messages to jamiestar:
(click here to add new message):
from jenistar2 : |
jamie! should you ever check in here, I wanted to say that I'm moving--new url is Hope you'll follow along! |
from molzo : |
I run a diaryring/community. I'd love it if you write for us! |
from jamieg187 : |
that thing about your sister and her best friend made me all misty eyed. So sweet. |
from jamieg187 : |
you can probably find the murderer's phone number in your dialed calls log since she called him once. That is if you really want to call him back. I would though if the calls keep coming in. |
from sweets73 : |
lmao! love your diary!! and the jaq's their great! |
from kittyleopard : |
Kick ass diary, yo!! You rock my socks!! Karma and Kudos to you! |
from cutie1083 : |
Happy Holidays! |
from nmnohr : |
I followed the link from Mimi's diary to your diary, and I'm so mad I didn't find it sooner. You are a riot. Hope you don't mind if I come and visit again. |
from curiosity-r : |
Youve been invited to get reviewed at Curiosity-Reviews all you have to do is go to the website and follow the instructions!! |
from mollyx : |
The weeping willow firework? When it didn't go up high enough? The same thing happened in Cocoa Beach...THREE TIMES. The embers were falling right on the beach and people were fucking cheering, man. When I came home, I actually looked up the Brevard County newspaper online to see if anyone had died. Apparently, no one did. |
from raversweetie : |
i'm on a mac now. and your page is so not right on it. :( like..the 12% beer button and such is RIGHT in the middle of the entry. and the picture in the corner covers half the directional links. its really quite sad. b/c i'm always missing the first paragraph of your entries. stupid mac. >:| |
from cuppajoe : |
You! Nicest Man Ever? Aw, shucks, you're gonna force me to say nice stuff about you, too. But I'll fight the urge to be nice, dammit! DAMMIT! Seriously, thanks. Joey. |
from thecritic : |
Sleep-stripping! That's fantastic. |
from saint-louise : |
See, now...if I had fallen through the rabbit hole, I would have only made it to my hips, and then I would have stuck there. And I wouldn't have lost any shoes that way. Which is a plus. Except then everyone would see exactly how wide my hips are. Bastards. |
from saint-louise : |
Dude. I just emptied my junk mail folder in my email, and I realized just as I was clicking "delete" that your email about snorkeling was not junk mail. I'm an idiot. What can I say? |
from saint-louise : |
I'm more concerned with actually being in a place that has water enough to allow me to learn to snorkel. Once I get that in place, I expect you to teach me. Oh, yes. |
from saint-louise : |
I'd like to request that I get invited to your next party. Because, damn. Just...damn. |
from marn : |
YOU MUST SHARE THE SQUIRREL PICTURE. YOU MUST. Like Joe, I almost hurt something I was laughing so hard. |
from quazymike : |
it's always an amazing sight to see the floor so close to your head...but things get ugly when you notice your head is floating in a floor-sea of drool. "no skinny dipping in lake slobber!" |
from citigrrrl : |
Sweetie: This weekend I came across an innocent card with a kitty on the front, and when I opened it, it was a cheerful note from my mom, who died last year...yet I was plunged into a depression, and it was only *good* things she'd said about me...but, all I could think about is how I could never ask her opinion on things anymore, how I could never again call her and tell her about some unusual thing that happened to me...and I just cried. I can't touch that card right now. Do you understand? Someday I might be able to open it again. But you just do what you can handle at the time I suppose, and take it easy on your fragile self. I just wanted to let you know I understand...and I send my love. |
from rlc : |
Hi, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about your mom. I understand what you're going through, I went through a similar situation a few years back. It's hard and it sucks - big time. But, whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. I think you will find that you possess strength and character that you never even knew you had, as you try to cope and help out your family. Things get easier as time passes, but it'll always be hard. Good luck, my heart is with you. |
from daisylane : |
Hi! Thanks for appreciating my titles! I apologize for not writing earlier. I absolutely love your diary. I always feel happy to be alive and female after reading it. It's empowering inspiring and FUN! |
from kestral : |
Excellent entry on your sleep disorders! As usual you cracked me up! |
from snidegrrl : |
yet another note from me: i was just thinking this morning about how i avoid the gyncologist because there's a history of fibroid tumors in my family and i don't want to dig up any if they're lurking there. you're not the only big baby out there, don't worry. |
from snidegrrl : |
hiya! i just wanted to let you know that your review/assessment of the Harry Potter movie was SPOT ON. That is exactly how I felt about it. I took my mom to see it and I couldn't help but beg her to read the books after we left. Thank you for putting my thougts into words. :) |
from ann-frank : |
glitter, glitter everywhere! You make even the littlest things interesting. And re: your quote about the Sprint guy? I've gotta crush on him, too. I'm not ashamed, but I'm not quite proud, ya know? |
from fadein : |
very funny fruit possibilities. although, i think that if you decided to do the supermarket thing with the cut up fruit, rather than scream "oh, the humanity" you'd have to scream "oh, the FRUITANITY." |
from kellyk : |
I miss the other half of my brain. Have you seen it lately? |
from cuppajoe : |
Wow! you already have notes! you all cool and crap. Joey. |
from fuboowuzzle : |
Merry christmas.. happy holidays.. whatever... |
from apatheticq : |
you make me smile like tickle me elmo. |
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