messages to kittyslave:
(click here to add new message):

from dharmabumgrl :
Kittyslave, you still around? How the heck are you girl? dbg
from movieboy : - how would I react to WHAT? i am beyond curious...can I read yourdiary please??
from slapmeharder :
just wanted to see how you were doing.
from thatmarygirl :
i really dig your diary, i'm cleaning my faves list up a bit and getting rid of locked ones, although i'd love to keep reading. totally your call. either way, keep on keepin' on. [email protected]
from anticrew :
dear jenn, it's been over 80 days since your last entry and it's not from a lack of begging you to come back. i was thinking that next time you feel the urge to get your drunk and call melissa, you should head to the airport and come to canada instead. i think it's a fantastic idea because i have a big bed and an even bigger heart. when you come back to diaryland, please let me know. le sigh, rhonda
from lildebkitty :
:( i miss reading you....why cant i see your diary anymore???
from junkromance :
hey there, I guess you've heard from my 40 yr old gay ninja stalker. Do yourself a favor kitty and erase me from your notes, and make sure you don't talk to him becuase then he'll assume that you are his friend and then he'll never stop. Oh ya, and what the hell ... you locked your diary. What's up with that?
from rickybigstar :
"So I just pace back and forth thinking aloud to myself, like a madman with an erection... And I was thinking � I wonder what she thinks or how she feels about me? What if I�m just wasting my time thinking about this girl because, I�m not attractive enough for her, or I drink too much for her tastes? I curse too often or, maybe I�m just too quiet? What if I have an odor about me that I�m not aware of, or I walk with a limp because, sometimes I�m not quite sure of myself? What if there is a stain on my shirt from everything that I�ve been through in my life, and only other people can see it? What if I laugh at her jokes too loudly or, I look at her too often when I think she�s not looking? What if she spots a weakness in my fa�ade that I thought I had covered? And it turns out that, she saw right through my plastic guise and wasn�t interested."...Junkromance's written words from an excerpt in his diary. The "Diary of a Madman".
from slapmeharder :
email me your # and I can send you text messages at crazy hours of the day and night? heh. xxxx
from fakerlady :
hi jenn penn email me your # i have sbc flat rate long distance.
from fakerlady :
when did you email me? here's my address: [email protected]. look in your guestbook, dork!!!i'm in reno. day 5, baby. my kitty ran away. it is sad times.
from thatmarygirl :
so few people know how exhausting a hard day of drinking is! you sound like such a good time girl. keep on keeping on! :)
from keryanna :
Oh well, I've been known to be wrong. I like to think of it as one of my most endearing qualities.
from keryanna :
It has been my experience in life that the more someone protests about something - the more they actually want it. I'm not saying that this guy is the "right" guy -but maybe you do want a relationship somewhere in your subconscious. You know, someone to respect you and care for you and want you for more than sex. Love you for you. Again, this is just personal experience speaking here (nothing I know as fact) but sometimes the things that inspire the most hate or anger usually stem from fear. They are things we are afraid of. And maybe it's not that you don't want a relationship - but you're afraid of one. And the hurt that might come with the rejection of or failure to maintain that relationship. I think all of us - somewhere deep down - we all want to be loved.
from anticrew :
you got some? you lucky bitch!
from billyprior :
I have seen the UK and some of the US version of queer as folk so maybe i am qualified to say the UK version is better! Ok ok so maybe you just fall in love with what you knew first...I have to say though that our Nathan is much better looking than your Justin. You got Brian though - that's always gonna be a winner! I am only signing notes cos the guestbook timed out and my message didn't appear so I tried again and it told me I can't sign again that soon!
from anticrew :
i just read liesl's notes it true you HAFTA pee after sex? i never heard of this before. why do you HAFTA do it?
from habitualgirl :
me again...just have to say that your entry about people being "good" and not meaning to do mean things is exactly what I'm dealing with right keep being just a couple of days ahead of me!
from keryanna :
You're welcome. Anytime :)
from habitualgirl :
hey...I haven't gotten there yet, but it's really amazing that you've made this decision. Keep realizing that your decision makes the people around them look at themselves and their decisions/choices/problems and most people don't want to do that and/or are threatened. Just grin and know that deep inside they are jealous of your strength..Pity them. Oh, and that cab driver was sent specifically for you, obviously. One other thing, you know how scared you were a couple of weeks ago? Well, I was about 5 days behind you, in the same situation, and reading your stuff really helped. Thanks...Take care...
from jerrbear :
it's yer long distance ventriloquist act. and I am yer dummy.
from soursaurus :
why feel bad about making a healthy decision to not be in a relationship tht may or may not drive you nuts right now...versus grasping onto some idea to make yourself "happy". it's unfourtunate that more women don't think like you. right?
from junkromance :
What bars or clubs do you like to hang out in this town. I go to Putters so much not because it's my favorite but because it's so close.
from junkromance :
Yakima is this s***hole in the middle of washington right outside of hell. It's where the bad people go when they die.
from junkromance :
From philly, to yakima, to portland.
from junkromance :
Hawthorne, you live really close. If I owned artillery I could shell your house from here.
from junkromance :
I go to Putters alot because I live so close to it. I also frequent Virginia Cafe, which is my second favorite. What about you. Where are you? I'm in Woodstock.
from junkromance :
September 05, 1973 And yet somehow I feel I shouldn't of told you that. I think that now there will be strange analys's And the stars will be questioned. OK, now it's your turn.
from junkromance :
what's your birthday?
from soursaurus :
hooray. hooray. (in response to todays entry) hooray.
from junkromance :
I put some more junk in my stuff just for you but because I'm not very smart I can't get the junk in the right order. I can't even get my contact info to work. Anyways, hello
from soursaurus :
southpaw..i've always wanted to live somewhere called southpaw. and don't cuddle with peoples boyfriends. it's not as great as it sounds. kinda. well in's not as great...hell do whatever you want darlin'.
from artfisher :
sorry about the typos but this commodore 64 sucks ass and the keys are all sticky.
from artfisher :
i dont know whats up wit dat, but hopefully life will go on after the tragic incident of improper journal dating. oh yeah i am no longer an ass kicker, and i am over her jut sa about it. weird world huh.
from artfisher :
from refluence :
OH MY GOD! Leave him a note. Seriously. And do the check box thing, it works. Every. Time.
from xpaperdoll :
i hate pretending. tho i'm a pretty good lier. but sometimes some things are better left unsaid & i'll blurt it out & regret it.
from cheapshit :
ummmm i love my cat..
from neko-carre :
Welcome to the Cancerians diaryring. :)
from lizziepants :
why, what's your take on the dream?
from lizziepants :
i know what shitty jobs are all about. i answer phones and take orders for concert tickets all day. by night i serve espresso to little shit kids who don't know how to tip. customer service is so fun...
from pdx :
congratulations. for as much as it may ache, it sounds like you've gotten yourself to a place of understanding.
from dharmabumgrl :
My Dear Kittyslave.. GOD DAMNED if I haven't been in your shoes!.. Trying to seduce a boy who has no idea how great it would be to let you. XOXOXO.. with hot boy gotta go.... xoxoxo I'm drunk too....
from dharmabumgrl :
Kittyslave.. Thank you for leaving a note! I'm glad that there is someone out there who understands ;) though if you are going through what I am going through (meaning the roller coaster) I am sorry, I wouldnt' wish it on anyone.. So Portland huh? I liked it there.. Thought I might move there one day, still might but I'm really diggin San Francisco at the moment.. ~xo~

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