messages to kabes:
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from greschya :
YAAAAAAAAAY! COngratulations!
from greschya :
Of ALL the people to have this happen to, a healthy, fit, vegetarian, smart coookie like yourself will probably be fine. Plus, folic acid is found in the good leafy greens, which I imagine as a veg you eat anyway.... AND, if you do take vitamins, it's in there too; prenatals just have 2x as much. Vitamin supplements are good for everyone, but more aimed at people who don't eat as healthy as you do. Your general living habits (from what I know as random internet reader-friend) have you pretty well covered. Hell, Dave was born to a 41 year old alcoholic chainsmoker whose diet consists of anything white, and he is healthy as a horse -- no vision problems, high metabolism (working to gain weight right now), and zero chronic health issues. I know, though, that I will probably worry about every little thing and I KNOW I'm trying.... the scan will help put you at ease, though, I'm sure!
from iefinch :
3 questions: If you could have any superpower what would it be? Working hard or hardly working? Toilet paper coming from the top of the roll, or from underneath?
from greschya :
Bravest thing you've ever done? Favorite book form childhood? Money is no object, where do you travel to first?
from i-roboctopus :
I almost made chocolate covered pretzels to you. I think my response to your MIL would have been, "Okay, i can just take the gift back since you don't like. Sorry you're not getting anything." Exept I probably wouldn't have had the guts to say it! Yuck! Why do MILs have to suck?
from greschya :
Ha! We just mailed the last of ours (thank you notes) today. AND we found a stack of announcements that never got sent, for some reason. Oh, the USPS must survive on credit card offers and weddings alone these days.
from i-roboctopus :
Happy birthday you!
from anamlabodis :
Hey, just stumbled in here randomly. I've enjoyed reading your, uh, 'adventures' in wedding planning! Mine was 2 years ago, today. :) I hope yours is beautiful and stress-free. Nice to meet you!
from junior-sweet :
thanks kabes - nice to get support from another NYC person. i'm definitely gearing up for a digsmeet, how about you? (i know they just had one, but i hadn't moved here yet!)
from rhubelerosko :
thanks. for the entry and for the note.
from miscreant444 :
I noticed you like Damien Jurado...he's my favorite. OF ALL TIME :). I started a diaryring for him, you should join!
from jenne1017 :
where in NY are you now? Happy Random Guestbook Signing Week!

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