars. She puts siding up, she spackles (sp?), she paints, she fixes things. Then there's me who tries for 10 minutes to open a bottle of some sort, then get frustrated and then hand/throw it at, usually my boyfriend, who's sitting next to me. Then he laughs at me and I'll hit him and say shut up... Back to my point of that.. At least I try unlike other girls who will ask a guy before they try. Ok, it's time for me to go to bed so I'll talk to you later.
from i-c-dumppl :
I swear to heaven, nobody was in the bathroom when it locked. I was in the living-room with my brother, a whole two rooms away, when I heard a slam and a wiggle of the doorknob. The window in there is always locked, too, so no one could have gotten out of it through there. The door had locked itself, and the lock was on the inside of the bathroom! And it was severly creepy. So that's why I love 91. It makes me brave enough to use the haunted bathroom, right next to the haunted kitchen. Which is strange, because our house is only fifteen or so years old... Anyway, the Olympics just aren't big here anymore. They usually are! Usually people are walking around in Olympics tee-shirts and hats and stuff. I don't get it!
from i-c-dumppl :
I love Pslam. 91 is my favourite, it makes me almost ashamed when I freak out because the bathroom door closes and locks on its own... from the inside. Which is impossible, but it happened. And just to knock out those female stereotypes, it was my mom, not my brother, who opened the door with a pick, and looked inside. And I was the first to actually enter it again, maybe two days later. Anyway! Enough digression for one day! I love your views on feminism. So true, so true! Usually I don't get too much, "You must be weak since you're a woman" because I'm usually bigger than my guy friends, height-wise, anyway! Which is great, because I haven't the ability to lift anything. I'm very physically inept. Anyway, ahh, it's good to read your entries. And it's strange to hear that people are actually watching the Olympics, 'cuz nobody here cares at all, I think it's because of the upcoming elections. I did see the Australian swim team though! Wow is all I can say.
from i-c-dumppl :
YAY! Sarah's back!I love camp with a strange passion... and what did you do without a bra, if yours caught on fire? Thanks for the nice comments, I 'preciate it. And Wuthering Heights is so... oddly beautiful. It's so almost macabre and cold but embracing. Anyway! I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. It's strange how you always seem to know when something like that is going to happen, you know? I hope everything goes well for your family.
from i-c-dumppl :
Oh, the park was fun! To be sure! Yep, the French graduate on year one, if they're lucky! They have to pass a Baccaleureat in highschool or they can't continue, if they fail they go on to a trade school and if they pass they get free college education. Socialism has its ups, but the downs as well, I guess! I find Wuthering Heights kind of... enthralling! For its time period, it's certainly... outrageous, I guess you could say. Just in the first three pages the main character basically said one man looked constipated as he talked to him, his face was so sour. Which just made me laugh, because I've never read anything like that from that long ago!
from clairecav :
Aww thankyou Hunny McBunny! On my around-the-world adventure I shall be coming to Aus-land so I'll look you up ;) Then you come on the rest of my adventure with me! Hurrah!
from i-c-dumppl :
Is year 12 your last year? How does that work out, because next year is my last year and that's year twelve... Now, wait. You've confused me. French schools go backwards in number, and... No, now, wait, I heard Keisha Castle Hughes explain it. She's really young, but in highschool. But now I forgot! Argh! Yep, it's summer. Summer break. Not much of a break, is it? I have to go to the school to turn it in. The next assignment should be a bit more fun, Wuthering Heights looks like a great book! Did you know that there's actual proof that you can judge a book by it's cover? The larger the author's name is on the front, the worse the book is. If it's larger than the title, you shouldn't read it! It's a proven fact! See, Emily Bronte is considerably smaller than Wuthering Heights on the cover, so I think it'll be grand! Oh, and I had a question that's been clouding my mind for awhile, and I just had to ask, since your Christmas is during summer, do you still listen to the song "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas"? Or "Frosty the Snowman"? And what does Santa look like, if he's not wearing a heavy coat and boots? Just wondering!
from i-c-dumppl :
ACK! And I forgot. I reckon Joaquin Pheonix is the next big thing... or at least I hope so! I like that he's not artifical looking, and real in his acting. It feels nice to watch someone like that, ya know?
from i-c-dumppl :
What a busy schedule! And you want to make a movie? Can it be about anything in Australian history, or just WWI? That's a pretty sweet deal, because even if you don't win, you've made your own film, and you've shown it to people that have some importance! (I just show them to my friends... not that they're not important) I say go for it, it's a win/win situation! And Colin Firth was great as Mr. Darcy... I don't remember much of the story anymore, though. I'd have to re-watch it or read it to remember! I'm so busy with all these books for English, I have a six page essay to write today, due tomorrow. I couldn't even finish the books on time with all of the cleaning I owe my mum (my house is in quite a state of disarray, to say the least!)... Yikes! Good luck with Beethoven and all that work, and getting the money you deserve!
from i-c-dumppl :
Nah, you probably could have read it. I didn't clearly give the ending, only the meaning I derived from it, and how I guessed it. Which is probably too much for you anyway, because you're brilliant, and you'll figure out the end from even my most subtle clues (it's not too much for you because you wouldn't be able to handle it, quite the opposite!)! It is a very, very good movie, though. A lot of people in the theatre hated it, but... I wasn't one of them! I'm glad you understand where I was going with the whole fan thing, though. It's just that... I'm nearly 18 years old, and instead of doing things for myself, or thinking about my own ideas, I'm dwelling on other people's. And the movie will be great, I hope, for a first stab at terror! I think I want to start filming in the early winter or mid to late fall. That way I can get a feel for filming with my stuffed animals before-hand (finally, a use for my Beanie Babies!). And if filming your stuffed animals isn't professional, I don't know what is!
from lady---arwen :
Yay! I'm so excited to be able to pry into your personal life again! Ha, sorry, I couldn't think of a fun way to say that. Anyway, I was flipping through some older entries. I definitely had Polly Pockets coming out of my ears as a child, but the really little ones of yesteryear, not these almost life-size ones today. And what's this about an exchange program? Do explain! (Well, actually, you probably did explain it already, but I just haven't read that far back yet.) Thanks for the encouragement in my guestbook, by the way! Oh, and feel free to unshake your fist at me in your profile :) Well, I've got some catching up to do! Luv ya!
from i-c-dumppl :
Good luck on the sleep thing. And who doesn't admire Naomi Watts? She's so talented. And Christina Ricci was kinda ripped off for her role, but at least Charlize got enough recognition (a globe and an oscar? wow)!
from free2dream :
Naomi Watts?? Is she dating that Heath guy?? Is he from Australia too? I'm so confused! Last week I was supposed to watch Chocolat but I didn't and I really wanna see it so bad!!
from lady---arwen :
I cry every night because I cannot for the life of me remember the username / password from iamchristian. :( Sorry I took so long to request, but I didn't know how long you were keeping this diary. I miss you!!! Please email me ([email protected]) the name/pwd or sign one of my three million guestbooks!! I might even let you visit with Frodo for a day after I marry him.. :) Ha, I hope I never outgrow this obsession. Anyway, I have an entry to write. Later!
from i-c-dumppl :
Goodness! I didn't even know I knew those words until I thought about it one day! I even forgot some, like pillbox instead of mailbox, or lorry instead of truck, or even WC or toilets instead of bathrooms. We euphemise everything here. To call a public bathroom a "toilet" would cause gasps, even if there are no baths!
from free2dream :
I love everything about Josh Groban and everything about the way he sings. It's like magic or something...:)
from under-shadow :
A distant connection to the marvellous Depp, but it's still a connection, so yaaaaaaay! Anyways- you must do that! Freeing all the women etc. And congrats on ze job- I'm getting my first pay cheque next friday so woot! I'm buying this framed photo of jack and will for 20 quid, which is sorta costly but meh. And shrek 2 is brilliant! You must see it. Also- I noticed people were mentioning Polly Pocket. I used to have them! I had this pink heart-shaped make-up one which I loved. Although it was actually my sisters... but who cares :P
from clairecav :
Aww, thankya monkey! Everyone's entitled to their own opinion I guess. And that reviewer is... 24, or something. *Shrugs* Probably can't relate to whatever goes on in my world. I wonder if anyone can....hmm.
from i-c-dumppl :
from clairecav :
Thanks for the words of wisdom! I was actuallt very pleased with myself for not freaking out about the whole thing. I do tend to freak out a LOT. Oh, and congrats on the money making schemes! What you're doing takes a lot of determination and willpower. It's really cool that you're making your own cash for your trip. Loads of teens (me included) don't have that determination to do things for ourselves. Go you!
from evenstar101 :
Hi! Thanks for your note. The concert was awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Honestly it was one of the best concerts I have even been to. Though it would have been better if all of my JG buddies here could have gone with me! Well, take care and SPREAD THE JOSH! :-) -Em
from i-c-dumppl :
I love thinking that a movie that great will always be good. There are some movies I see that are good for a moment, but this is one of those movies that'll be new to me every time I see it.
from i-c-dumppl :
You sound like a busy girl! Go you! I loved Polly Pockets... they were so cool... Now Polly doesn't even fit in a pocket, let alone her house and her friends! She's like an oompa-loompa Barbie instead of the good ol' Polly that we all knew and loved. *sigh* Oooh, Eternal Sunshine was so good, it made me shiver!
from leggierox :
Hey! I used to have Polly Pockets too! :D Only a few though, and I think they've been given away to a charity shop, so I don't have them anymore. How are you otherwise?
from i-c-dumppl :
Like I said, take your time. I'd best read your entry! I had a party and shopping and stuff to go to and... aahhh!
from free2dream :
A dream book...sounds interesting!! Yeah, my wardrobe sucks too. That's why I hate watching rich kids on TV with their MILLION pairs of shoes and just about everything else. It pretty much sucks. But, when my mom finally gets out of college (August of this year) and becomes a doctor...I'm taking FULL ADVANTAGE of it. :)
from i-c-dumppl :
That's okay! I'm fine with waiting! Take your time, it'll give me some time to add neater things in!
from under-shadow :
Hi Sarah :) Yeah, I know your name, because I see you on so many of my friend's diaries, that it's hard to miss you! Anyways, I thought I'd finally come and visit you, because I'm intrigued... well not really, but I know you love LOTR so I obviously HAD to come and see you! Me loves it too :) But to the point of this- could you give me the password so I could see into your wonderous-sounding diary pwease? Thanks anyways, love Jess x
from i-c-dumppl :
GOOD NEWS! I've figured out a way around the whole html problem I've been having... it'll take longer to load, but I should have it done by tomorrow. Hopefully. I had to change the entire image, but now I'll just have to add two textboxes! YAY!
from i-c-dumppl :
Technically, Johnny Depp isn't married. I think that if he and Vanessa Paradis had gotten married, it wouldn't have lasted, to be honest. She's a brilliant singer, though, to be sure (at least out of all of the French music I've heard). Yeah... I really can't wait for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's great, because that way it's not a remake, and there's no competition between the two, so Tim Burton and Johnny Depp can just have at it!
from clairecav :
Good daydreams you have.... very good. Vanessa Paridis is non-existant in mine though... don't need her complicating matters!
from i-c-dumppl :
Oh, gosh, free2dream has no idea. Macaulay Culkin is far from cute in the Good Son. Very far from it. Anyway, I told my brother that I posted his baby picture, and he freaked out. And hit me. I can take it... snivvle...
from free2dream :
I think there's a movie coming on TV called The Good Son starring Macaulay Culkin ...and Elijah Wood...when they were YOUNG!! And they look TOO adorable! :) I better not miss it!! It seems interesting...and they're just so darn CUTE!
from snoopy-9487 :
Life sounds crazy right now! 0_o I hope everything turns alright. Oh and I wanted to say Big Fish is a great movie. I cried. Really... I cried for the last thiry minutes of the movie. My parents laughed but I cried. It is such a good movie. Ah. I can't think of anything else... um, yeah. Toodles!
from pippinsgirl :
Yeah, I think flyers would work well. Or if you know anyone in a family with kids, just tell them that you can babysit for them if they want. Or try to coax the parents into leaving their kids for you to look after for a day or two...hehe
from pippinsgirl :
You could try baby-sitting to raise money...Personally I've never done it myself (I have a fear of diapers) but my friends are always raking in money for it. So yes. Good luck, I hope you can get enough money to go! Praying about it always helps too, of course.. :)
from i-c-dumppl :
I guess it's a good thing that the novel wasn't a joke! I'm glad I was serious! I could see you as one of those young writers... some people make quite a bit of money off it. Oh, Cirque is so amazing, it always makes me cry. Which is strange because normally I don't like circuses or clowns, but I love Cirque De Soleil. It's funny, because once my brother called it Cirque Du Lait, which, in French, means Circus of Milk. Anyway, good luck with the stories, then!
from i-c-dumppl :
That's the only thing keeping me from going to France. Well... I made twenty bucks playing my cello at that party, but I declined the money because they gave me food. I know some kids who made a quartet and charge people to listen, they rake in the dough. Uhh... you could wash cars or mow lawns with some friends and have some fun with that. Oh, but wait, it's cold there. You could write a novel! Doesn't the exchange program sometimes have scholarships or something? I think I read that someplace...
from snoopy-9487 :
Rasie money huh? Well I think your on to something with selling a CD player and some old CDs. Why not sell other old stuff that you don't need at a garage sale? Or you could trying doing odd jobs for people or your idea of selling chocolates or other sorts of foods. Either way, perhaps I helped. And best of luck to getting that money. :) Bye, Sarah!
from i-c-dumppl :
Oh, yeah, and good for you, standing up to your friends. You sound like the best friend everyone should have, and the best friend everyone takes forgranted. Those are the kind of people that take from you and will only return kindness if it makes them look good. I have to go get ready for a party. *sigh* I have to play my cello, and I don't know that I'm up to it. Ovell, I promised! Toodles!
from i-c-dumppl :
And Aragorn couldn't even kill the witchking on Weathertop, but I think that part of the reason Eowyn survived was because she was cold in heart and someone who wasn't would have died... or something like that. Whatever the case, she did what no man could!
from free2dream :
Even though you have some amazing friends, that sucks knowing that they never show up to meet anywhere. Smile. Be happy. That's all I can think of to say at the moment. It's 8am...I'm tired. Bye! :)
from i-c-dumppl :
I just love Eowyn because she kicked major boot-AY. Who couldn't look up to that? I think the entirety of Tolkien's thoughts of women were embodied in the line "I am no man" because listen to it, just savour the sound of those words! Yes, world, women can do even better than men! WOOHOO!
from free2dream :
I am so happy you're back!!! Yay!! And yes...sometimes computers can just SUCK.
from i-c-dumppl :
The only thing about Tolkein's female characters is that all of them are faulted where they are the strongest. Some of his male elfs are completely flawless, but Galadriel seems almost manipulative. Eowyn was especially cold and unloving, like she didn't love Aragorn but for the fact that he was a king... all until Faramir, that is. But, hey, I don't blame Galadriel, we should all take a page from her book, and Eowyn is super cool, and the anti-male-dependency written into her (if only because she's cold) is awesome!
from i-c-dumppl :
I may as well be in school with the amount of work I'm still doing! I've got half of a Hardy book left to read and forty essays to write by the eighth of July to be promptly turned into school. And the English teacher for next year is scheduling meetings at the library that we all have to attend. Woopee. Nah, summer here is, well, pointless. I'm glad you have a break, though, to enjoy the lovely cold weather! I'll gladly switch with you! And calling Orli a prick is a risk I'm willing to take, haha!
from hobbitchick4 :
Oh, and one more thing.... I hope you have a blast in Germany!! I would love to be able to go there someday. I'm kinda jealous that you're going. LOL. Ooohhh... and when you have time, could u visit my xanga diary, and let me know what u think of the layout. I saw it and fell in love with it!
from hobbitchick4 :
Heya Sarah! Thank you sooo much for your wonderful note! :) It made me think, because I'm guilty of also moping around thinking that if I really had talent someone would have discovered it already. But that's not true. There are hundreds of insanely talented undiscovered people out there, some probably thinking the same thing. I just realized that! Gosh, I'm slow. Haha. Thanks again! You really are great. :)
from leggierox :
Hey! I'm still in shock. And I keep on randomly yelling JAMES BROWN! at people, like we were doing repeatedly throught his supporting performance. And my air guitar impressions have become more frequent. And a lot worse. Like any possible time a Chili song comes on radio or TV or anywhere really :D Oh umm hard copy of diary...well that didn't really go very well. I tried making it available offline, and then copying that folder to a CD but it still keeps on asking to connect to the internet, to look at the online pages...I think the only was is to pay for gold membership. Then there's always the copy and paste option :/ Lol. Sorry can't help you there. I've just given up. tc Lianne

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