messages to kittytastic:
(click here to add new message):

from fag-got :
haa! your just as bad as me.. with all this password stuff.. only im not passworded any more.. instead i've moved.. BEAT THAT FOR DRAMA!
from ceildah :
hey hope you are okay kitty. Whats with the locking - c'mon my diary-reading-over-coffee routine is not the same without visiting your page. have a good weekend, merci!
from lastyeargirl :
Yes, what gives? Hope everything's okay... xx
from unhappyboy :
what's with all the locking and unlocking!
from tom-seb-jak :
we can have a DANCE OFF with google and force it to give back OUR kirsten dunst layout.. as kirsten dunst is hottt and because we can dance, like we have never danced before.. im not convinced with these "brown pants" however.. they sound heinous.
from ceildah :
Everything is good....just changing my template AGAIN. Im determined to be the 'Madonna' of diaryland - continually changing guises. ciao bella x
from dollymixchaz :
Thank you sooooo much. For everything. For the 18 letters and for the fab book (I guess this is the one like Luce gave you). I can't tell you how much I appreciate all this. You are a very special friend. A million thanks. Am going to write lists like crazy!! Damn good therapy chickadee. Thaks xxxxxxxxxxx
from buck88 :
trisha shud only be witnessed once every six months, anymore than that and you fall into the trisha loop. x
from ceildah :
could I be cheekier ask for it as well? [email protected]
from lastyeargirl :
Can I be cheeky and ask for a password? [email protected]... I hope things are okay... xx
from snailpetal :
Tuto ciuso? (I think that's badly spelled Italian for all closed...) Come back soon...
from girlsdontcry :
Locked again - hope that things are OK. xx
from ceildah :
Hope it was a good one:) It doesn't stand for anything I just ran my right hand over the keys not realising that HJK would show up that way. Any idea how I change it!?
from kitty-vogue :
The diary is unlocked chica. I had to make a few changes before someone who I gave the website address to while drunk logged on!
from kittyleopard :
Your diary makes me giggle, and it rocks my socks. Karma. Nice layout too. ;) Kookookachoo.

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