messages to guiltyspark:
(click here to add new message):

from barbie07 :
what do u mean,not JUSTINxCore material? I never said I was. LOL, anyways let me know what you meant.. I just think Justin is a sexy peice of ass!!!
from roomfie :
from germfree :
i like summer too. much fun.
from tanked :
max, you need to get the gun for the badassmofo ring. forserious.
from tanked :
hey, if someone is going to make fun of me on your board, at least tell them to be original. the whole "topless hoe" thing... i am not a gardening tool.
from jekylandhyde :
you have neat taste, perticualy music..
from emoandcandy :
happy valentines day dead boy.
from tanked :
how cute. you and that girl e-flirting.
from emoandcandy :
nah man. im jesus you cant do that or ill... scratch you behind the ear till your lips fall off? i dont know.
from emoandcandy :
oh man thats pretty hot. i shot you, oh man wait till i tell the boys i shot you. oh man they are gonna FLIP! where are the boys?
from emoandcandy :
tag your it. and if i shoot you, uh.. you cant tag back so. i shot you.
from emoandcandy :
yeah mahng. your layout is yummy too. yeah.... *fantasy* oOoo, uhm yeah gotsta go. (x-t) tag back.
from tanked :
emoMAXwith the black hair.
from tanked :
you still said it. DIE DIE! actually dont die. cause then we cant talk about you singing too much.
from tanked :
dude, do you want me to beat up susie? ♥ lets commiserate together.
from tanked :
haha bitch.
from guiltyspark :

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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