messages to jabari:
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from orgami :
con sideratin obliteratin Face bore already let Myspaze faze out neopoet crashed wiping out four years of intensity like skylab it screamed out in a whimper was I a good poet? four years of work gone to the great digital coma so pass me another Soma and drive on driver It dont mean no mind... wont de late face bop and I think I like D Land a de ja vue evertime Im here and when my Entries get sucked in the void of "That title already exists" I just know there are monkeys writing the great millenium novel Coma Daze I want to call a complilation dedicated to the electronic wasteland where all lost poems flow
from strawberrri :
hugh is cuter!!
from strawberrri :
oh i'm not fazed by ely guy and was over it all within a matter of days (lust wears off far quicker than love i've discovered!). think the pics look slightly gothy cos i took 'em with my cheap webcam.
from strawberrri :
aw...just went to have a snoop at your diary and you're not writing anymore! i wish you luck in your non-diary life and adventures :)
from strawberrri :
thought it might be! i have found most d-landers to be decent folk though :)
from strawberrri :
:o ?
from lardybutt- :
thanks for your sweet note! but hey,i figure it's good to have goals, even if they're slightly neurotic in nature. heh.
from strawberrri :
hey :) glad you enjoyed my pics.
from orgami :
jabari sometimes we walk in the shadow because that is the narrowness of our divide keep questioning what you keep close if life is a ragged coat it gives a sense of shelter lets those around who may observe that at least dignity and sanity have not been cast aside and then social fear may be bridged somewhat long ago my life was a messed up maze eating out of dumpsters foodbanks doing the routine people laughing kids taunting picking beer bottles along a three miles stretch of highway for smokes and coffee to keep the hunger settled you have your hope still it shines in your writing the impossible craziness will be sorted it happened to me it can happen to anyone ..O..
from jabari :
it's me

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