messages to kandinado:
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from aberrations :
I reread this message. We fell apart completely. This country needs a change.
from leebozeebo :
It looks as though you've abandoned your post here for quite some time, but I have to ask this anyway: "funny, but"? Your comment about me makes me question everything I thought I once knew. But what? BUT WHAT? I'm a failure and I don't even know why!
from lavidaloca-2 :
Your turn, I'm not askin', I'm tellin you, it's your turn to be happy. Hope you feel better soon.
from lavidaloca-2 :
wooah! it's so cool to see someone who also reads fanfiction, yay you soo made my day. By the way writing is geeky and whatevers but its a damn good excercise of you writing skills specially if your getting an *ahem* english degree and all, so go ahead and write it! I'll beta if you want, though I stopped watching Buffy their last WB year, what can I say the only reason I would ever watch stupid, pedantic, minstrelsy-like, UPN is to see Voyage *which is dead* or WWF. Erm, anyway good luck with the fic if you do write it. Wow, being a mom is soo hard, you totally have my admiration because I so woulda slapped the kid silly if the principal met me at the door.
from lavidaloca-2 :
I'm sorry to hear your having such a tough time, I really do hope things get better. Dont worry about not being able to write right now, I know just how that feels, write when you can and want to not because you feel you have to. Hopefully things will get better.
from lavidaloca-2 :
Thank you for finally adressing the issue of making fun of people who aren't intelligent. This totally gets on my nerves as some people are born this way, have learning disabilities, or just have never had the chance to learn and develop. How can you make fun of someone who may seem slow to you? They might indeed be specially smart like Aspenger Syndrome people. Well, I'm sorry if I got carried away, but truly this entry fired me up, you are so right some stuff just doesnt make sense.
from misstress :
How often is doing the right thing truly altruistic? We always get something out of it, otherwise people would stop doing anything for others. Even if your nieces and nephew gained nothing (or very little) you set an amazing example for your children. One they won't soon forget. It's good to know there are people like you out there. (oh and I totally agree about the thongs. I wrote an entry on that myself a while back)
from misstress :
So where do I go to recommend you for sainthood? :)
from seekingme :
Hang in'll get better.
from aberrations :
sending you math hugs . . .
from misstress :
Wow. Thank you for your most thoughtful note. It's honestly the best piece of advice I've received. Thank you again.
from seekingme :
Don't worry you're not the only one you actually LIKES to analyze things and look past face value! I say rock on sista! lol
from lavidaloca-2 :
I dont know if the punctuation is correct since my grammar sucks you know what. But still that was one awesome un-remorseful apology letter. Don't be so hard on yourself your trying your best, trust me you wouldn't get your license revoked or nothing like that.
from lavidaloca-2 :
wow, he drooled in class? and danced and barked.. now I know this isn't helpful in anyway but I find that so hilarious and desperately want to give the kid mad propz. Good luck dealing with it though. My best wishes since theres not much I can do. Aw dont worry bout the test hon, maybe you did better than you think?..*crosses fingers*
from aberrations :
but school is so much more fun when you put things off until the last minute. I've been there, hey, what am I talking about, I am there. I have been puttering around and you would think I have nothing academic to do at all. At all.
from jessnichole :
oi! haha.. melted carpet.. didn't I mention earlier that I melted carpet as well.. or was that just a garbage can I melte.. that was freaky when I started reading it though! haha.. but don't worry... my mom says to tell you thats the easy stuff. Today my brother ran away from home, and was heading to west cali... we're in Minnesota! Luckily, him and his girlfriend chickened out and stayed in town... but he's stolen over 300 dollars, she cleared out her parents bank account, and he was gonna steal my car but chickened out. He's 14! she's 15... ugh. And whats worse is that most of the money is gone.. luckily I got the money back that he took from my purse. it was only $10. But we don't knwo where the other stuff is... what we do know is that they were prepared in some sense... found a roll of condomns in his backpack, and a pregnancy test! it's like geez! :) so yea... horror stories! The candle will seem like nothing in a few years is what my mom was saying I think. haha. :)
from jessnichole :
Happy birthday! :) My dad is almost 40... he'll be 40 in december. :) And to make you feel better.. thats not old at all. Not even middle aged. in my opinion, middle aged is 60. haha. So you still got a while before that. :) And like the person before said... age aint nothing but a number... which seems to control everything in your life.. but you know! :) Hope you had a great one. :)
from misstress :
Happy Birthday! In my opinion, chronological age means nothing but a number. But what the hell do I know? I'm 22. :)
from seekingme :
Just recently found your journal and I love the hell out of it. You make me smile. Sorry you're have some rough times lately, but I think with your sense of humor you'll make it through just fine!
from jessnichole :
Oh! haha... well then. :) Yea.. for mine, I'm supposed to take trazadone, but I haven't had to lately because I just fall alseep really quick at night most of the time. I stopped taking that. I stopped takin my meds awhile ago and I had to start up.. it really sucked. I take Ritalin and Concerta... doctors are amazed when I say I take both for some reason! haha. And with the side affects... I'm no doctor.. but theres always the option of trying something else to see if it works. I've been on like, 20 different medications.. I was diagnosed in the 4th grade. I'm in 11th now. :) I've been seeing a shrink since I was 4. UGH! haha.. saw one yesterday. What shrink says "Icky feeling" And "really pissed off" in a mouse voice in the same sentence? haha... I really don't like her. ANYWAYS! I just throught I'd reply. I really like your diary, btw. :) Well, I must go.. I'm at school. TTYL! buhbye!
from jessnichole :
You're son sounds like me! :) I'm a semi-insomniac, I like to leave my room during that period of time... I've set fire to things. Like a garbage can full of dryer lint int he basement. And candles that then dripped on the carpet, melting it. And I'm only 16! haha. Mine was tied with my stupid mental problems though.. depression and ADD. I haven't been reading your diary for long.. but have you had that checked out? It might not be obvious or anything... most people would not figure that I have ADD. I'm very mild and docile and all that crappity crap. But my mind tends to wander and I can't clear my mind at night, thus being awake till all hours of the morning. I've taken some meds to help me sleep.. so maybe ya. :) You could get that checked out. :) Just.. ya. haha. TTYL! buhbye!
from lavidaloca-2 :
ouchie! I too had the humiliation of having to do "group" math, apparently these pathetic pseudo instructors believe they can get the students to do the work for them
from persimmmon :
oh honey, keep raising your kids just the way you already are. social skills are overrated, and people who play this big game the standard way are downright dull.
from lavidaloca-2 :
Characters in books feel as real to me as people I meet in person. (That's WEIRD, you don't have to tell Me.)<br> That's not weird at all!!! I totally feel like that, furthermore I too dont have any social skills...perhaps the only advice I can give you is to encourage the kids to participate in activities at school, specially ones they like, like science club or card game club etc. This way they meet people with similar tastes and slowly and more easily start to interact with people. Dont worry too much about it though, from what I've seen having very social parents doesn't help in point, moi. Then again your a mother, worrying is like a synonim for mother. Good Luck. If that bitch isn't answering emails and your not sure about what work to turn in maybe you should drop it.
from lavidaloca-2 :
So..ehm is it appropiate to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Ew domain and slope, have there ever been uglier words spoken? Your teacher is neglecting very important responsibilities, is there some higher power you could contact? when I took ap online classes if anything was wrong we always had the mentor/person in charge of the program we could turn to, is there someone like that? Its a great thing that your happy though, I'm glad you are definetly a strong woman to go through so much and still come out on top.
from lavidaloca-2 :
those proffesors can be real a-holes. perhaps you can photocopy the text from a buddy? that way you can get the background information to read also. and happppy biiirthday to youuu! ..well to your daughter. but hey you did the hard part! so congrats to you to.
from persimmmon :
ooh, i LOVE confrontation, never have enough opportunities for it. i wish i had been with you for your mcnightmare.
from lavidaloca-2 :
I knew the font'd be hard to read. I was gonna change it again today anyway. I'm thinking gray on black font is better anyway...Sorry about the Underworld, but any movie is a good movie right now...I'd email, really I would, but I have a virus right now, or something. So emailing isn't really an option. You dont mind do you?
from misstress :
I live in Quebec and we think the drivers in Ontario are the worst. Maybe it's an "O" thing?
from lavidaloca-2 :
I'm pretty sure letting them win is bad, but I think your supposed to talk to them about "good winning and not being a sore loser", meh who wants to be the evil lecturing parent though? Oh man, the second matrix stank, dont take the kids...waaaay too much sexin' not enough fighting 'least for my tastes. ah, I'm sorry to hear about your virginity lose, your right not to want to share it online though something that private and obviously painful can't be real easy to write about, let alone share with strangers. Hmm good luck with Underworld, I have to agree it looks cheesey, but lotsa fun. Happy Friday.
from lavidaloca-2 :
wee! I'm glad you liked it..YAY all hail the magic champion!
from lavidaloca-2 :
Oh man, stupid bill collectors, they are just evil and mean and wont go away. sigh, I feel for you but your right no money no can do. Heh magic cards rock I like the art, but noone would ever teach me to play. sigh. good luck. and thanks for the note back it made me smile.
from leebozeebo :
I must tell you, Kandi, that girls don't dance alone in Texas. It is imperative that you know this. For there will come a day when we invent a time machine that will ONLY travel back to the year 1987, at the exact time and place of your dancing embarrassment. The well-being of the entire world depends on you being able to tango with cowboys on that day. You have been warned.
from lavidaloca-2 :
dude i so agree with you "willing to spend money on anything that has the remotest possiblitity of distracting you from the knowledge that you are ALONE!? " i came in through the banner bytheway.
from andonlyif :
your banner is right smoking is nice.
from misstress :
Not to negate your anguish over buying the tests, but where they worth it at all? I've been toying with purchasing one myself.
from caspia :
Your anguish over the difference between the Two Towers the book, and the movie is understandable. But at the same time, the 1st one was even more inncorrect, and of course there is only so much one can tell in 3 hours. It is good to assert the differences, but take it with a grain of salt....heck, if I were you I'd change your template's picture to the correct phrase, but either way, it's still funny.
from aberrations :
sorry to post here - all my mail to you is being returned? You should check out geocities for free website, they have cool templates too.
from persimmmon :
whew, i finally had 5 minutes to myself to actually READ your diary- and i like it a lot. i'll keep reading.
from aberrations : I I smell gas? :)
from persimmmon :
thanks for the note, i still read mercedes lackey too, got hooked with the vanyel books and kept reading ever since. but, don't tell.
from trancejen :
OK, your banner fucking rocks.
from aberrations :
OK, I want to see a story about vacation Bible school some time in the near future. Along the lines of "Lice" and "Kindergarten". You have a way with words and subtle humor.
from misstress :
I know! It's the double standard reversing itself! As if it somehow makes it better that women who were oppressed, are now oppressing.
from misstress :
I was going to comment on that too, but I got far too riled up about the women in my life. What I also found amusing was that this woman wrote this article thinking it was all empowering, but...argh! Anyway, read this book "The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men". It says it all.
from missused :
I liked your banner and so I clicked on it. I liked your layout even more despite the fact it's "shall not" rather then "cannot" pass. Cool anyway.
from aberrations :
OH - This is so you! I couldn't have designed anything better!
from aberrations :
I claim full responsibility and blame for your dive into the waters of on-line blogs. (LOL) Summers are for reading and vampires and kids who go to wizard schools, and pretzel sticks, and red licorice and . . .

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