messages to kaezrin:
(click here to add new message):

from babyarief :
i've been reading ur blog since sooooo's a must surf page everyday..y the password??? i miss reading ur easy goin' blog
from natinski :
Just a minor glitch there. Both of us know that we can't possibly just lock or walk away from our diaries that we treasure so much.
from natinski :
Elin Darling, your baby is gorgeous! Take care. *mwahs*
from karika :
hey u dont no me but i just found ur diary and i thought id leave u a note sayin hi...feel free to look at my diary since i looked at urs, hope u write back, peace
from nerryna :
helo..i like reading about the baby and all. sweet. =) good luck!
from jujutch :
hi! been reading ur blog for quite sometimes already.. actually u r the on who triggered me to have my own space in this world of diaryland. hope everything goes well for u.. selamat berpuasa mom to be!
from xyad :
cik kak elin. hehe. nak tau kan, i love your blog more lepas dah keluar singlehood ni..maybe i ought to think of getting married kalau camni ek? anyway, kita tulis kat notes ni sebab tak suka gbook html gear. and btw, bila nak tambah tagboard? ME LOVE TAGBOARD!!! heh. ok2 assalamualaikum
from kynb- :
Hi ehm, the author of Harry potter is J.K Rowling, not J.R Rowling Just thought id tell you =)
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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