messages to hatehaven:
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from lievout :
How do you see who's looking at your diary?
from tool-nin-fan :
That image on your template is fucking cool.
from coolcows :
Hi. I was looking around last night being bored and I found your diary. I don't know I guess it kind of intrigued by it.
from tool-nin-fan :
you should get one of those imood mood displays for your page.
from tool-nin-fan :
lol tmi
from symbiosis :
Hehe, yes, my fiance is a GM, good guess! (Well, that .50 cal comment kinda gave it away huh?) I'm glad you approve though, I certainly approved, I played with guns long before I met Sam, so when someone else knew what I was talking about at the range, it was a plus! I'd be too afraid of Electricity though, I don't even touch cars in the winter since I'm a sissy about getting shocked! :-p And as long as we enjoy our Navy relationships then HOOYAH!!
from symbiosis :
Hey, thanks for the note, and it's good to know that I've got some fellow navy-goers out there. I've glimpsed at your diary a few times via Rebekah's, and I'm glad you guys have got a good relationship, it's so rare that you hear about the good navy relationships - it seems to always be cheat cheat cheat divorce divorce cheat with a little financial neglect thrown in. Always cherish each never know when they'll throw in an 11 month cruise. Did I ever learn that the hard way. Thanks again for being supportive, it really means a lot when I feel like blowing somebody's head off with a .50cal ^_^
from glitterhands :
i was just looking at the notes and trying to figure out why the hell i posted that twice. lol
from glitterhands :
yea, you're right, i don't really want to go to florida.. but holy shit, it wont stop snowing here. people are going to have to go sledding for their graduation parties.
from glitterhands :
yea, you're right, i don't really want to go to florida.. but holy shit, it wont stop snowing here. people are going to have to go sledding for their graduation parties.
from glitterhands :
you like good music. i like you. *hug*
from sonjabegonia :
Hey, you seem pretty awesome, what are you doing with a diaryland account? haha. leave me a message sometime. -fellow stephen King, NIN, tool, clockwork orange, the shining, silence of the lambs, american history x, and anne rice fan.

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