messages to intriguant:
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from metafouric :
2/02/05: the date, again.... and never before have i read something so very true at this exact moment in time. so. . . . where do we go from here?
from c-ker :
Whoa! Stuck btw stories -- that's powerful.
from c-ker :
Re: Elevator Neighbor Oh! I love it. Weird people often have something else to contribute to society (besides the normalcy we expect). I am eager to hear about more of your encounters with this guy. I actually agree with him and can relate to his mode of trying to get at you. He is very insightful about your potential. I think his intrigue (no pun intended) with you made it difficult to find an avenue to discover more of your world. Personally - when I am drawn to a person for what may seem a strange reason (or no reason at all) it usually indicates to me that I may have something to learn from them. Dont fret! You may have something to learn from this guy as well. Keep writing :)
from metafouric :
10/04/04 - look at the date.... pure genius, i say, pure genius.
from metafouric :
8/10/04 - VIVA LA ZEY ZO FI!!!! that was the greatest tribute EVERRRR.... it really captured the moment without giving too many hot lines away ;)
from take-two :
what a wonderful story! thanks so much for sharing.
from take-two :
I just wanted you to know that the part about your man sending you flowers, "because you are so beautiful" made me as happy as I've been all day! And both of you are right, you DO deserve 'em!
from theghostgirl :
Just a note to totally agree with your recent political post. Particularly about Wal-Mart, and the rainforests.
from metafouric :
yo, u are my A#1 ok? & don't u 4get it! KEEP WRITING!!!! no matter how drunk, high, tired or twisted- 'tis why....

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