messages to juana:
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from sophiafc :
hey :). thanks for the note! i'm actually learning about this in my second language acquisition class, and our prof. refers to native language as the language you spoke first, and my mom said i spoke spanish first, though i don't remember...
from emmalola :
I was wondering where you were. missing you! but I understand how life chapters work, and sometimes one has to close the book to start on the next one. -lola
from persephonee :
thank you. for both.
from janest :
Oh no! I am sorry I missed you online today (I tried a new AIM thing, and I evidently don't know how to turn it off when I leave) and I am also sorry I always miss all of your wonderful events being out east and all. Bleh.
from persephonee :
or i could just send you some more (and this time try not to eat 3/4 of the bag myself? hee hee.) they're called egozi bars -
from persephonee :
good thing you said that, hotmail almost snuck it past me. thank you for that bono moment! hee! and for the wishes, and for everything.
from notsoanotso :
i almost had a kleenex moment when i read your last entry :).
from rubytrax :
Oh lady. DB really is a wonder to behold. I saw him a while back when Iman was expecting, and he gestured to her in the VIP section and she stood up and you could see them teary-eyed looking at each other with so much love that for a moment I fell over. Also, could he be any more awesome in concert? I don't think so. My brother credits the magic of Teleprompters, but I think he needs to stop being so jaded.
from persephonee :
oooooh! what an awful excuse for a human being. i'm glad the superdad was on patrol, though.
from persephonee :
brava! brava! that's my girl - always the way with words. also: your bangs ARE cute!!
from curltwirler :
Thanks for the note of encouragement. You have has some experience with dad problems as well, right? Any advice you can offer on the subject is much appreciated.
from emmalola :
have you tried a "triptan" for your migraines? I've had very good results with imitrex and zomig, and there are a few others that work really well in most people. there is no reason for you to suffer with just exedrine when there are better options out there!
from persephonee :
also, did you miss one of my entries last night? no obligation, of course, just a heads up.
from persephonee :
oh, i know! i read yours wrong at first. it was, you know, 3 am. :) then i realized that these are all either-or categories, so if you take them one by one, i am the same or the exact opposite of EVERYONE. heh. so this makes you... my less-evil twin? ;D
from persephonee :
we're about to bring ours to the taxman tomorrow; i shudder to think. i'm hoping your grandfather heals.
from persephonee :
ohhhh! that makes me glow with happiness. i can only imagine what it's doing for you.
from fairlywell :
Awww, thanks! I just realized that I had accidentally passworded the truly cute one (complete with siblings!) but it's fixed now if you want to take a look.
from janest :
Or, you know, you could "carry everything" and call and have everything be great and awesome, confirming the goodness. Either way. ;)
from janest :
I don't believe in much, but I do believe he'll let you know. Soon. And if he doesn't, all it says about you is that you saw better in him than he did himself, that for whatever reason, he's willing to get something he considers great go. You can't carry everything on your shoulders, lady.
from rubytrax :
I'm right there with ya on Pete Townshend, baby.
from persephonee :
phew! i was just about to get REALLY whiny.
from janest :
Hard flippin' core, baby. All the way.

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