messages to gothchyld:
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from whystinger :
I noticed an entry and read. You are talking about your Muslim fiancee. I have a few Muslim acquaintances (not many). I can attest to the hatred many have for Muslims and they often blame them for the radical Muslims. Some day I will read the Koran to understand it better, but go with your gut and stay away from the haters. While I remained in the Christian faith, being raised Catholic and going to a Methodist church after marriage, I was worried about how they would react. Their reaction floored me. They were glad that I was worshipping God somewhere. Now the public's difference between Catholics and other Christian groups isn't as large and misunderstood as the difference between Christian and Muslim. I have some Christian friends who feel we should all live our faith, yet they express hatred for Muslims without much knowledge of Muslims. That is sad and wrong.
from whystinger :
"the allure of rising to be a manager becomes less and less attractive to me..." - because you have your own freelance business and you are your own manager/entrepreneur. That makes perfect sense.
from k7flyer :
weezer (omg) is so cool. i havent heard all their songs yet either, but my fav. es Beverly Hills ( 1 of the coolest songs ever!)

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