messages to janene:
(click here to add new message):

from zencelt :
Hey there! I just found your diary through youdunome. I loved your last entry. I took a belly dance class too, and found a new appreciation for all my more wobbly parts. Enjoy!
from youdunnome :
my god, i'm so jealous... i want to go, too - anywhere...
from bobrules :
Aww...thanks, Janene. I like you too.
from erlenweg6 :
Hi Janene...sorry about the locked diary. e-mail me at [email protected] for the code. thanks! :-)
from captainron :
I was all excited that you were back, but then I see you really aren't. I hope life is treating you well.
from oldhippie :
damn, i can't get my password to work again... little help, maybe, if ya don't mind?
from ohmybidness :
Well, its seems that youve gone and locked your diary.. and for good reason too... So people like me cant read it! But, if your feeling generous.. or generic.. or gorophobic.. send me a pass would ya? Thanks, V
from oldhippie :
it appears you're locked now. were you to deem me worthy, i'd love to have a password! if not, of course, i understand. *smile*
from comment-anon :
I know exactly what youre feeling. It's weird because while youre thinking about them constantly, you still forget that theyre not around to share the little things with.
from lostplatypus :
Love your new doggy! What a cutie patootie. "Crate-training" is a great way to housebreak your new baby. It REALLY works and you won't have brown-colored, ivory carpet. Good luck and congrats on your new addition!
from kstyle :
hi- at first glance, your diary looks pretty cool, gonna check it out a little deeper tomorrow. would you like to join my jerri blank diaryring-gotta show our support for the amazing sedaris siblings...take care, michael
from intehface :
Office Space = best movie ever
from swordfern :
Hey... I started reading you after noticing the link from argylesock's list... Just saying "Hi!"
from be-zen :
Hey thanks for adding me as a favourite. I am currently going back and reading some older entries, and you are one cool chicka! I love the defensiveness on 'V-Day' and the fact that yes oh yes, you have seen Jack Johnson. Deary me, what I would give.
from un-amorous :
Hi, My diary was down for a bit, but it is back up again if you want to check the latest entries. Un-amorous
from i-just-hope :
you have great taste in music.
from givenocredit :
some of the "good" memories hurt just as much as the "bad" ones. everyone that has lived is both good and bad, if we forget one, then we'd lose half of what we remembered of them. and forgetting hurts more.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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