messages to gopheroo:
(click here to add new message):

from coppersky :
I wish my neighbours were that nice.
from chaosdaily :
hey if you come back, please let me know. i miss you!
from prolifique :
I left you a MySpace comment, but I don't know if you get notifications for that. Therefore: Happy Birthday! (Again.)
from forty-plus :
Eeeek! They better be two females!
from chaosdaily :
hey, where ya been? hope everythings ok....
from prolifique :
Ooh, goody! One more convert and I get that toaster oven. ;-) Press shift-ctrl-C to bring up the cheat window, then type "kaching" for 1,000 Simoleans, or "motherlode" for 50,000. You can also find other cheats at and a basic game guide at HAVE FUN!
from prolifique :
Resistance is futile...muahahahahaaa! ;)
from chaosdaily :
send me your pogo name and they will mail one to the email address on your account!
from chaosdaily :
im on pogo a lot these days, i can give you a weeks pass if you want one! look me up... drkchclvr
from chaosdaily :
denim is good for both! my son liked to "show off" on ultrasounds too..
from simplify :
Hi there. I use the recipe from the box of Quaker oats. I omit the raisins and nuts and add one cup of sweetened, shredded coconut and one cup of dried, sweetned cranberries. I hope you enjoy them!
from forty-plus :
Minnie has forgiven me, although she played it for all it was worth! Such a smart girl, she is.
from forty-plus :
Happy New Year!
from forty-plus :
Thanks for the nice note. I think it's amazing you remember my loss including Jax's name. Our fur/feather/scale babies do touch our hearts, don't they? I'm glad the Rottie made your sadness go away with the sweet kiss! :D Sure wish you'd update more often!
from forty-plus :
Happy Mother's Day!
from forty-plus :
Remember the first week of the food log is just baseline information. After the first week, review it to determine where your strengths and weaknesses lie. And then go on! I hope you are following along on Join up so we can all support each other!
from inkdragon :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites. I'll be back later to read all about you!
from billys-girl :
HI!!! i saw you on a survay!! fave is pippin too!!!! YAY!!!! e-mail me!!!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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