messages to kjizel:
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from elliorange :
Wow. You listen to Duncan Sheik! I think that's friggin' awesome! I like him. I stumbled across your diary, and I think I'm going to stick around for a bit and keep reading you as the days pass on by! I like the way you write! *Hugs!*
from someguyssuck :
Hey! Haha. I'm SO glad to hear that a GUY likes our diary, and actually put us on your profile. ROCL ON. We need all the support we can get. Guys are tough to understand. And tell all your guy friends that we give good advice. lol. Later! Good luck with everything! P.S: I TOTALLY looked at Otterbein and almost applied. Rock on. Have fun!
from veggiedog :
no fucking way. westerville ohio? this is a long shot, but do you know the weber family (jennifer, patrick & adam are the 'kids'). i grew up with them, before they moved to westerville around 1987 or '88.
from muffindisco :
*Waves hello* Your bit about the girls and the Paco and the shoulder crying made me laugh because it is oh so true.
from feio :
Oh man, that's awesome! I really like the streets. It's rare that I find someone outside of my circle of friends that does. :)
from shaima :
havent heard from ya in awhile..blah. i miss you..~:(. *shaima*
from lucy3113 :
Hey I'm glad you noticed that we have a lot in common, though I wish I was as good in physics as you sound. Haha, I feel like you sympathize with me, or at least think a lot alike. I had a job this summer, doing some computer work, and they treated me like the office bitch, so hearing you complain about work justifies me doing it all summer! Plus, the few of us that actually can do calculus and like it have to stick together..IM me some time if you're bored (lucy3113), I have a feeling we have a lot in common to bitch about!
from dataguy :
please, tell me why pi exists. no one else could explain the number.
from shaima :
add mobYshaipunK to your buddy list!! i got AIM!! ::muah:: *shaima*
from mercedes-boy :
Opps broke the chain of shimai letters lol...I miss you :( Drew
from shaima :
kellen... dont feel lonely kay? have you ever listened to yourself? the answer to your question,"are all guys blockheads?": no. i dont think so. you changed my opinion. ~:). don't feel lonely. M is dumb if shes not talking to you because you like her. or liked her. whatever. girls are dumb. if you ask me? girls are the real blockheads. and i'm a girl!! and that says something!! ::muah&hugz:: *shaima* ps to ppl reading this - KELLEN RoX!!! ~;)!
from shaima :
wboy, still no e-mailz from u..~:(. stupid msn right?? ~:). how are you? everything oke? leave me a note..or sign my gbook..or tagboard..whatever..::hugz:: *shaima*
from shaima :
why? what happened? KELLEN!!! *shaima*
from shaima :
my e-mail isn't working-but this question is burning a whole in my mind- WHAT.ABOUT.MAMIE.?? ::veryconfused:: *shaima*
from girl101 :
modest mouse said that, not me. [flattered non-the-less, thank/you.] x-o.
from shaima :
i know i know..i leave WAY 2 many notes here..~:) aneewayz..poor kaykay..haha your new name!..oke oke no your still wboy..but god..MSN and OC this time?..sorrie dude...~:( anywayz..just read your entry. Kelly? with KELLY?? alriggghtie..laterzz..~:) *shaima*
from shaima :
john mayer!!! yay!!! go wonderboy!!! (:~*shaima*~:)
from kjizel :
::smiling:: shaima always makes me smile...
from shaima :
people suck. YOU don't. so smile~::hugz:: *shaima*
from shaima :
good luck on your job~:) e-mail me anytime, even if its just to rant and rave-lol.. [email protected] or [email protected] being alone isnt fun. i know..~ *shaima* ps- my tagboard is being wack..
from mercedes-boy :
I won't I won't!! *smiles* I'm glad you think that I a,m good the way I am..Sometimes I'm not sure. Peace out. Drew
from shaima :
hey~:) thankz for leaving me that really sweet SAT note..hehe, that was cool, made me smile. and then think about how i think WAY too much, just about everything..and you know what? you're right.i really should just r-e-l-a-x. hehe.. anyways, about your don't need to see a shrink. and i also think that you're alot smarter than you give yourself credit for. like, your relationship thing with M, and how you've realized what everything really was about. and yea, people are so...cruel. they play with our hearts, and then leave us in the dust, wondering what happened, and how we could have changed it. well i also think everything happens for a reason. and i think that you will find your princess when the right time comes. i know that doesnt help when you want her right..NoW..but its just going to be all the worthwhile, when you're with someone, and you stop-and realize : "this is her. i found her". and then everything else will become clear. and this only happens to good guys. and trust me-you're a good guy.~:) *shaima*
from mercedes-boy :
Thanks..I like poetry and all...Saw your comment about me!! You really think that!....Thats cool!!...well Anyway Call me Drew..After is my name
from mercedes-boy :
Hey Im Obsi's friend..You got it hard man..Thank god I'm only 14..with M I thinking I should tell you a bit of wisdom....Guys will never have brains big enough to understand girls....We are to busy trying to increase the size of our egos.... Hopefully your friend!! mercedes-boy
from shaima :
you'll find someone. your cool. and dont worry, these thoughts wont last forever. not helping am i? ^v^v^ anyways..Kelly does not deserve someone like you. there. *shaima*
from obsi :
Ello, I got your note...we do sound kinda similar eh? oooh....I want to go to Oxford as well! I visited a few months ago, its lovely. Now I have to pick a college...bleh. Nice to here from you ^_^
from saintwolf :
hey dude, read your random babblings and you sound pretty kewl ;) write me back if you wanna

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