messages to jaspeh:
(click here to add new message):

from eviljensie :
i like boats . . . when they're pulled over mountains . . . *eats a shoe*
from lil-troll :
hi. I was lookin for people who live in Quantico. I found you. You sound cool. I like boys. Hee. How old are you? Highschool? Older? Younger? Hey, just lookin to find new people.
from rocker-angel :
uh.. i was searching for people that live on quantico and came across your diary.. i was wondering if you were in high school or past that.. so yah, drop me a line and whatnot.
from nikatron :
hullo! i hope you don't abandon your diary. i just found it tonight and i love your style. and i only have boy(s) on the brain because my future is doomed and i'd rather worry about the opposite sex than why i'm doing nothing with my life. :) :) :).
from eatshit :
hi, I saw you had listed my 'diary' as one of your 'favorite' 'diaries' and I was amused by your comment, which is 'found her/it by random', cuz like I'm a guy, but so then I reread all of my shit twice, once recontextualizing it as a female, then as an it. the whole endeavor was very entertaining, so erm thanks. yes. -fish

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