messages to krazywithak:
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from fujikopez :
Just read your diary (the survey entry) and I thought it was cool. I think my parents are fuckers, too. But other than that, I'm pretty normal. Or whatever :) Best wishes for you and Sheri. -Fujiko
from lambrini :
justin timberlake indeed. ur totally right about that. only coz of publicity to do with the britney thing. god damn get some decent stuff to the mainstream....
from goovie :
congratulations to you and shari!
from kneestabber :
Die. For fun, as always.
from goovie :
ah, so you're shari's red-headed boy. :) i always picture you guys as being, hands-down, the world's cutest couple. thanks for linking to me!
from moonpetal27 :
The audience would like more information, mister!

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